Murder arrest after woman is found dead in Little Shelford
A 40 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder in Little Shelford.
The arrest comes after a woman was found dead at 9 Beech Close, Little Shelford on November 21.
Cambridgeshire police say they made the discovery after responding to concerns about a woman's welfare in Little Shelford.
Her death is being treated as unexplained.
At the inquest on Dec 19 2024, the woman was named as Alice Victoria Woodward, aged 30.
A forensic post mortem was carried out on Monday November 28.
Police say more tests are needed and it could be up to nine months before the results are known.
The man was helping police with their inquiries. He is now on bail.
Updated Dec 20
Little Shelford Cricket Club update
The season is long since over but we are looking forward to the 2025 season and have already started to prepare. The cricket square on the Wale has been treated and Winter nets organised. As a reminder our 1st XI finished comfortably mid-table in the Senior League III which they were newly promoted to. While our 2nd XI, who found themselves unexpectedly promoted at the start of the season, also held their own after a faltering start and also finished solidly mid-table. While our Junior teams performed well in their leagues including one cup final for the U14 XI. We hope to achieve the same level next season and with a fair wind might even finish in better positions.
Winter Nets
Our winter nets get into full swing in the New Year and play an important part in making sure our players are fit and ready for the New Season. Seniors Nets will start on Monday 6th January and run every Monday until 14th April and will be at Fenners in Cambridge while Junior Nets will be 10 to
11am on Saturdays at Hills Road and Sunday 10 to 11 am at Cambridge Regional College. If you would like to come along and join Senior Nets then please contact Chris Schofield (Club Captain) for more information on if you would like to come along to Junior Nets then please contact Jamie Harrison one of our Junior Coaches.
LSCC Annual General Meeting – 2nd February 3pm – The Wale Pavilion
The LSCC AGM will be on Sunday 2nd February at 3pm at the Pavilion on the Wale Recreation Ground. All players, supporters, parents, sponsors, committee members and Vice-Presidents are welcome. Our Vice-Presidents are keen supporters of LSCC and want to see the club continue to thrive. We would welcome more VP’s to join us and if you are interested in becoming a VP please contact me.
Do remember you can view all our matches, results and player statistics, including friendlies and Junior Section games on our ECB Play-Cricket web site: and you can also follow us on Twitter @LShelsCricket.
David JH Jones , Chairman, Little Shelford Cricket Club 01223 847213
Posted Jan 3 2025
Navigator to reopen shortly with a new name
The old Navigator pub is expected to re-open shortly as soon as a pub manager can be appointed - with a new name.
The popular village pub will operate as a bar once it reopens until a full kitchen refurbishment has been completed, the owner is looking forward to offering quality food later in 2025.
The pub is to be re-named ‘The Side Quest’ when it re-opens.
The pub closed its doors on March 2 2024.
Refurbishment work has been taking place since the sale was completed in the summer.
*There is a chance to get a sneak preview of the changes at the pub in Carols in the pub on December 8th. The carols start formerly at 7pm but the doors will be open from 6pm for mulled wine and mince pies.
Posted November 26 2024
2025 Shelford twinning trip
Why not come to Verneuil in 2025?
The dates for the visits have now been set:
Shelford to Verneuil : May 24th-27th 2025
Verneuil to Shelford : July 5th- 8th 2025
Everyone is welcome.(Singles, couples, family groups)
It is an opportunity to get to know our twinned village, situated just north of Paris and its lovely people.
An enriching experience for the whole family.
It is not necessary to speak French, but fun to try!
It is not a requirement to host if you have been on the visit; neither do you need to have gone to Verneuil in order to have guests to stay.
Adults £130 Teens (13-18) £100 Children(up to 12) £50*
*We are able to offer this competitive price for the children thanks to the very generous support of Great Shelford Parish Council.
If you are interested in the trip, please contact Sarah Haddow ( or Colin Jefferson (
Please note : Participation in the visit involves becoming a member of the Association, in accordance with our charter. (£10 single membership/£15 family). This is easy to organise.
Posted Nov 22 2024
Shelford Scouts need new leaders
1st Shelfords and Stapleford Scouts Group is looking for leaders.
They are looking for new leaders for all of the sections in the local Scout Group (Beavers, Cubs or Scouts). Scouting depends on their volunteers to deliver the program for their young people and every volunteer makes a real difference.
I am sure you are thinking that “I have got enough going on already”, so I thought I would just share with you my experience of taking on the role as a Scout Leader some years ago when my children were coming through the group.
Despite having no real experience in crowd control, limited fire lighting experience and no knowledge of knots I have to say it has been a hugely positive experience.
More importantly however it has also been a huge privilege seeing a number of young people grow up and develop from being incapable to competent, whether that be from struggling to open the door to being able to navigate on a hike has been hugely rewarding.
I think many people would be surprised as to what they can contribute to Scouting and also how they can benefit from Scouting themselves.
We have 3 sections: Beavers (6-8yrs), Cubs (8-10.5 yrs) and Scouts (10.5-14 yrs) and we are looking for help in all three sections. Don’t worry if you don’t have the skills - that was where I started. We can help with training and support.
All the leaders I have worked with over the years have been busy people. Many people are juggling multiple things but those are usually the people who make a difference. So, if you are one of those people or know one of those people please get in touch.
Contact: Charles Crawley on 07765965821 or
Posted Sept 24 2024
Good Neighbours: Village Tea Parties
Make new friends? Chat to neighbours? Recently retired? These friendly tea parties, held on the second Wednesday of each month, welcome newcomers to Little Shelford as well as regular attendees.
Do come along and enjoy home-made cakes and sandwiches, tea and coffee. £1.50 per person. In the winter months (November to February) we will be in the Memorial Hall (Church Street) and in the summer back in the Pavilion (on the Wale recreation ground).
Future dates 2024-25
In the Pavilion: 11 September, 9 October
In the Memorial Hall: 13 November, 11 December, 15 January (to avoid Pantomime week), 12 February, 12 March
If you would like a lift, please contact Judy Boothroyd (843313) or Christine Ruffles (844243).
Posted Aug 30 2024
Festival of Cricket 14 September 2024
Little Shelford 1st XI v Great Shelford 1st XI
Junior Challenge Match - David Altham Memorial Trophy
Our end of season Festival of Cricket will be held on Saturday 14th September on the Wale Recreation Ground. The morning will be dedicated to the Junior Section with a Softball Competition and a Junior Section inter-club 20:20 match starting at 9.00 am playing for the David Altham Memorial Trophy. This will be followed at 1.30pm by Little Shelford 1st XI playing our rivals Great Shelford for the Centenary Cup.
Bring & Share Junior Lunch
To help create a real family atmosphere we would like to repeat last year’s success with a “bring and share” lunch for the Juniors and their families. So, please brings food for yourselves and to share with others. Spare food for sharing can be placed in the Pavilion from 9.00am. LSCC is a great multi-cultural our club and our food will no doubt reflect that, everything from vegetable samosas to cheese and tomato quiche to sausage rolls. Just make sure anything you bring to share is clearly labelled as to whether meat or vegetarian, whether it contains nuts or anything else that should be noted by those who will eat it.
BBQ & Pop-Up Pub (3pm to 7pm)
While the Senior Match is in progress, we will also have a BBQ available and also a pop-up pub in the Pavilion. So bring items to cook and share on the BBQ and money to spend at the bar. All bar profits will go to the Cricket Club. We will also be providing tea, coffee and non-alcoholic refreshments all day.
Weather permitting expect some great cricket and a fun family atmosphere. We look forward to seeing you at the Festival of Cricket!
Annual Dinner and Awards Evening Saturday 5th October 2024
We will be holding our Annual Dinner and awards evening on Saturday 5th October starting at 7.00pm in Little Shelford Memorial Hall. Supporters of LSCC as well as Senior and Junior players and VP’s are all welcome. The dinner is £30 per head including a 3 course Indian Meal from our Junior Section sponsor, one of the best Indian restaurants in the area. There will be vegetarian curry options and for those who don’t like curry an altertnative of fish & chips from Winners will be available. [Juniors under 18 to be accompanied by a parent or guardian]. More details and a booking form for the dinner from our Chairman or 07711 063722 or 01223 847213.
Remember you can see batting and bowling statistics as well as all our results, fixtures and player statistics at Posted Aug 23 2024
New Little Shelford pilates sessions
New pilates classes in Little Shelford are starting in September.
The new classes will start the week of September 9 th
Tuesday 8.15 am -9.15am
Thursday 7.30 am -8.30 am
The website link is
The email address is
Posted August 20 2024
Little Shelford badminton ready for the new season
Little Shelford Badminton Club meets every Thursday night at 19:30 at Little Shelford Memorial Hall for very sociable games of doubles. We have a good group and are always keen to see new faces.
This season will start on Thursday 5 September 2024 and run through to 19 December 2024 (15 weeks) pre-Christmas Then Thursday 16 January (after Little Shelford Pantomime) to 24 April 2025, a further 15 weeks.
New members can come free for the first night to make sure it is for you. Thereafter pay £5/session for up to 6 weeks when we are keen you join us properly and pay the £100 annual subscription that works out at only £3.33 per night! (Students half price at £50.)
In the past we have run coaching session for the juniors and entered teams in the Cambridge league.
Not just yet but coming again soon – we hope!
For more information, contact James Newman on 07717 394176 (
Posted Aug 20 2024
Two farms up for sale in Little Shelford
Two farms in Little Shelford have been put up for sale for £10 million.
Hall Farm and Rectory Farm, along with 585 acres of farming land have been put on the market with Savills.
Hall Farm is on High Street, Little Shelford while Rectory Farm is on Whittlesford Road on the edge of the village.
The property advert suggests the two farms have “possible future planning and development opportunities.”
The advert highlights:
“Traditional farm buildings with potential for change of use (subject to planning) and a grain store
“Edge of village paddocks with short to medium term development potential
“Longer term large scale development opportunity.”
Posted June 6 2024
New Little Shelford MP
Pippa Heylings is the new Little Shelford MP.
The Liberal Democrat won the local seat in the General Election with a majority of more than 14,000.
It was previously held by Conservative Anthony Browne.
Miranda Fyfe from Stapleford, standing for Green Party, came fourth.
The results were:
Chris Carter-Chapman (Conservatives) - 15,063
Harrison Edwards (Reform) - 4,897
Miranda Fyfe (Green Party) - 2,656
James Douglas Strachan Gordon (Independent) - 459
Pippa Heylings (Liberal Democrat) - 29,704
Luke Viner (Labour) - 6,106
Posted July 8 2024
Shelford Twinning update
On behalf of the friends and members of Shelford Twinning Association, I'd like to convey our heartfelt thanks to Little Shelford Parish Council for its involvement in the 35th anniversary celebrations of the signing of the twinning charter with Verneuil-en-Halatte.
The provision of lunch was very much appreciated by everyone ... the French felt they were in 'heaven' with such a sumptuous variety of food on offer. Congratulations to Brie and her team for making this happen ... hope that Brie has now well and truly recovered from Covid.
Thanks also to both David Jones and Judy Boothroyd for guiding the French around Little Shelford. The comments from the French were very positive ... they took many photos and were in awe of the visit and really enjoyed the commentary.
We hope that Little Shelford PC would consider doing the same for the visit of the French in July 2025.
Colin Jefferson
(Chairman - Shelford Twinning Association)
Posted Aug 20 2024
Freya Hatter exhibition
I was very nervous about sharing my photographs of Antarctica with the world, but with the support of my family and friends, we had an amazingly successful night - raising £3000 to be shared between Alzheimer's Research UK and Maggie's. Both charities are very close to my heart and I am so happy to have been able to raise some money to support them.
I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone in the village for coming out and supporting me and being so generous. It is really strange but wonderful to know that my photographs are up on people's walls around Shelford.
Thank you especially to my Mum and Dad, and Vanessa and Ian Douglas who were my printers, bartenders, delivery drivers, and promotors.
Posted Aug 20 2024
Little Shelford car fire
At 10.37pm on Thursday July 27, a fire crew from Cambridge was called to a car fire on Newton Road in Little Shelford.
Wearing breathing apparatus, firefighters used a hose reel to extinguish the fire before returning to their station by 12.10am.
The cause of the fire is believed to be deliberate.
Anyone with information should contact police by visiting to submit an online report or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
Posted July 8 2024
Bowls Club saved
Little Shelford Bowls Club has been saved.
Earlier this year, the Club was in danger of closing because of a lack of members.
But now a number of new members have been found after a campaign by the club.
"We only had 13 playing members in April, but the Drinks/Canapes sponsored by the Sports Pavilion Committee and good advertising, suddenly boosted our membership to 42<," said Chairman Ray Saich.
"After attending only a few club sessions, several of the new members are already playing in matches. Unfortunately, we are struggling against very good opposition, as we gained promotion last season, but we are a Club for the future and already looking forward to next season."
Posted June 7 2024
Changes at the top for three village groups
A number of changes at the top have taken place in a handful of village groups.
Bill Davidson has succeeded Robin Fox as the Chair of the Memorial Hall committee.
Sandy Boyle has taken over the reins of the Sports Pavilion committee from Maurice Palmer.
And David Martin has succeeded Ray Saich as Chair of the Little Shelford local history society after Ray completed 18 years in the hot seat.
Thank you to Robin, Maurice and Ray for their leadership, their commitment and their guidance over the years in these three important Little Shelford groups.
Posted May 1 2024
Around a dozen volunteers collected sackfuls of rubbish from verges and hedgerows around the village in a clean-up on March 17.
Community Orchard grant success
Little Shelford's community orchard was successful in applying for a grant from the Pebble Fund (created by Cambridge Water to encourage and enhance biodiversity in the local environment) to continue the development of the meadow adjacent to the existing orchard.
The grant provides funding for two projects: The first, which was recently completed, to restore the hedgerow between the meadow and the adjacent farm field; the second to sow a large area with wildflower seed. The hedge was laid in the traditional manner which will create excellent shelter and habitat for wildlife and restore it to a healthy state over the next couple of years. In the coming weeks the ground will be prepared for wildflower seed by ploughing to reveal the less rich subsoil to the winter weather to break it down, allowing the creation of a suitable seed bed to promote the flowers and suppress grass overgrowth.
A mixture of annual and perennial plants will be sown in the early Spring to give colourful variety in the first year and develop over time into a highly diverse population excellent for pollinators, seed eating birds and small mammals. In addition we have planted a number of new tree saplings along the new boundary line which have been kindly donated by village residents.
SCOWP facebook site (
Posted Jan 2 2024
Little Shelford house burglary
A house in Hauxton Road, Little Shelford has been burgled while the residents were on holiday.
"There was broken glass everywhere and a lot of jewels with huge sentimental value gone including my engagement ring, earrings to celebrate the birth of our oldest etc," said Avril Pedley. "No gigantic diamonds but a huge amount of history and very sad."
"They got in through an upstairs window at the back - possibly across the big field- and totally trashed our bedroom and our office.
"The other two rooms they just poked around a bit but did no real harm.
"They managed it although the house alarm was fully activated - who knows how?"
Posted November 1 2023
Thumbs up for 20mph speed limit in village
A majority of people in Little Shelford want to see a 20 MPH limit introduced according to a Parish Council survey.
Villagers were generally in favour of the change according to the summer survey 20 mph but there was a spread of opinion.
Almost 60% were strongly in favour of the change, and 10% slightly in favour. 20% said they had no opinion.
On East West Rail, which will run through Little Shelford if it goes ahead, most people were against it but a handful were in favour.
And on the Cambridge congestion charge, most villagers opposed the new charge although a small number were in favour according to the survey.
Posted Oct 31 2023
New MD for Little Shelford company
Little Shelford company Cambridge Creative have appointed a new Managing Director.
Susana Tsui Fitzpatrick (left) will assume full responsibility for the leadership and development of Cambridge Creative in Whittlesford Road for its next phase of growth to become the leading full-service marketing agency in Cambridge.
Reporting directly to the agency's founder, Susana will also be instrumental in further building the agency's outstanding reputation, leading client growth with breakthrough creative, developing new innovative product offerings and driving better business outcomes through the use of technology and data, particularly within the eCommerce space.
Commenting on the appointment, Cambridge Creative Founder, Jim Gandon said: “I am delighted that Susana Tsui Fitzpatrick is joining us as Managing Director. Susana’s incredibly strong knowledge and experience will be vital as we continue our ambitious plans to grow and develop marketing strategies for our clients. We pride ourselves in delivering great results through our creative and digital solutions for our clients. Susana’s appointment will ensure that these solutions continue to improve through team development and harnessing the latest technologies.”
Susana brings an un-rivalled knowledge of building and operating profitable digital and creative businesses. Susana was the Chief Growth Officer of the UK's largest media agency where she led the agency to success with the year's largest wins, such as Tesco and the Flutter Group.
Before relocating to the UK, she was Group CEO of Dentsu International China and CEO of PHD Asia Pacific, where she led the agency networks' growth strategy by launching new offices in the region, building new product offerings, particularly focused on digital, expanding their client base and elevating brand awareness to new heights.
Susana Tsui Fitzpatrick adds, "I am excited to be part of Cambridge Creative's dynamic and growing team. My passion has always been building successful businesses and servicing the community, so this opportunity is the perfect fit for me. The agency is at a tipping point of doing some amazing things, so I look forward to working with the team and our clients to push creative boundaries to deliver the most innovative and effective work in the industry."
Posted Oct 18 2023
More unusual moths sighted in Little Shelford
More unusual moths have been spotted in the village.
The fine Jersey Tiger Moth (below left) was observed in the village om 2nd August and has been reported to our Cambridgeshire moth recorder and
And this moth below right was spotted by John Kingsley-Pallant on August 16.
East West Rail WILL travel through Little Shelford
The new East West Rail route between Cambridge and Oxford will travel through Little Shelford a new report has confirmed.
The announcement will mean an additional four trains an hour through the village, increasing train noise.
It could also mean the closure of the existing Hauxton Road crossing.
The EWR consultation document stated; "There are a number of options we are considering for the Hauxton Road level crossing:
• Building a bridge or an underpass at the existing level crossing
• Closure with provision of a pedestrian/cycle bridge
• Permanent diversion either with provision of a new highway or along other existing local roads.”
It is believed that there is not enough room for a new bridge or underpass for cars in Hauxton Road. This would mean that Little Shelford would be split in two, with some Little Shelford homes split off from the rest of the village on the Hauxton side of the tracks.
Read more about the East West Rail proposals here.
Posted May 26 2023
Fourth Little Shelford home burgled
A fourth house in Hauxton Road has been burgled.
The break-in happened between 4pm and 10pm on Jan 11th
The burglars gained access from the back (presumably via the field) by smashing an upstairs bathroom window and unlocking from the inside to let themselves in.
They took small, valuable things, jewellery, cash, currency, emptying every drawer, cupboard, shoebox and container upstairs.
Ladders were used in all four recent break-ins.
Police advised the householder to install outside cameras (and stickers saying 'you're being filmed') for anyone looking for deterrents.
Three other houses in Hauxton Road were burgled in November 2022.
*Nearly two-thirds (65%)* of us are worried about our home being broken into, yet there are simple, proven measures we can all take to halve our chances of being burgled according to the e-cops newsletter.
Theyhave joined forces with our longstanding primary smart security partner, ERA Home Security, to bring you their Think WIDE(N) burglary prevention campaign highlighting the simple, evidence-based WIDE measures which can be taken in any home on a variety of budgets.
At Neighbourhood Watch, they also believe neighbours keeping an eye out for each other is key to reducing burglary, so they've extended the WIDE acronym to WIDE(N):
W: WINDOWS: Keep your windows lockedI: INTERIOR: Put inside lights on a timer/smart bulbD: DOORS: Double or deadlock your doorsE: EXTERIOR: Put outside lights on a sensor(N): NEIGHBOURS: Keep an eye out for your neighbours
Leaving home? Use this free home security checklist to leave your home safe and secure.
John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network, said ‘We know that by securing your home's windows, interior, doors, exterior and keeping an eye out for neighbours, we can all give ourselves the best chance of preventing burglary.
If you have been burgled recently, criminals are familiar with your home and may come back once you've had time to purchase new items. Act soon to avoid being retargeted - use the WIDE(N) advice for a combination of simple yet effective prevention measures.'
Learn more at
* Neighbourhood Watch Crime and Community Survey 2022
Posted Jan 16th 2023
Cambridge Creative doubles in size
Cambridge Creative is proving to be one of Little Shelford’s biggest success stories.
The marketing and recruitment company on Whittlesford Road has more than doubled in size over the last year. Cambridge Creative now has 24 staff compared to ten when they first started life in the village four years ago. Several new employees are from the Shelfords and Stapleford.
The company has supported a number of local companies including Noel Young Wines, Scotsdales, Duxford Lodge and Cara Coffee and they will shortly be working with Provenance restaurant. They also promoted the successful delivery app for Shelford Spice which has had over 10,000 views.
They have also been involved with proposals for Dernford Reservoir.
“2022 was a really successful year for us,” said owner Jim Gandon.
“The economy is challenging for many companies at the moment. However, we are finding that our strong digital experience and our local roots are paying dividends.”
Their journey began in 2014 as the marketing branch of a sales & consultancy business, where we honed our 360-degree service to facilitate and support sales growth.
They started their journey in 2014 as the marketing branch of a sales & consultancy business.
Becoming independent in 2020, under the Cambridge Creative banner, they have a talented in-house team that deliver the full range of marketing services; the perfect blend of digital experts, creative artists, design gurus and website developers that come together to create a collaborative culture that delivers end-to-end performance marketing solutions.
Cambridge Creative provides a range of marketing services including paid search, social ads, Search Engine Optimisation and content marketing to personalised website and email campaigns.
Their latest venture is a holiday home site which is the equivalent of Rightmove for holiday homes building on the growth in the English holiday market. It has made a flying start since it was launched in November. “We have been both pleased and surprised about how well it has started,” said Jim, who lives with his family in Little Shelford.
Posted Jan 6 2023
No community warden scheme for Little Shelford
An option to extend the community warden scheme from Great Shelford to Little Shelford has been turned down.
The Parish Council considered the proposal at their July meeting.
Caroline Kingdon carried out a survey to ascertain potential demand for the service. The summary of her findings is that currently there is no demand for the type of service provided by the warden scheme. Those people whose needs are covered by it felt that they are already adequately supported.
Read the Parish Council minutes about the meeting here.
Posted August 23 2022
Horticultural business to quit Little Shelford
A business in Little Shelford is leaving the village after 90 years.
Harvey and Sons are selling their plot on Hauxton Road. There is the possibility that it could be redeveloped for new homes.
Their last day on Cambridge Market was 23rd July. The nursery also shut down in July. The last day on the stall made the Cambridge News.
"We would like to thank you for all your custom, support and friendship, particularly over these past three very difficult years," said a statement from the family. "What we do is more than a job , it’s a way of life. 7 days a week 365 days a year. It’s time for a change , a rest and new adventures."
The detached house and its eight acre plot was on the market with Carter Jonas for £975,000. This includes the 1.7 acre horticultural nursery site.
“The 1.69-acre operational horticultural nursery site with potential for a variety of uses (subject to planning permission), including residential or commercial development,” says the sale details.
“There is potential for redevelopment.. which could include demolition of the existing house and erection of either one large dwelling or a number of smaller dwellings,” it adds.
Some of the eight acre plot is in the green belt.
Updated June 28 2022
Little Shelford Village Design Guide gets green light
A new guide which sets out how future development in Little Shelford must enhance the village has being adopted by South Cambridgeshire District Council.
The new Little Shelford Village Design Guide is due to become a Supplementary Planning Document, meaning it will be taken into account when future planning applications in the area are determined. Members of the local community, including the Parish Council, have helped develop the guidance, which identifies what is distinctive in the village and aims to raise the quality of development locally. The adoption of the Guide is subject to the Council’s usual decision call-in processes.
The Village Design Guide has been developed by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning, a partnership between South Cambridgeshire District and Cambridge City Councils, to provide additional design guidance in support of the adopted Local Plan policies.
The guide draws on extensive research and evidence gathering by the local community over several years. New planning applications will be now expected to demonstrate how they reflect the guidance.
A Village Design Guide helps communities and planners shape the character of new development in a specific area, in response to community priorities. It is a way to provide more locally specific detail, which augments and amplifies Local Plan policies. The Little Shelford Village Design Guide is the ninth to be adopted in recent years by South Cambridgeshire District Council, following the award of funding to the Council by central government to develop community-led design guidance.
Councillor Dr. Tumi Hawkins, Lead Cabinet Member for Planning at South Cambridgeshire District Council added: “I am delighted we are formally adopting this Village Design Guide to strengthen and improve the quality of new development in our rural areas. We have an exemplary track record in developing locally specific design guidance with our village communities. This one is no exception and draws on outstanding research by local residents. We look forward to seeing how this influences the quality of architecture in Little Shelford over the coming years.”
For more information visit
Posted Dec 22 2021
Links to other Little Shelford website pages