Little Shelford Parish Council
1. Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn, David Jones, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner (Chair).
2. Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Pete Brown and Beckie Whitehouse (Clerk) both for personal reasons.
3. To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 20th May 2024, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record. It was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed by all that these were a true record of the meeting and signed.
4. To receive any declarations of interest. Cllr Jones as Chairman of the cricket club and SSYI (Shelford Stapleford Youth Initiative) and Cllr Evans as a director of Morgan and Barratt Accountancy.
Public Session: There were no members of the public present.
5. To receive South Cambs District Councillor’s (SCDCC) Report & Cambridge County Councillor’s (CCC) report. The respective Cllrs were not present, the last report was circulated in June.
6, Planning Report. 24/0632/TTCA – No comments have been submitted.
7. Finances: (documents attached for information)
a) To authorise payments.
It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed the following payments be made.
Already Paid
P24/27/31/32/33 Staff Salary/NI/PAYE/Nest 2,112,24
P25 Reimbursement Cllr Lury Expenses for Navigator Questionnaire 56.13
P26 SEE Electricity Streetlights 11.93
P28 Little Shelford Services Litter Picking 104.20
P29 Timber Force Ltd Cultivating wild flower meadow 1320.00
P30 Timber Force Ltd Managing wildflower area 111.60
P34 Water Irrigation Hose pipe and fittings 106.01
P35 SEE Electricity to streetlights 12.32
P37 Unity Trust Service Charge 18.00
To be paid
P36 SCP Electrical Investigating pavilion driveway lights 109.00
P13 Clerk Salary 947.47
P34 Water irrigation Hose pipe and fittings 106.01
b) Budget and reserves review – consideration of amount to transfer into Access Savings Account.
The budget and reserves were reviewed.Cllr Hawthorn agreed to ascertain how quickly money in Savings account can be accessed and the process for authorisation. The PC was happy that an amount to be agreed by Cllr Hawthorn and the Clerk should be moved into the savings account.
ACTION Cllr Hawthorn and the clerk
C) New Financial Regulations from NALC.
The circulated document was reviewed.Comments:
2.7 The Clerk to confirm regular document back up.
4.3 It was agreed that a budget forecast for the following year, and for a further 2 years should be prepared.
5.6 Agreed that the contracts estimated to exceed £60,000 is acceptable.
5.15 Individual purchases may be authorised by the Clerk for any items below £250, any items below £2,000 may be authorised by the Chair of the Committee and the Clerk. SCOWP, as a delegated committee, may authorise any items under £2,500.
6.9 The Clerk can authorise items under £250. Fund transfers within the Councils banking arrangements can remain at £10,000.
7.12 Agreed that data held should be checked with suppliers every 2 years.
The regulations will be updated and brought to the next meeting for final agreement. ACTION the clerk.
8. Roads, Traffic and Police Reports.
No updates on bicycle parking proposal in Church Street, Police or 20 is Plen
9. Allotments & SCOWP update
a) SCOWP update– The trees have been mulched. New meadow has been rotavated and sprayed by the contractor. The area has now been seeded.
b) Allotments update – A complaint had been received and requesting that unattended plots should be cleared by the PC. Cllr Jones and the Clerk to check each plot and then to send a letter to those unattended plot holders giving them 2 weeks to clear the plot. Otherwise, their deposits will be spent on clearing them and the plots will be re-let. This is in line with their contracts. ACTION: Cllr Jones & the Clerk.
10. Matters relating to the Pavilion and Wale Recreation Ground.
a) Playing surface project update – no update
b) Flagpole planning update – The position of the flagpole has now been agreed and planning permission will be submitted. ACTION: Cllr Jones & the Clerk.
c) Terms of reference for the Wale – Cllr Jones and the Clerk. This will be an item for the next agenda. ACTION: Cllr Jones & the Clerk.
d) Pavilion Lease – this requires updating with the new Trustee details. ACTION: the Clerk to consult with the Chairman of LSSRT.
e) River Bank Erosion – although meetings with landowners have taken place and the river surveyed there no further update has been received.
f) Consideration of tree work quotes. The tree survey has taken place and the report circulated. There are quotes for the work that is required for this year and separate quotes for the trees near the river as these are likely to be covered in the budget for the river project. A discussion regarding the preferred Tree quotes took place. The Clerk is to check with the Chalk Stream Project Manager to confirm that they already work with Shelford Tree Services. The PC agreed, that if this is the case, their quote should be accepted for all of the Wale Trees. Proposed Cllr Patterson, Seconded Cllr Lury. ACTION the Clerk.
The new trees on the Wale require mulching. ACTION: Cllr Hawthorn, Cllr Patterson, Cllr Jones to progress.
11.Village Matters
a) Councillors’ village walk reports – The Councillors agreed to do the walks within the next few days and to submit their reports to the Clerk. ACTION – All Cllrs
b) Twinning Event Update – Cllr Jones had led a very well received walk around the village and handouts in both French and English were now available. Lunch was then provided in the North Building for approximately 35/40 guests. A budget of £250 had been approved for this and Cllr Lury confirmed that the food had cost £220 with the remainder was donated to the church for the use of the room. Cllr Jones, Cllr Lury, Cllr Evans and Cllr Penn were thanked for hosting this event.
c) Terrace Lighting – Update awaited from South Cambs District Council.
d) EWR update – Cllr Jones is attending the next meeting.
e) Navigator Meeting Update. – a village meeting was held on 11th July which was attended by approximately 83 people. Since a new buyer has had an offer for the pub accepted, the village doesn’t wish to pursue any other options at this time. The proposed buyer attended the meeting and gave an overview of his vision for the pub.
12. Matters relating to Council Governance
a) To consider and ratify the Risk Management Document as circulated. The document was discussed and agreed. Proposed, Cllr Evans, Seconded, Cllr Lury.
b) To consider and ratify the updated Code of Conduct as circulated. This document was accepted. Proposed, Cllr Hawthorn, Seconded, Cllr Lury.
c) September 16th Meeting – location as the North Building is unavailable. It was agreed to check the availability of the Pavilion and to book. ACTION: Cllr Jones
13. Clerks’ correspondence – EWR, CAPLAC, South Cambs, ecops. None was discussed further.
14. Any business for next agenda and dates of meetings suggested.
Items to be carried forward:
Councillors’ village walks – All
Terms of reference for The Wale – Cllr Jones & the Clerk.
The Terrace Lighting update – Cllr Penn & the Clerk.
Next Parish Council MeetingSeptember 16th, venue to be confirmed
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present – Cllrs Hawthorn, Jones, Lury, Patterson (until 9pm), Penn, Skinner,
One member of the public to join council
CCCllr Brian Milne and the Clerk
1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2024/25 and Declaration of Acceptance of Office
It was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed with all in favour that Cllr Skinner be appointed Chair for the year
It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed with all in favour that Cllr Lury be appointed as Vice Chair for the year.
The declarations of acceptance were signed.
2, To receive apologies for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Evans for personal reasons. SCDCllr Peter Fane also sent his apologies.
3. Allocation of Councillors’ responsibilities: These were allocated as follows:
Finance – Cllr Hawthorn
Planning – Cllrs Lury, Penn and Evans
District Infrastructure (previously Strategic applications) - Cllrs Hawthorn and Patterson
Trees/tree applications – Cllrs Evans and Brown
Pavilion Trustees – Cllr Penn, Lury (Jones as Cricket Club Chair)
Wale Recreation Ground - Cllrs Jones, Penn, Lury, Evans and Brown
Transport (roads/buses) - Cllrs Patterson, Jones, Hawthorn
Police Liaison and Neighbourhood Watch – Cllrs Evans and Penn
Village Hall – Cllr Skinner
Allotments – Cllr Jones
Church – Cllr Jones
East West Rail – Cllr Hawthorn
Entertainments Committee – Cllrs Jones and Brown
Communications and website – Cllr Lury (the Clerk)
4. To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 18th March 2024 attached for information be signed as a correct record. It was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Hawthorn and agreed that these are a true record and were signed by the Chair.
5. Matters arising
The Parish Council regretfully accepted the resignation of Cllr Deborah Hunt and would like to thank her for her work. The process of reporting the casual vacancy has started. The Council would also like to welcome Peter Brown as a new councillor...
6. Declaration of Acceptance of office signed. The declaration of acceptance was signed and the clerk has already forwarded the Declaration of interest form to Cllr Brown.
7. To receive any declarations of interest. Cllr Jones reminded Council that he is Chairman of the Little Shelford Cricket Club.
Public Session:
Rob Martyr from City Services – Biodiversity, Cambridge City Council – Project Lead, Greater Cambridge Chalk Streams Project gave Council an update on the project for the river and the bank by the Wale Recreation Ground. He would like to be put in touch with landowners either side to establish whether they would like to be involved in the project. The project is not just about the river but biodiversity in the area and there are funds for training local volunteers in things like water quality monitoring, tree work alongside the river and habitat information boards that could be changed seasonally. The project does require community engagement
8. To receive South Cambs District Councillor’s (SCDCllr) and County Councillor’s (CCCLLR) Reports
CCCllr Brian Milne – in addition to the written report already circulated. Peter Freeman has been appointed as the Chair of Cambridge Delivery Group tasked with driving forward the Governments aims for development in Cambridge. He has been meeting people and will take views back to Westminster.
There were some questions about the water issues in the area. These are being looked into although this year we have had a higher than average rainfall.
9. Planning
To consider
i) 24/01692/HFUL
29 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5HJ
Single storey front extension, part single storey and part two storey side extension. Loft conversion with a rear dormer.
It was resolved to object to this application for the following reasons – loss of privacy as neighbours are overlooked and concerns about the resulting roof lines.
Proposal: T1 - Sycamore - Remove
T2 - Ash - Remove
Site address: 17 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments were made
Proposal: T1 - Sycamore - Crown Reduction 2m (Reason - Excessive shading over No 1 Church Street and for safety due to close proximity to No 1 and No 3. Branch lost in high winds)
T2 - Yew - Reason - Crown Reduction 1m (Reason - Excessive Shading)
Site address: 3 Church Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments were made
For information only
i) 23/03976/CONDA
33 Church Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5HG
Submission of details required by conditions 3 (roofs) and 4 (eaves and verge) of Listed Building consent 23/03976/LBC
ii) 23/02579/CONDB
77 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5HJ
Submission of details required by conditions 10 (written scheme of investigation), 11 (surface water and foul water), 13 (arboricultural method statement and tree protection strategy), 14 (soft landscaping), 17 (biodiversity net gain plan) and 20 (energy statement) of planning permission 23/02579/FUL
Permissions Granted
Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition. 77 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5HJ
S73 to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 23/02579/FUL (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three detached houses along with associated works) Plots 2 and 3 First floor extending over single storey flat roof to accommodate additional en-suite and Internal alterations to first floor bedrooms.
Certificate Granted. 13 Beech Close Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5EP
Certificate of lawfulness under S192 for a rear roof extension. (Resubmission of refused 24/01048/CL2PD.)
Granted Permission. 37 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire CB22 5ES
Retention of Re-roofing and minor internal alterations
10. To review the independent Auditors report – which has been circulated.
The main points to note were the website accessibility requirements, the AGAR was not published on the website although was posted on the notice board, and a more regular review of the budget should be minuted.
11. AGAR
a. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 23/24. It was proposed by Cllr Penn, seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed these had been met.
b.To consider and approve the AGAR Accounting statements 23/24. It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed to approve these statements.
12. Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
CCC Grass cutting For 23/24 570.60
ESure Barrier replacement 1383.95
SCDC Precept 25000,00
Total 26954.55
Already Paid
P2 LS Bowls Club Donation 200.00
P3 SSE Electricity for Street lights 11.54
P1,4,6,12 Clerk Salary, pension, PAYE, NI 1176.87
P5 Little Shelford Services Litter picking March 125.04
P7 PWLB Loan repayment 2960.98
P8 SSE Electricity for phone box 59.36
P9 SSE Electricity for Street lights 63.46
P10 SSE Electricity for Street lights 12.32
P11 Source for Business Water for allotments 59.61
To be paid
P13 Staff Salary, pension, PAYE, NI 947.47
P14 Morgan and Barret Payroll Services 120.00
P15 LGS Services Internal Audit 150.00
P16 Clerk - expenses Ink and SCDC meeting 26.24
P17 Reimbursement Printing costs for Nav survey 122.88
P18 SLCC Membership Fee 183.00
P19 MC Garden Maintenance Repair of Grass Mound 300.00
P20 ROSPA Safety Inspection 141.60
P21 CAPALC Membership Fee 371.14
It was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Penn to authorise all payments except for MC Garden Maintenance for the repair of the grass mound until the area has been reseeded and cordoned off to prevent immediate damage.
13. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St this has been passed to the clerk. Action the Clerk
b) Update from Police - there is a liaison meeting later this week the clerk has booked to attend. Action the Clerk
c) 20 is plenty – it was resolved that this will be taken forward as soon as the next round of funding is announced. Action the Clerk and Cllr Patterson.
14. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP – The bonfires we had were a one-off to dispose of the brash from the laying of the hedge, we have no plans for any more. The new meadow was ploughed a while ago to start the process of preparing a seed bed for wildflower planting. Unfortunately due to the weather further cultivation was not possible and the grass grew back. Accordingly the contractor has treated the ploughed area to kill the grass. As soon as the soil is dry enough this will be rotavated and the seeding performed
b) Allotments update – a letter has been sent to all allotment holders reminding them to manage their plots and to keep the pathways as clear as possible.
15. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Review of Rospa playground inspection report and any remedial action. This has only just been received and the fence is highlighted as the main area of concern but the clerk will review. Action the Clerk.
b) Playing surface project update–work continues as planned.
c) Flag pole planning update - there will be a further meeting regarding positioning and then a planning application submitted. Action Cllr Jones and the Clerk.
d) Terms of reference for the Wale – to be brought to a further meeting. Action the Clerk
e) Pavilion Lease – this requires updating with new Trustee details. The Pavilion Treasurer is looking into this.
f) River bank Erosion – the ‘wish list’ information for the project has been submitted
g) Fencing quotes – the funding request to Mick George was not successful. The Clerk has sought further advice and there are few funding opportunities for a fence installation. It was agreed the clerk should contact the group who raised the funds for the playarea to ask if they would like to take a further fund raising project. Action the Clerk.
h) Trees Consideration of works– the tree survey has taken place and the report circulated. It was agreed that quotes for the work required this year and the trees next to the river be sought. Action the Clerk.
16. Village matters
a) Review of the of the Annual Village Meeting. It was felt the village meeting went well, was well attended.
b) Councillors village walk reports. Although not the responsibility of the PC it was noted that there are some fallen trees obstructing Bradmere Lane. There are some hedges that are beginning to overgrow pavements. Residents will be reminded to cut these after the bird nesting season. The pavement outside 72 High Street needs remedial work carried out. Action the Clerk.
c) Twinning Event update –will book the North Building for the lunch Action Cllr Lury
d) Terrace Lighting – the resident will be put in touch with the SCDC officer who deals with streetlights Action Cllr Penn
e) EWR update – Cllr Hawthorn gave a brief update and informed council that a consultation is planned to start in June.
f) Opportunity of land for sale – Cllr Skinner updated Council that Fordhams Farm is for sale. It was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed to enquire further on areas which are important to the village Action Cllr Skinner
g) It has been noted that people are waiting at a bus stop on Hauxton Road for the No32 bus but it appears this bus may no longer be running, if so action needs to be taken to let people know. Action the Clerk
17. Clerk’s correspondence – Greenways, EWR, Parish Forum, CAPLAC.
18. Any business for next agenda and dates of meetings suggested 1st or 22nd July. It was resolved hold the meeting on the 15th July
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn, Deborah Hunt, David Jones, Brie Lury, Richard Patterson, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner (Chair), SCDCllr Peter Fane and CCCllr Brian Milne and the Clerk and 8 members of the public.
To receive apologies for absence – there were no apologies for absence.
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 15th January 2024, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record.
The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting are also attached for information.
It was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Hawthorn and agreed by all that these were a true record of the meeting and signed. -
Matters arising – there are no matters arising that are not covered on the agenda except to say the Clerk has been advised that Council in order to be GDPR compliant it should have its own website and associated email addresses.
To receive any declarations of interest. Cllr Jones as Chairman of the cricket club and SSYI (Shelford Stapleford Youth Initiative) and Cllr Evans as a director of Morgan and Barratt Accountancy.
Public Session: Members of the public were present to speak and listen to the discussion about the sale of The Navigator and two were present for the item on a donation to the Bowls Club.
It was resolved to bring forward item
Item 11. h) Village Matters Navigator – has been listed for sale and is an Asset of Community Value which allows the opportunity for the community to raise funds to purchase it
After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Lury, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed by all that
A questionnaire will be put together and delivered to all households to gather resident’s thoughts.
Another meeting will then be organised with interested parties, this will be followed by the formation of a focus group to explore option and potentially put together a business plan.
South Cambs will be notified of the intention to raise a community bid.
Action Cllrs Evans, Hawthorn, Lury, and Patterson.
5, To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report
County Councillor (CCllr) Report – a written report was circulated the main points of which were:
20mph applications – The application deadline shall now close at 5pm on Friday 22nd March 2024.
Walk-in vaccine clinics available across the County. These are for anyone over the age of one year who is not up to date with their MMR vaccinations. More information at
Have your say on creating Healthy Places - the survey is at and is open until Monday 15 April at 5:00PM.
More pupils get first choice of secondary school - A greater percentage of Cambridgeshire students will be going to their first choice secondary school this September.
Free data SIM cards for low income households A reminder that Cambridgeshire Libraries are part of Good Things Foundation’s National Databank, O2 and Videophone scheme, which makes free data SIM cards or vouchers available to anyone aged 18+ from a low-income household.
Reporting flooding if you are in Cambridgeshire and have experienced flooding, please do report it, even if it is not internal flooding, and even if the immediate danger has passed.
Crucifixion remains - The skeleton of a man who was crucified in Roman-era Cambridgeshire is on display as part of a blockbuster exhibition at the British Museum, after a loan of the remains was agreed by Cambridgeshire County Council. The British Museum’s exhibition is called Legion: Life in the Roman Army and will run until 23 June 2024 in the Sainsbury Exhibitions Gallery. Discovered as part of an excavation in Fenstanton, the body is only the second confirmed example of the Roman use of this barbaric punishment ever unearthed, and the first found in Europe. It was possible to prove death took place through crucifixion, as a nail was found lodged in the man’s heel.
Busway works Safety works are under way on the Guided Busway to allow the busway to return to full, two-way operation.
South Cambs District Cllr (SCDCllr) Report a verbal report was given covering many of the same points and
The work on the local plan has been halted due to the Governments’ development proposal for Cambridge including the potential formation of the a Development Corporation which will bypass any local plan.
This is linked to the East West Rail and to the treasury.
A council tax increase of three per cent has been agreed by South Cambridgeshire District Council, It means a Band D household will pay £171.
Planning Report
For Consideration
Proposal: Retention of Re-roofing and minor internal alterations
Site address: 37 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Reference: 24/00840/LBC
It was resolved to make no comment.
Update on Appeal EN/00335/23
The Navigator 63 High Street
Appeal against Extraction Unit doesn't have Planning Permission 21/05343/FUL and
21/05344/ LBC refused.
There was no update but it was agreed that the Clerk will contact planning about this. Action the Clerk.
6. Finances: (documents attached for information)
a) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report below
P72 Boston Seeds Wildflower seed for SCOWP 975.99
P73 Donation SSYI 500.00
P74 Donation Wildlife Group 500.00
P75 Donation Village Newsletter 150.00
P76 Green Acres Grass Cutting 726.00
P77 SSE Electricity phone box 12.58
P78 SSE Electricity Street lights 12.32
P42 &43 Clerk expenses including for the new printer
Cheque was rejected so bank transfer requested 153.00
P78,79,84,85 Staff Salaries, PAYE, Pension 2301.41
P81 PWLB Loan repayment 3325.35
P82 SEE Electricity phone box 12.58
P83 SEE Electricity Street lights 12.32
P86 Reimbursement Village weekend insurance 308.00
P87 Little Shelford Services Litter Picking 125.04
P88 Clerk Expenses 81.23
P89 OMC Tree Survey 621.55
b) Donation consideration
There is £350 left to donate from the £1500 budgeted this year.
There have been requests from OASISS, The Bowls Club, the Wildlife Group and Cricket club.
It was proposed by Cllr Patteson seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed donate £200 to the bowls club to help with repairs after the area was flooded and £150 to OASSISS and to support the Cricket Club in their Community Chest Funding Application.
c)Consideration of savings account – the Instant Access Unity Trust Account pays 2.77% interest. Once the general reserves are finalised at the end of the year money will be moved into the savings account.
7. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a)Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – there was no update
b)To consider 20 is plenty village consultation as agreed in the November 2023 meeting. A consultation for residents will be planned. Action Cllr Patterson.
8. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report - none received
b)Allotments update – the meeting notes will be circulated before the PC meeting.
Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Wale working party update – stinging nettles and hemlock have been dug up.
b) Playing surface project update – work is continuing
c) Flag pole planning application rethink update – Cllr Jones has a meeting with the architect this week
d) Height barrier update – a payment of £ £1383.95 will be made by ESure. The replacement barrier can then be ordered.
e) Terms of reference for the Wale – these will be recirculated and the item considered at a future meeting.
f) Fencing quotes – the clerk has submitted a funding request to Mick George through Grant Scape.
g) River bank Erosion – there has been no further update
h) Trees Consideration of works– the tree survey has taken place and the report circulated. The report will be recirculated and considered at the next meeting. Action the Clerk
i)Lights along the driveway – the report has been circulated the cost is likely to be just over £600 (2 days work and £109 for the investigation). It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr H8nt and agreed that this work be carried out and the expense taken out of the pavilion reserves. Action the clerk.
j) Pavilion Lease – this requires updating with new Trustee details. This will be brought back to next meeting. Action the Clerk
k) Consideration of grass mound repair. We have received 2 quotes for repairing the grass mound in the play area and these have been circulated.
Village matters
a) Councillors village walk reports – there was nothing to report
b) February Litter Pick – happened this last weekend Council would like to thank all those who came along and helped.
c) Twinning Event update – there was no further update.
d)Terrace Lighting – there was no further update
e) Consideration of Grass Cutting Contract and No Mow May. It was agreed the council ishappy with the current contractor and it was agreed to continue with no mow May.
f) Fireworks insurance – there is cover but there are also guidelines Council must follow and the details have been circulated. g)
g) Portrait of the King – it was agreed not to order as there are no Council premises.
h) Navigator – has been listed for sale and is an Asset of Community Value which allows the opportunity for the community to raise funds to purchase it. This was discussed earlier.
i) EWR – this year statutory consultation will occur starting in June. Cambridge Approaches is facilitating a meeting on the 26th March..
11. Stapleford and Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan. Council is invited to comment on the draft. This is a formal consultation being run in accordance with Regulation 14 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015. The consultation runs from 09:00 on Monday 11th March until 16:00 on Tuesday 30th April 2024. Stapleford & Great Shelford Neighbourhood Plan | Great Shelford Parish Council.
It was agreed Cllrs would make personal responses.
12. Clerk’s correspondence –EWR, Scooter Trial Expansion, Green Ways Updates, Road Closure updates, the use of weed killer in the gullies and drains on the roads. Cllrs were happy with this use.
13. Any business for next agenda Cllr Hawthorn mentioned that no one has accessed the hardship fun at the John Huntingdon Trust and that Council might like to review it.
The meeting was closed at 9.45pm Next Parish Council Meeting: 15th April 2024 - Annual Parish Meeting in memorial hall
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn, David Jones, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner (Chair), SCDCllr Peter Fane and CCCllr Brian Milne and the clerk.
To receive apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Deborah Hunt and Cllr Richard Patterson.
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 20th November 2023, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record. . It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed by all that these were a true record of the meeting and signed
Matters arising - the access to the Wale from Courtyards was closed overnight on the 24th December 2023.
To receive any declarations of interest Cllr Jones as Chairman of the cricket club and SSYI (Shelford Stapleford Youth Initiative) and Cllr Evans as a director of Morgan and Barratt Accountancy.
Public Session: There were no members of the public present.
5. To receive South Cambs District Councillor’s (SCDCC) Report & Cambridge County Councillor’s (CCC) report
A written report was received from our CCCllrs the main points of which were:
Four motions from councillors were debated at the Cambridgeshire County Council full council meeting on 12 December. Four were passed, one was not.
Noting the crisis in adult social care caused by chronic Government underfunding to councils, and asking officers to be ready to take advantage of any future change in Government policies.
Asking the council’s Communities, Social Mobility & Inclusion Committee to consider actions to ensure a more diverse council.
Expressing concern at the lack of availability of NHS dentistry, and committing to take action to address the problem.
Welcoming options for more flexible working, and committing to promote these within the council and among local employers.
Joint statement on ‘Cambridge 2040’ announcement. The Rt Hon Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, unveiled updated plans for the Government’s ‘Cambridge 2040’ vision on Tuesday 19 December 2023. These include ‘northwards’ of 150,000 new homes around Cambridge as part of a major new expansion of the city.
The leaders of Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, and the Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority gave a combined response —including water supply and transport, necessary to support sustainable growth in and around Cambridge.
£368,000 to help council respond to major projects - to help the council respond to proposals for major infrastructure in Cambridgeshire.
Consultation begins on budget proposals
Covid - the Director of Public Health to explore opportunities for procuring single tests which identify covid, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) on a single test cassette. These are already available in EU countries but not yet in the UK.
Preventing falls CCC Adults and Health Committee has endorsed a three-year Falls Prevention Strategy and detailed delivery plan, working with a multi-agency Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Falls Prevention Strategy Group.
Supermarket voucher scheme continued to operate in the Christmas school holiday for all eligible families in Cambridgeshire. The scheme will run until the February 2024 half term, using the Household Support Fund from the Department for Work & Pensions topped up with additional funding provided by the council.
In addition to the holiday voucher scheme, there is further support available in response to the cost of living
Libraries offer a helping hand to stay connected this winter – a successful pilot scheme offering free mobile SIM cards to those unable to afford internet access is now available in eleven of Cambridge shire’s libraries
Life-saving defibrillators installed at thirteen council offices for use by local communities as well as county council staff and visitors.
Network Rail signs up to County Council biodiversity site and is the first investor in the council’s pioneering biodiversity and habitat restoration scheme at Lower Valley Farm in Fulbourn. Arable land is being transformed into a one-of-a-kind 345-acre biodiversity net gain site.
Change to access at Royston and Thriplow recycling centres- Cambridgeshire residents now need to apply for a digital permit to use Royston Household Recycling Centre in Hertfordshire. However, the county council has reached an agreement with Hertfordshire County Council that enables continued cross-border access to Royston Household Recycling Centre for Cambridgeshire residents living close to the county boundary,.
Any damage from the recent storms, please report to Highways and email Brian and Maria with photos and description of the issue
Parking enforcement by the County Council has started. Details on frequency of traffic warden visits to our villages and opportunity to provide information to the parking team will be provided in the next report
A written report was received from our SCDCllr the main points of which were:
Delay in developing new local plan for Greater Cambridge to 2041: The Greater Cambridge Local Plan (GCLP) process has been delayed due to factors outside the control of the two councils. The latest timetable was agreed in 2022. However, continuing uncertainties relating to water availability and transport strategy mean this timetable can no longer be met, and a revised timetable cannot be confirmed. A report on the Local Plan will be not now be presented before March 2024. The Government’s Planning reforms and Cambridge 2040 initiative may also have implications that are uncertain at this time.
Cambridge 2040/Cambridge Delivery Group Officers and lead members are seeking to engage with government regarding the impact of their recently publicised aspirations for 150,000 additional houses in and around Cambridge on the emerging local plan.
The Joint Director of Planning says he hopes that there may be sufficient certainty regarding water and transport to recommend a revised Local Plan timetable to committees in March 2024, but the factors that impact upon the plan preparation timetable are not within the control of the Councils.
Bringing forward new homes that are genuinely affordable to live in and being green to our core are key priorities for the Council.
Grants - Cabinet has approved £100,000 for a one-year ‘24/25 extension in funding for Mobile and Community Warden Schemes. Agreement was reached in principle on a three-year grant scheme from April 2025 to March 2028, subject to a review and further development work on the sustainability of the schemes.
Cost of Living support to residents: SCDC declared a cost of living crisis in September 2022. An initial support package of nearly £400,000 was agreed by Cabinet in November, and a grant of £211,000 was secured from the Integrated Care Board (ICB).
The Council has appointed Cambridgeshire ACRE to support Community Hubs across the district for a further two years, thanks to nearly £200,000 of funding from NHS Cambridgeshire & Peterborough, part of the local Integrated Care System.
The Council’s Economic Development & Investments Team continues supports local businesses facing economic challenges, and local markets across the district. The Council recognises that markets remain important to our rural communities and is committed to a Local Markets Programme which provides trading opportunities to both market organisers and stallholders.
There was considerable discussion around the Cambridge 2040 announcement and the potential link with EWR
6. Planning Report
For Consideration
i) 23/04777/PRIOR
Proposal: Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to 1 No. Dwelling house (Use Class C3), and for building operations reasonably necessary for the conversionSite address: Barns At Sainsfoins Farm Whittlesford Road Little Shelford
It was resolved to make no comment
ii) 23/04634/HFUL
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Two storey side extension for Living Room, Utility, Bedroom and Home Office.
Site address: 34 Whittlesford Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
The Parish Council believe this application to be invalid as there are various documents such as the Heritage Statement missing.
Council is not sure if a response is required as a letter is listed in the documents on the planning portal stating the application to be invalid but Council does feel the scale of the proposed plans are both overbearing and an over development of the site.
iii) 23/1503/TTCA
Proposal: Thuja in area of garden on left hand side when entering drive
Shorten all dead and dying stems to appx 4-5m, lightly prune in centre of low canopy,
Large Apple (with rose), infected with Ganoderma, slightly closer to drive and house - Fell, grind stump
Site address: Manor Farm Manor Road Little Shelford
No comments were made.
iv) 24/00018/FUL and 24/00019/LBC
Proposal: The resurfacing of existing paths within the churchyard, additional external lighting
Site address: All Saints Church Church Street Little Shelford.
It was resolved to make no comment.
Council noted the following application has been withdrawn
Proposal: New dwelling on land adjacent to 73 High Street
Site address: Land Adj 73 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Update on Appeal EN/00335/23
The Navigator 63 High Street
Appeal against Extraction Unit doesn't have Planning Permission 21/05343/FUL and 21/05344/ LBC
refused. There was no further but it is believed Admiral Taverns are working to resolve the situation.
7. Finances: (documents attached for information)
a) Council to note both a current and savings account have been opened at Unity. The Barclays Accounts are both closed and the Barclay Card has been cancelled.
b) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report below
It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed the following payments be made
P59 PWLB Loan repayment 2,960.98
P60/63/69/70 Staff for Dec Salary, PAYE, NI, pension 1,883.18
P61 Cambridgeshire Acre Membership 60.00
P62 EW Thwaites Hedge work for SCOWP 1,995.00
P64 ICO 35.00
P65 Unity Trust Service Charge 18.00
P66 Unity Trust Debit Interest 0.04
This will be refunded following a phone call
P67 SEE Electricity for Street light 11.54
P68 SEE Electricity for Phone Box 11.81
P71 Clerk expenses Stamps,
safety tape, ink and mileage 46.99
Total £7,002.54
The Clerk left the meeting.
c) To consider the NALC reviewed pay scales and home working allowance. NALC have agreed salary increases for clerk and it was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed that this should be back dated to April and that the Clerks salary should be increased by 1point after her first year.
It was also agreed that a home working allowance will now be paid.
The Clerk returned to the meeting
d) Council to note all invoices and new agreements have been sent out to allotment holders. Some payments and signed agreements have been received.
e) Donation consideration
We have £1500 budgeted and £150 spent on donation to Shelford School but agreed in previous financial year.
The following donations were agreed:
£500 for Shelford and Stapleford Youth Initiative
£500 for Little Shelford for the pollarding around Bradmere Pond.The Parish Council will organise the trimming of the hedge around the bowling green.
£150 for Little Shelford Church towards the printing of the village newsletter.
These leaves £350 which can be allocated at the next meeting.
Budget Consideration the precept request needs to be submitted by the end of January including
i) Increased donations after a request from SSYI – further details will be sought regarding how many young people from Little Shelford attend.
ii) Emails – at some point it looks like all PC’s will need to use emails. Council do not wish to move to these emails currently.ii)Consideration iii) Consideration of website – council wishes to continue with the current arrangement.
The budget was considered including the above suggestions. It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed that the precept request increase to £37,000.
f) Consideration of savings account – the Clerk will check the interest rate on the Unity Trust savings account. Action the Clerk
g) Consideration of appointment of internal auditor it was agreed to appoint LGS Services. Action the Clerk.
8. Review of Financial Regulations (already circulated). It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed to adopt the regulations
9. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – there was no update and it was suggested the Clerk look into this. Action Cllr Skinner and the Clerk.
b) o consider 20 is plenty village consultation as agreed in the November 2023 meeting. Dates for the next round applications are 15 January – 15 March. It was agreed that an A5 leaflet will be put in the next newsletter to seek all residents opinions
10.Allotments & SCOWP update
a) SCOWP report - none received
b) Allotments update – a new map has been created and there is currently one vacant plot. Another has been given up and the clerk has someone interested.
11. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Wale working party update – there was no update
b)Playing surface project update – there was nothing further to report.
c) Flag pole planning application rethink update – a further meeting is planned to consider further location suggestions.
d) Height barrier update – the Clerk is still working on this and should be contacted by the insurers soon.
e) Litter Picker update – there were no applications for litter picker position although there has been some interest since then. Action the Clerk
f) Terms of reference for the Wale – Cllr Jones and Clerk. This will be an item on the next agenda. Action the Clerk.
g) Fencing quotes – the clerk has requested updates to the quotes as requested and has begun to look into funding options (details attached).
h) River bank Erosion – a plan of the work has been sent and emailed to all Cllrs. There has been no formal acknowledgement that the anyone will be funding the work. It was agreed the Clerk will follow this up and to encourage legal cray fish catching. Action the Clerk and Cllr Lury.
i) Trees – the clerk has requested quotes for a tree inspection of the Wale. The three quotes were considered and it was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed that OMC Arboriculture be appointed to carry out the inspection. Action the Clerk.
j) Lights along the driveway – the Clerk has not received any update on this
12. Village matters
a) Councillor’s village walk reports – the pavement outside 78 High Street is collapsing and it is felt that Winners is looking very tatty. It has been agreed that letters should be written by the Chair. Action the Clerk and Cllr Skinner.
b) February Litter Pick – it is planned that this will take place on Sunday 17th March. Action the Clerk and Cllr Jones.
c) Twinning Event – Cllr Lury updated council on ideas for when Twinning visitors are here in July. It was agreed that a buffet lunch could be provided with a cost of £250.
13. Clerks correspondence was noted for info
Allocation of addressing to a new dwelling at former 9A Hauxton Road, Little Shelford To Be Known As: 11 Hauxton Road, CB22 5HJD
Stapleford and Great Shelford Neighbourhood plan protecting and improving rural routes in to the countryside
GCP – new buses and improved transport links
Views for Police Funding
Papers for GCP executive board meeting
News from the Police Crime Commissioner
Civil Parking Enforcement Update
CCC budget briefing
CAPALC updates
Information on bonfires from SCDC
EWR updates
Report on Extra Ordinary Meeting of SCDC.
14. Any other business for next agenda
Items to be carried forward
The Terrace lighting update – Cllr Penn and the Clerk
Insurance and firework display – the Clerk
Bowls Club
The meeting was closed at 10.10pm.
Next Parish Council Meeting: 15th April 2024 - Annual Parish Meeting in memorial hal
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meetings
Minutes of the Parish Council meetings from Jan 2016 to July 2021 can be found here.
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner (Chair) and three members of the public.
To receive apologies for absence apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hunt nothing had been heard from Cllr Hawthorn.
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 19th September 2023, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record. These were agreed to be a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.
Matters arising. There were no matters arising.
To receive any declarations of interest. Cllrs Jones and Lury declared an interest in planning application 23/03618/FUL as they are both neighbour consultees. They took no part in the Council decision making discussion.
Public Session:
Three members of the public were present to hear the councils’ discussion and decision regarding application 23/03618/FUL.
Proposal: New dwelling on land adjacent to 73 High Street
Site address: Land Adj 73 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
It was resolved to object on the following grounds
Due to the reduction in size of the open grassland area, introduction of private windows adjacent to it and domestication of this space through residential paraphernalia, the proposed development would change the perceived nature of the site from semi-rural space to a private garden. This would have a harmful impact on the setting of the grade II listed building at no 73 High Street and would harm the character of the conservation area and wider area. As such, the proposed development is contrary to policies S/7, HQ/1 and NH/14 South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018), Paragraphs 126, 130, 134, 199 and 201 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021) and the Design Guidance paragraphs 4.2 and 5.4.4 of the Little Shelford Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (2022)
We are concerned that insufficient information has been provided to demonstrate the impact that the works within the root protection of the holly tree would have on the floor levels and level access, the main house, paved patio, the parking space block paving and Aco drainage channel are all shown as overlapping the root protection area.
The dense hedgerow along the boundary of no 73, specifically the half closest to the high street which is a mixed in with ivy and is frequented by many garden birds, has not been included in the ecological report, and may provide habitats for protected species. The proposal fails to comply with Policy NH/4 of the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (2018), Paragraphs 174(d) and 180 (a) of the national Planning Policy Framework (2021) and the Greater Cambridge Biodiversity SPD (2022)
The highways department states Contractor parking, for both demolition and construction phases parking should be within the curtilage of the site and not on the street. This would put additional pressure on the dense hedgerow mentioned above.
We are concerned that there are unresolved highways’ issues. The parking space will require access across a public footpath owned by highways and on to a private road owned by no 8 the Terrace, we have not been made aware that access has been granted. The main sewer runs down the private road and the proposed building plot is lower than the road it is assumed that the work required to connect the utilities may take several days and would prevent vehicular access to and from 4 properties on that road.
While the current proposal sets the building slightly further back and in from the side of the plot and has a different design approach. The new dwelling, would be taller than previously proposed, would obscure views to the listed building from The Terrace and adversely affect the character of the site through its change to an enclosed domestic use. The two-storey barn-type appearance would have an overbearing and dominant relationship to the modest listed cottage 73 High Street and No 8 the Terrace.
With the building being further back and to the side of the plot we are concerned that no loss of light analysis has been provided for No 8 the Terrace which has a south facing garden area which would be impacted and for the garden of No 73 the High Street which would lose light from the Southeast. We are concerned by the loss of privacy to No 8 of as 3 second storey windows look over their garden and into the property.
ii. 23/1088/TTPO
Proposal: T1 . MATURE SYCAMORE TREE - To remove the remaining crown (canopy) on a (23-24 metre) mature Sycamore tree, leaving the main stem at a height above the tear. This tree has experienced mechanical failure (loss of one upright codominant stem in high winds) behind no.23 the Courtyards and is at risk of wind throw due to the shift in balance of the tree. The tree is now unevenly balanced in the direction of no.23 the Courtyards
T2 and T3 SEMI MATURE SYCAMORE TREES - To remove/dismantle two semi mature Sycamore trees adjacent to the Mature Sycamore tree above (T1.), these trees are failing. Both these trees are in falling distance of no.23 which is 18 metres away from the main stems. Removal of these trees will allow for future tree planting.
Site address: 23 Courtyards Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments were made.
Consideration of Planning Committee or additional Parish Council meeting. It was resolved that a planning committee will be formed formally at the next Parish Council meeting.
Consideration of allotment fees
Cllr Jones proposed that the allotment fees are increased to £30 (for half an allotment), this was seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed by all.
The Meeting was closed at 8.30pm.
Next Parish Council Meeting: 20th November
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn, David Jones, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner (Chair), SCDCllr Maria King, the clerk and two members of the public.
To receive apologies for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Patterson for personal reasons, SCDCllr Peter Fane and CCCllr Brian Milne who are both attending an extra ordinary South Cambs District Council meeting.
To resolve that the minutes of the meeting held on 16th October 2023, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record. It was proposed by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed by all that these were a true record of the meeting and signed.
Matters arising – there were no matters arising that are not covered elsewhere in the agenda.
To receive any declarations of interest- Cllr Jones as Chairman of the cricket club and SSYI (Shelford Stapleford Youth Initiative) and Cllr Evans as a director of Morgan and Barratt Accountancy.
Public Session: no members of the public wished to raise anything.
5. To receive South Cambs District Councillor’s Report (SCDC) & Cambridge County Councillor’s (CCC) report. These have been circulated.
CCCllr Maria King gave a brief overview of the report and informed Council of an engagement meeting with EWR in early December and will further details will be forwarded
6. Planning Report-
23/03975/HFUL and 23/03976/LBC
Proposal: Construction of a new car port over existing concrete slab parking area. Installation of electric vehicle charging point under car port. Installation of above ground rainwater storage tanks at three locations. Close boarded timber fence enclosure to rainwater tanks. Alterations to existing rainwater goods. Replacement of existing rainwater goods to outbuildings.
Site address: 33 Church Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
It was resolved to make no comments.
For Consideration
The following applications were received for info
i) 23/1274/TTCA
Proposal: T1 Horse Chestnut tree: shorten the low lateral limb to within 2m of the large secondary union, as indicated in the attached photo. Remove the end weight of the large limb over the drive by 3m.
Site address: 17 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments were submitted
ii) 23/02579/FUL Amendment
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three detached houses along with associated works
Site address: 77 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No further comments were submitted
iii) 23/1304/TTCA
Proposal: T1 Silver Birch dead - Fell
T2 Judas Tree -- Reduce crown by 1-2m, has outgrown it's situation.
Site address: 2 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments were submitted
iv) 23/00341/CONDA
93 High Street Little Shelford
Submission of details required by condition 4 (Ecology enhancement) of planning permission 23/00341/S73
v) 23/00342/CONDA
93 High Street Little Shelford
Submission of details required by condition 3 (material details) of planning permission 23/00342/S19LB
vi) Update on EN/00335/23
The Navigator 63 High Street
Appeal against Extraction Unit doesn't have Planning Permission 21/05343/FUL and 21/05344/ LBC
refused. Admiral Taverns have appointed consultants to look into the extractor fan.
The Parish Council are in regular communication with Admiral Taverns and will update residents as
7. Finances: (documents attached for information
a)Council to note both a current and savings account have been opened at Unity Trust. The Clerk has been unable to move the Barclays Account Across but now the address has been changed is trying again.
b)To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report below. It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed the following payments be made.
P44 Clear Insurance Insurance £1057.75
P47 Green Acres Grass Cutting £1266
P48 Source for business Water for allotment and orchard £136.99
P49 Little Shelford Services Play area fence repairs £236.27
P50 SEE Electricity for phone box £10.27
P51 SEE Electricity for streetlights £12.08
P52 Little Shelford Cricket Club Work to path £165.00
P53 PKF LittleJohn AGAR £252.00
P46, 45 54 &55 Clerk, Salary, pension, PAYE £1883.18
P56 Clerk Reimbursement for office supplies and bank transfer £39.94
P57 SEE Electricity for street lights £11.77
P58 SEE Electricity for phone box £10.27
Total £2,757.77
Income £20,637.13
Expenditure £7,373.89
Total at end Q1 £53,865.52
Cash balances at end Q1 £54,224.52
Outstanding cheques at end Q1 £359.00
Net £53,865.52
Check OK
Q2 Income £17,805.26
Expenditure £12,338.58
Total at end Q2 £59,332.20
Cash balances at end Q2 £62,820.34
Outstanding cheques at end Q2 £3,488.14
Net £59,332.20
Check OK
c) Conclusion of Audit Report has been received and the notice of conclusion of audit has been published.
d) The second precept payment of £17750.00 and a VAT repayment of £973.66 have been received.
e) There has been a delay sending the allotment invoices due to an issue with the map and plot numbering.
f) Consideration of future support for SSYI this will be considered in January with other donations and the budget.. Action the Clerk g) Budget the clerk has started working on this ready for consideration at the January meeting. Action the Clerk.
8. Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations (already circulated). It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed to adopt the updated Standing Orders. The financial regulations will be reviewed with the budget in January. Action the Clerk.
9. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – there was no update.
Consideration of next actions after the village survey report results. It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed that a whole village consultation should be considered in the New Year. Action the Clerk.
Council noted the application for Civil Parking Enforcement is due to go before parliament on 24th November (subject to timetabling).
10.Allotments & SCOWP update:-
SCOWP report - none received
Allotments update – the notes of the last meeting are attached for information and the clerk gave a verbal update. It was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Hunt that the PC provide a skip after a bonfire to clear the site. After this that plot can be let and allotment holders encouraged to compost their own waste as fires will no longer be permitted. The holders’ agreements will be updated accordingly. Action the Clerk.
11. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a)Wale working party update – there was no update.
b) Playing surface project update. The whole playing surface has been reseeded and a six year improvement programme has been agreed with Shelford and Stapleford Strikers (SASS). There will be an increases costs for the Cricket Club (£1,200 per annum). The Parish Council would like to Minute thanks to SASS for their work on this project
c) Flag pole planning application update. After consultation with residents who live near the entrance to the recreation ground it has been decided to re think erecting the flag pole outside the pavilion. Action Cllr Jones d) Height barrier update – it was recently damaged a quote for a replacement is £863.15 ex VAT, a barrier that opens in the middle will be approximately double this cost. This doesn’t include installation or removal of the damaged gate. It was agreed to contact the insurance company dealing with the claim. Action the Clerk.e0 e) e) Litter Picker update – to consider the advert (attached for info) it was agreed that the advert be put on the notice board, the Face Book page and in the village newsletter. Action the Clerk.
f) Terms of reference for the Wale – Cllr Jones and Clerk these will be circulated. Action the Clerk
g) Fencing quotes there are some errors with the quotes and the Clerk will work to ensure they are the same and will start looking for quotes. Action the Clerk.
h) River bank Erosion this will be considered at the next meeting.
i) The PC have been asked to if another councillor would like to be a trustee for the Wale Pavilion. It was agreed that Cllr Brie be appointed.
j) Council noted that the access to the Wale from Courtyards will be closed overnight on the 24th December. Action Cllr Jones and the Clerk.
k) The lights on the driveway to the pavilion are not working properly. It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed to request the engineer to investigate the issue up to a cost of £250
12. Village matters
a) Councillors’ village walk report – the state of the pavement outside no 84 High Street was raised and it was agreed that a letter from the Chairman be sent raising concerns and informing the owners if there is an accident they might be potentially liable. Action Cllr Skinner.
b) Six Free Trees - this will be forwarded to SCOWP Action the Clerk
13. Clerk’s correspondence – was noted and the information in Escooters has already been forwarded for the village newsletter.
14. Formation of Planning Committee – it was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed to adopt the Terms of Reference
15. Any other business for next agenda
Ongoing items to be carried forward
The Terrace lighting update – Cllr Penn
Next Parish Council Meeting: 15th January 2024
The meeting was closed at 9.30pm
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Deborah Hunt, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner (chair), the Clerk and SCDCllr Peter Fane.
To receive apologies for absence – apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hawthorn, Cllr Evans both for personal reasons and from CCClr Milne who had a meeting clash.
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 17th July 2023, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record. It was proposed by Cllr Patterson seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed that the minutes were a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.
Matters arising – there were none that are not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
To receive any declarations of interest –Cllr Patterson declared an interest in regard to EWR, Cllr Jones for cricket as the chairman of the club and Cllr Evans as a director of Morgan Barratt Accountancy.
Public Session: There were no members of the public present.
5. To receive South Cambs District Councillor’s (SCDCllr) Report & Cambridge County Councillor’s (CCCllr) report
The next full SCDC meeting is on 5th October.
Bin changes there are no changes for Little Shelford.
The Joint development Control committee (JDCC) in August approved landscaping plans for the new Cambridge South station, together with arrangements for over 1000 cycle storage racks. The committee will also consider temporary new car parking for the proposed Cambridge Cancer Hospital and changes to plans for the Marleigh development North of Newmarket Road.
Both SCDCllrs Jackson-Wood and Fane attended the committee meeting on 15th September. The committee considered the staff health and well-being survey and the recruitment and retention surveys, including the initial impact of the 4-day week which seems positive in both surveys.
Cabinet has approved £100,000 for a one-year ‘24/25 extension in funding for Mobile and Community Warden Schemes. Agreement was reached in principle on a three-year grant scheme from April 2025 to March 2028, subject to a review and further development work on the sustainability of the schemes.
Cllr Skinner commented that LSPC has written asking about mitigation measures if the crossing is closed on Hauxton Road EWR responded that they will not tell us until nearer the consultation period. Cllr Fane responded that the PC should pushing for answers on damage limitation. He has suggested for example that a cycle path be built alongside the line from Hauxton to Defreville House in Shelford
6. Planning Report
Recent applications
i. 23/03283/HFUL
Proposal: Part single storey, part two storey extension to rear.
Site address: 57 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire.
Comments by 20th Sept
It was resolved to make no comment.
ii. 23/02965/HFUL
Proposal: Erection of a carport
Site address: 34 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Extension for comments until 19th September
It was resolved to ask that existing foundations to be checked as to whether they will impact the tree
on the boundary to the east.
iii. SCDCllr Fane has Peter has asked us to consider 23/03231/FUL
Proposal: Erection of a new 6 bedroom dwelling in the place of an existing dwelling Site address: The Kings Orchard Kings Mill Lane Great Shelford Extension until 19th Sept
This was not discussed as the application is in Great Shelford.
Tree Applications
iv. 23/0728/TTCA
Proposal: T1 Dead Laburnum and adjacent tree: fell
T2 Horse chestnut: crown-reduce by 3m
T3 Maple: re-reduce by 2m
T4 Dead Elders: fell
T5 Robinia: crown-reduce by 2m
Site address: 5 Church Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
v. 23/0830/TTPO
Proposal: Sycamore tree, 18m high, in decline (die back) needs to be felled close to base.
Site address: 10 Courtyards Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments have been made.
vi. 23/0781/TTCA 5 day notice
Works to Trees in a Conservation Area.
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: -Large dying Sycamore in Paddock bordering Bridge Road - fell in sections to close to
ground level. 90% dead.
Site address: Manor House Manor Road Little Shelford
No comments have been made
vii. 23/0749/TTCA
Proposal: Spruce - remove
Site address: 26 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments have been made
viii. 23/0943/TTCA
Proposal: T1 Tulip tree - crown-reduce by 3m in height and 2m in width.
T2 Variegated Maple - crown-reduce by 3m in height and 1.5m in width
T3 Gleditsia - crown-reduce by 1.5-2m
T4 Liquidamber - re-reduce and thin by 2m in height and 1m in width
Site address: Cintra Lodge 14 Church Street Little Shelford
No comments were made.
Proposal: T1 Dead Poplar, Fell.
T2 Mature Poplar, Reduce canopy by 4m and prune to shape and balance.
T3 Dead Scots Pine, Fell.
T4 Dead Cherry, Fell.
T5 Crown lift canopy on 2 Horse chestnut trees over neighbouring drive way by 4/5m to improve
T6 Crown reduce Lime tree by 3m with a view to phase fell this tree over a 4/5 year period due the
the cracking on the property.
T7 Reduce the side of the canopy on the yew tree over the car park area by 1m and prune to shape.
T8 Atlantic cedar, dead wood.
T9 Atlantic cedar, dead wood.
Site address: 16 Whittlesford Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
No comments were made were made
ix. EN/00335/23
The Navigator 63 High Street
Appeal against Extraction Unit doesn't have Planning Permission 21/05343/FUL and 21/05344/ LBC
Representations need to be submitted by 21st September.
It was resolved to write to Admiral Taverns to try and resolve the issues. Action Cllr Skinner.
7. Finances: (documents attached for information)
a) Council to note both a current and savings account have been opened at Utility. The Clerk has been unable to move the Barclays Account Across. The Clerk and Cllr Hawthorn would like to suggest paying a cheque in so we can start using that account and setting things up from there.
It was suggested and agreed that all the money be moved minus 2 months of payments. Action the Clerk.
b) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report below
It was proposed to make following payments by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed.
P31 PWLB Loan repayment £3,325.35
P32-35 Clerk Salary, pension, PAYE £1,883.18
P36 BHA Trees Ltd Inspection and testing of London Plane £300.00
P37 Timber Force Ltd Mowing of orchard for SCOWP £240.00
P38 SEE Street Light electricity £11.51
P39 SEE Phone box electricity £9.83
P40 SEE Street Light electricity £11.97
P41 SEE Phone box electricity £10.27
P42 Clerk Expenses including new printer £153.49
Total £5,945.60
The Clerk explained than on paper the bank account reconciled but not on the spread sheet.
c) To consider a request from the Cricket Club of £165 as the work planned includes work on the access track. It was resolved to pay this from the pavilion reserves.
Before the village weekend it was ascertained that because the event was not organised by the Parish Council or a Committee of the Council there was no insurance cover. The Entertainments Committee fund events insurance but have asked if the PC will cover the cost. It was proposed by Cllr Patterson, seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed.
8. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – there was no update Cllr Skinner
b) Other updates -
c) Residents were asked about the 20 is plenty at the village weekend with the majority in favour of working towards reducing the speed limit. There are also responses to the online survey and Cllr Skinner will download these. Action Cllr Skinner.
9. Allotments & SCOWP update
a) SCOWP report - none received
b) Allotments update – an allotment meeting will be organised before the next parish council meeting and the clerk will send the fee letters out. Action the Clerk.
10. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Wale working party update – there was no further update
b) Playing surface project update –Cllr Jones will liaise with Shelford and Stapleford Strikers and start to organise quotes for the repairs.
He also reported that cricketers will be working on the cricket square in the next few weeks.
c) Flag pole planning application – no further update except a resident is willing to help Cllr Jones.
d) Litter Picker update – we need someone in the short term an advert will be put in the newsletter and on the notice board. Action Cllr Skinner.
e) Fencing quotes – it was resolved to get further quotes and look for grants. Action the Clerk.
f) River bank Erosion – the clerk is still continuing to get quotes. We have received one and one other company have pulled out because the project is too small. Further quotes will be sought.
Action the Clerk.
There have been reports of suckers or saplings growing by the wall near the pavilion on the Wale that may become a problem.
Council have been asked to consider taking on the maintenance of the hedge around the bowls green that the wildlife Group can no longer maintain themselves. Council was reminded that the Bowls Club and the Pavilion both received Covid Grants of £10,000.
The Parish Council would also like it’s thanks to be minuted for the use of the pavilion over the village weekend.
11. Village matter
Councillors’ village walk report - there are a number of hedges that requiring trimming back and the Clerk will write to residents. Action the Clerk.
Review of Village Weekend – it was felt to be a good event and well attended. Council would like to minute thanks to the members of the Little Shelford Entertainments Committee for their hard work.
The verge on Bridge Lane where there were wild flowers is overgrown and Council agreed should be cut. Action the Clerk.
12. Clerks correspondence
Community gritting scheme Joining date 31st October
A letter from the Courtyards Association requesting that the council help pursue dropped kerbs in courtyards.
Letter – from Rainbow and the Wacky building
A letter was received raising concerns about parking on High Street
An invitation to an Action on Energy Event on 11th October
The results of the Making Connections Consultation
Information from a presentation to Clerks on electric charging points
The Zero Carbon Communities Grant – Little Shelford Community Orchard was unsuccessful in their bid.
13. Frequency of Council meetings it was agreed that the Clerk will book the North Building for a meeting on 16th October for the purpose of discussing any planning applications that an extension cannot be obtained for. Action the Clerk.
14. The Insurance is due for renewal. The clerk will get new quotes but it was noted that the village weekend is a biannual event. Action The Clerk.
15. Any other business for next agenda
Ongoing items to be carried forward
Proposal for a set of Recreation Ground Rules
The Terrace lighting update – Cllr Penn
Next Parish Council Meeting: 20th November
The meeting was closed at 9.30pm
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner (chair), the Clerk and SCDCllr Peter Fane.
To receive apologies for absence – apologies were received and accepted for Cllrs Brie Lury and Deborah Hunt both for personal reasons.
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 22nd May 2023, attached for information and to be signed as a correct record. It was proposed by Cllr Jones seconded by Cllr Penn, agreed to be a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair.
Matters arising From the May 2023 Meeting
11. Finance – the AGAR and all supporting documents have been submitted
12b) councillor walk about – the clerk has delivered letters to residents concerning trees and overgrown vegetation
14. Pavilion and Wale – the clerk is in the process of seeking quotes for the fencing and mending the mound in the play area
17. Hemlock has been removed from the Wale recreation ground
4. To receive any declarations of interest – Cllr Patterson declared an interest in regard to EWR, Cllr Skinner for tree work near his property (Item Cllr Jones for cricket as the chairman of the club and Cllr Evans as a director of Morgan Barratt Accountancy.
Public Session: there were no members of the public present.
5.To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report
A written report was circulated by Cllr Fane and Cllr Milne gave a verbal report the main points of which were:
4 day week -The three-month trial concluded at the end of March, and Cabinet agreed to extend it for a further year.The initial trial will be subject to an objective assessment by Bennett Institute for Public Policy at Cambridge University. The Junior Minister at DLUHC wrote to Council urging the cabinet to suspend the trial. In her reply Mrs Smith drew attention to savings of over £300,000 to date through the replacement of expensive agency staff, particularly in planning, by about 20 directly employed staff in roles to which we had previously been unable to recruit. DLUHC has now started a consultation on a Code of Practice which will give statutory guidance on value for money, including possibly on four-day week policies
EWR – have done a lot of work on engagement including about reducing the height of embankments and tunnels or bridges for cyclists and pedestrians so villages don’t lose all connectivity.
Only 10% freight trains are electrified and no commitment from EWR on how this rail will be powdered.
CCCllr Milne trying to take a wider helicopter view and attended meeting with EWR’s Chief Executive.
SCDCllr Fane commented that it is now easier to engage as EWR have something to say. The northern route is cheaper but the business case supports the southern route (but we haven’t seen that). The benefits are a third of the costs. The question is how we mitigate how it will affect the local area. It may never happen because in 18 months there could be a general election and the landscape might change again.
EWR currently pushed by the treasury (golden triangle London, Oxford, Cambridge)
Cllr Fane as Chair of the District Council for the next year, announced that Chair’s charity would be the Cambourne Youth Partnership. Like SSYI, this is run with help and support from Romsey Mill.
The new Chair of the Planning Committee us Cllr Martin Cahn.
Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals will support development on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
Cllr Fane as Chair of the District Council for the next year, announced that Chair’s charity would be the Cambourne Youth Partnership. Like SSYI, this is run with help and support from Romsey Mill.
The new Chair of the Planning Committee us Cllr Martin Cahn
Greater Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals will support development on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus.
There was surprise at a recent article in the Times about proposals by to turn Cambridge into a British Silicon Valley, with 250,000 extra houses to be built by 2040. This plan had not been discussed with officers of the Joint Planning Service or with members of either Council. Anthony Browne MP has made clear his opposition to any such proposal. This proposals in this leaked document contrast with the Development Update for the joint local plan which proposes 51,723 new houses in Greater Cambridge in the same period, and has already met with formal objections from the Environment Agency on the grounds that there is insufficient water capacity for some of the proposed developments.
6Planning Report
Recent applications
i. 23/01547/HFUL
Proposal: Two storey extension to front, alterations to ground floor gable end roof, reconfiguration of ground and first floor, demolition of outbuilding.
Site address: 1 Newton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council to make no comments.
ii. 23/02409/S73
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning ref: 21/05600/HFUL (Single storey side and rear extensions, two storey rear extension. Resubmission of 21/04548/HFUL) to include an area of render to the south-east facing side elevation and to raise the height of the window to Bedroom 5.
Site address: 12 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council made no comments.
iii. 23/02121/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey rear extension and alterations to summer house and installation of solar panels on the extended flat roof external store and wood store.
Site address: 72 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council made no comments.
iv. 23/01781/HFUL
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory to enable a replacement structure, internal reconfiguration to accommodate new staircase and a small rear infill extension. New crossover and partial hardstanding to driveway.
Site address: 2 Newton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council made no comments.
v, 23/02579/FUL
Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of three detached houses along with associated
Site address: 77 Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council resolved to object to this application as it is an over development of the site with 3 houses proposed, there is a conflict with the village design statement and the emphasis on sight lines. Finally as an infill village there may also be conflict on how many properties can be built.
Tree Applications
vi. 23/0543/TTCA
Proposal: T1 Horse Chestnut - crown-raise to 3.5m. Remove 2m end weight from a large limb overhanging the property on the North side. Ring the Ivy at the base.
Site address: 17 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council made no comment.
vii. 23/0526/TTCA
Proposal: Maple (T1) - fell due to stem damage and heavy buckling on under side of stem.
Prunus (T2) fell to give more garden space and light.
Sycamore (T3) fell to give more light.
Site address: 34 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council made no comment.
viii. 23/0401/TTPO
Proposal: Oak tree - This tree is heavily leaning towards no.23, the owners of no.23 are concerned that the Oak tree will fall and cause structural damage to there property. I suggest carrying out 1metre crown reduction to reduce the load bearing.
Site address: 23 Courtyards Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council made no comment.
For Info Only
ix. 22/03296/CONDC
Local Planning Authority: South Cambridgeshire District Council
Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 26 (Ecology Enhancement) and 27 (Biodiversity Net Gain) of planning permission 22/03296/FUL
Site address: 9A Hauxton Road Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council to note the following application has been withdrawn
x. 23/00746/HFUL Proposal: Single Storey Side Extension.
Site address: 34 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council to note the following applications are going to appeal against the decision of refusal. The Council cannot make further comment.
xi. 22/03445/HFUL
Proposal: Single storey rear extension and two storey side extension, demolition of two existing garages and the construction of two detached garages. Demolition and construction of a new front boundary wall, alterations to the existing vehicular access and landscaping.
Site address: 38 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
xii. 22/04624/HFUL
Proposal: Part single storey, part two storey side/rear extension and two storey front extension.
Site address: 80 High Street Little Shelford Cambridgeshire
Council to note enforcement were contacted regarding the new gate/entrance on Whittlesford Road.
There has been no further update on 93 High Street. There is concern that development is happening slowly one application after another. Council would like a planning specialist to attend a Parish Council meeting so this issue can be raised..
7. Accounts: (documents attached for information)
a) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report below
It was proposed to make following payments by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Patterson and agreed.
P13 Southern Electric DD Electricity to phone box £10.27
P14 Southern Electric DD Electricity for streetlights £11.66
P15,16 Staff costs £1,883.18
P17 Donation to Shelford School Support Fund £150
To pay
P22/P23 Staff costs £941.59
P24 Reimbursement Coronation expenses £135.51
P25 Reimbursement Coronation expenses £136.00
P27 Southern Electric DD Electricity to streetlights £11.82
P28 Southern Electric DD Electricity to phone box £10.71
P29 Shelford Tree Service Ltd Removal of sycamore tree in river £1500.00
P30 SLCC membership £177.00
P26 Green Acres Ground Maintenance £1554.00
Bank Reconciliation to June 19th.
Community Account Balance 1st April 2023 £10,599.34
Income £17,815.00
Expenditure £8573.89
Total 19,840.45
Unpresented Cheques 1945.90
Total as agrees June 19th statement £21,786.35
Business Savings Account £31,418.31
Total £53,204.66
b)To agree the movement of the monies in the Barclays deposit account into the community account before moving to Unity Trust. Council can then consider open a new savings account. It was proposed by Cllr Evans and seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed to move the savings before opening the Unity Trust Account. Action Cllr Hawthorn and the Clerk.
8. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – Cllr Skinner no update
b)Other updates no police meeting but traffic church street. Plans were mentioned for traffic calming measures outside Shelford School. It was agreed to contact Great Shelford PC for further information. Action the Clerk.
9. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report - no report
b) Allotments update – Minutes of the meeting held on 26th June are attached for info. There was some discussion on the rental of a digger and it was felt that if the bonfire plot was cleared there would be another plot for rent. The 3 digger quotes will be circulated. Action the clerk.
10. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Wale working party update – the second meeting is planned for September
b) Playing surface project update –Cllr Jones is proposing a meeting next week for representatives from the cricket and footballers club plus the pavilion management committee because although an application has been submitted for treatments for the whole playing field further funds need to be raised.
c) Tree updates – the plane tree has been inspected and the report received this evening will be circulated but no work is currently required.
d) Flag pole planning application update – Cllr Jones has sought pre planning advice at no cost.
e) Litter Picker update – the current litter picker is unable to carry out duties so alternatives need to be considered.
f) Council to note the tree which fell into the river has been removed but there appears to be a problem with crayfish burrowing into the bank and the Clerk has begun to seek advice from the Environment Agency.
11. Village matters
a) Councillors’ village walk report – trees hanging over the wall from the Wale. It was agreed to look at the trees Action Cllr Hawthorn.
A complaint was received about the mowing/strimming of the verges after no more May. It was agreed the grass cutting contract will be reviewed at a future meeting. Pathways have not been cut in the verges of Whittlesford Road which are very overgrown. The clerk will investigate how often these verges are cut. Action the Clerk.
b) EWR – to note that Little Shelford Parish Council added its name to a statement intended for Ministers saying they do not support EWR statement of the Southern route preference released in May. Cllr Hawthorn attended a meeting with Cambridge Approaches it is still worth attacking the business case, overall route as announced is flawed in many ways and apply pressure to MP’s. The statutory consultation period could begin next year it is likely that the next government and secretary of state will make the decision. Cllr Hawthorn also went to the Harston open evening and spoke to engineers and it appears that if the level crossing is closed they will put another road link in by M11 and a pedestrian bridge.It was agreed to engage with EWR before the statutory consultation.
c) Parish Council Stall at the village weekend. The initial response from Cllrs is that we do not have enough people to run the stall. It appear that the Council are now able to man a stall with a display board, which we can borrow. Action the Clerk.
d) Nomination of the villager of the year – It was proposed by Cllr Penn, seconded by Cllr Skinner and agreed that Diana Haines be announced as Village of the Year at the village weekend
e)Village Weekend (September) update – Cllr Jones gave each a Cllr a copy of the promotional flier.
f) Situation with Navigator – planning have issued an enforcement notice to remove extractor fan. The Parish Council are keen to help resolve the issue and will send a letter offering to organise a meeting of concerned and relevant parties. Action Clerk and Cllr Skinner.
Additionally the responses to the village survey cannot be accessed as Survey Monkey is no longer free. Hard copies will be printed for use at the Fun Weekend. Action the Clerk and Cllr Skinner.
12. Clerks correspondence
a) Both email and postal address continue to be updated
b) A letter of thanks has been received for the donation towards the Shelford School Support Fund
c) The Clerks SLCC membership is due for renewal. It was agreed the council would pay this. Action the Clerk.
13. Frequency of Council meetings – the clerk raised concerns that planning applications are falling between meetings and are not being discussed in a public meeting where residents can attend. This will be discussed at the September meeting. Action the clerk.
14. Any other business for next agenda
Ongoing items to be carried forward
Proposal for a set of Recreation Ground Rules
The Terrace lighting update – Cllr Penn put on next agenda
The meeting was closed at – 9.45pm
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Deborah Hunt, David Jones, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner and two members of the public.
Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2022/23 and Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Cllr Lury proposed Cllr Skinner be appointed chair for the forth coming year. This was seconded by Cllr Penn and agreed with all in favour.
Cllr Skinner proposed Cllr Lury be appointed vice chair for the forth coming year. This was seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed with all in favour.
The declarations of acceptance were signed.
To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from the Clerk, and Cllr Patterson both for personal reasons.
Allocation of Councillors’ responsibilities are as follows :
Cllr Hawthorn
Cllrs Lury, Penn and Evans
District Infrastructure (previously Strategic applications)
Cllrs Hawthorn and Patterson
Trees/Tree applications
Cllrs Jones and Evans
Pavilion trustees
Cllr Jones and Penn
Wale Recreation Ground
Cllrs Jones, Penn, Lury and Evans
Transport (Roads/buses)
Cllrs Patterson, Jones, Hawthorn
Police liaison & NHW
Cllr Evans and Penn
Village Hall
Cllr Skinner
Cllr Jones and Hunt
Cllr Jones
East West Rail
Cllr Hawthorn
Entertainments Committee
Cllrs Jones and Lury
Communications & Website
Cllr Lury and the Clerk
4) To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 13th March 2023 be signed as a correct record. These were agreed to be a true record of the meeting and were signed by the Chair
5) Matters arising – there were none
6) To receive any declarations of interest – Cllr Jones – Chair of the cricket club, Cllr Evans Morgan as a director of Morgan Barrett Accountancy
Public Session:
Two members of the public raised concerns about parking on the pavement outside the Village Hall, obstructing passing wheelchairs, pushchairs etc. People have been forced to walk in the road. It was suggested that information could be added to the Booking Form and/or put signs outside the Hall. Action Cllr Skinner and the Clerk.
7) To receive District Councillor’s & County Councillor’s Reports – a written report was circulated but no DC or CCCllrs attended the meeting. Action – clerk
8) Planning Report
a) Recent applications:
i) 23/0333/TTCA for 29 High Street
Proposal: T1 - Mature Yew - Gentle Crown Lift to 7ft to improve light below as the grass is starting to die. It is very dark in the property as well.
T2 - Mature Yew - This tree exhibits a heavy lean directly over the neighbours property. It has in the past been routinely hacked right back to the boundary and has now created a thick wall of dense foliage blocking all of No.29s light into there garden and house. Sadly the tree seems to have lost its natural form due to the harsh management and now resemble more of a heavy pollard and has lost its amenity value. Fell
T3 - Mature Yew - Gentle pruning away from car port to provide a 2m clearance. And a 7ft crown lift to improve light.
The Parish Council made no comment.
ii) 23/0398/TTPO 23 Courtyards
Proposal: Mature Sycamore - fell this tree has recently lost 50% of its upper canopy due to wind throw causing one of the codominant upright stems to breakaway at the first main union, a height of three metres from ground level, (please see attached photos).
2 x semi mature trees are also failing, Fell one has fallen onto another Sycamore tree which is helping to prop this one up, thus causing load bearing. The second Sycamore tree is failing, the bark has altered, discolouring of the bark (sooty bark disease), bleeding canker, blistering bark and vertical fractures. Both these trees are in falling distance of no.23 which is 18 metres away from the main stems.
The Parish Council made no comments.
iii) 23/0397/TTPO 20 Courtyards
Proposal: A single mature Sycamore tree that stands approximately 23-24metres high on the outer edge of a wooded area overlooking the Courtyards. This tree is unsafe and at risk wind thrown which will cause structural damages to the neighbouring property of no.20 as well as risk to life. The tree is failing due to the loss of the internal heartwood in the main stem at ground level and to a height of approximately 2.5metres. Dismantle/remove the tree in its entirety leaving the stump at ground level.
No.20 is within the falling height of the tree at 18 metres. The rear garden fence is one metre away from the main stem.
The Parish Council made no comments.
iv) 23/0275/TTCA for 25A Church Street
Proposal: T1 Indian Bean Reduce height by 2m
T2 Paperbark Maple Reduce height by 1m
T3 Maple Reduce height by 2m
The Parish Council made no comment
v) 23/00901/S73 for 46 Hauxton Road
Proposal: S73 to vary condition 2 (approved drawings) of ref: 21/05585/HFUL (Single storey rear extension and single storey front extension to form garage and car-port) to add a gable wall and garage door.
The Parish Council made no comment
vi) 23/00746/HFUL for 34 High Street
Proposal: Single Storey Side Extension.
The PC objects to the single storey extension as we are concerned about the welfare of the large mature tree, in conservation area and in close proximity to the proposed extension.
Foundations for a garage were laid in December 2022 without any planning consent, therefore no control/advice was given re the roots of this tree.
The PC are concerned that the tree may have already been adversely impacted. Recent observations from the public highway show the tree without foliage in May.
vii) 23/01725/Ful for 26 and 26A Church Street.
Proposal: Upgrade of existing dwelling incorporating external insulation and new windows, erection of a front porch/lobby extension to no.26a and reconfigured entranceway to no. 26 together with internal modernisation to both properties.
After some discussion it was resolved to make no comment.
For information only
22/00176/CondA for 11 High Street for the submission of details required for Cond3 (Joinery) of a listed building consent 22/00/76/LBC
22/03296/CondA for 9A Hauxton Road for the submission of details required by Cond% (traffic Management Plan) and 14 (Construction Environmental Plan) of planning permission 22/0396/Ful.
Permissions Granted
23/00342/S19LB for 93 High Street Little Shelford
Section 19 - Remove/Vary Condition (LB
S19 application to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of listed building consent (Replacement garage) 22/02148/LBC 1. Side-hung timber garage doors added for security purposes, 2. Addition of a rooflight to improve natural light levels and 3. Door and window positions on south-east elevation amended to improve internal layout of workshop / studio.
23/00341/S73 for 93 High Street Little Shelford
Section 73 - Remove/Vary Condition
S73 application to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 22/02147/HFUL (Replacement garage) 1. Side-hung timber garage doors added for security purposes. 2. Addition of a rooflight to improve natural light levels and 3. Door and window positions on south-east elevation amended to improve internal layout of workshop / studio.
22/03296/CONDA for 9A Hauxton Road Little Shelford
Submission of details required by condition 5 (Traffic Management Plan) and 14 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) of planning permission 22/0396/FUL
22/00176/CONDA for 11 High Street Little Shelford
Submission of details required by condition 3 (Joinery) of listed building consent 22/00176/LBC
22/05163/FUL for Hauxton Road Level Crossing Hauxton Road Little Shelford
Change of use to operational railway land together with the installation of Smart IO Housing Equipment and associated landscaping and fencing (Re-submission of 22/05027/FUL).
9) To review the independent Auditors report. The report was reviewed It was noted that the payments for salaries are not recorded in a confidential cashbook as per Financial Regulation
Action the Clerk and Cllr Hawthorn
10) To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 22/23
11) Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a. To review Finance statement for 2022-23. The statements were read out
It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn and seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed with all in favour that the statement is true.
b. To consider and approve the AGAR Accounting statements and figures 22/23
It was proposed by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Hunt and agreed that the accounting statements were correct and were signed by the Chair and clerk.
c. To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
it was proposed to make the following payments by Cllr Lury, seconded by Cllr Hunt and agreed subject to checking the water meter at the allotments and that the bollards are working on the Wale Recreation Ground. It was also noted that the first payment of £17,750.00 of the precept had been received.
PWLB Repayment
Source for Business (Water)
SEE - streetlights
SEE - phone box
LGS Services (Audit)
Rospa – playground inspection
Cambridge Electrical Services (bollards)
Little Shelford Services (tap repair)
d. To consider retrospective support request for expenses (up to £300) for the Coronation weekend activities. It was proposed to support this request by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed with all in favour.
e. To Approve cost for erecting a flag pole on the Wale Recreation Ground. The cost of £300 to apply for planning permission was agreed.
f. To clarify donation to school to the PTA or the Shelford School Support fund. It was proposed to support the Shelford School Support Fund by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Evans and agreed.
12) Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – there was no update.
b) Councillors walk abouts.
There are a number of areas where vegetation and hedges are overgrown. The Clerk will write to the owners.
There are Potholes on Manor Road – ascertain who is responsible for maintaining Manor Road Establish and circulate a list of contacts for residents to report issues on SCDC/ Highways website Action the Clerk
Pavements on the lower level of Hauxton Road continues to deteriorate and will be reported.
Tree on Whittlesford Road on verge near Camping Close requires cutting. To be checked after the verge is cut and consult Highways. Action the Clerk.
Inspection hole cover missing in pavement on Bridge Street and the pavements in Church Street in a poor state of repair these will be reported. Action Cllr Evans
Vegetation around Village Pump requires clearing and a volunteer will be sought. Action Cllr Penn
Loop on Bradmere Lane needs vegetation control. A working party will be organised. Action Cllr Patterson.
Trees on Whittlesford Road belonging to 93 High Street need attention. Action Cllr Hawthorn.
Wall outside the Land Adjacent to 26 Church Street has been demolished – See Planning Report
c) Update from Police Cllr Evans attended the recent South Cambs police update meeting. The current main issues are knife crime, drug dealing, antisocial behaviour and driving near schools. This was a particular issue outside Shelford School.
13) Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP have ordered a new keep your dog on a lead signs and are meeting this evening.
b) Allotments update a meeting will be organised before the next PC meeting. Action Cllr Jones.
14) Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
Review of Rospa playground inspection report and any remedial action
The report was reviewed. No red issues identified but the grass covering on the mound needs repair. Action the Clerk
The fence around Playground is damaged. It will be mended and quotes for replacement will be sought. Action the Clerk
Update on Plane Tree Inspection costs. It was proposed by Cllr Hawthorn, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed to ask BHA Trees Ltd to inspect the plane tree at a cost of £250. Action the Clerk.
Update on creation of Wale working group. The group has held its first meeting. Ideas were generated issues raised were options for the riverbank repair, control of pests (rabbits/moles), brambles on Whittlesford Road and removal of elm trees.
d) Flag pole - to agree its location. It was proposed by Cllr Lury, seconded by Cllr Hawthorn and agreed to accept the proposed location and planning permission be sought. Action Cllr Jones.
It was noted that the litter pick group is helping to monitor/empty bins during the litter pickers’ absence. Cllr Hawthorn requested to be added to the group. Action Cllr Jones.
It has been noted that there is hemlock on the Wale. It was agreed that the Clerk investigate further.
15) Village matters
a) Council to note that a quote for the disconnection of the phone box has been requested from UK Power Networks. It was agreed to decline the quote and to continue to pay electricity costs.
b) Review of the Annual Village Meeting- Cllr Hawthorn There had been limited attendance at the AVM. Cllr Fane gave an update and addressed specific questions, mainly about the state of the roads.
c) Review of Coronation Events. A report of the Coronation Events had been circulated. It was unanimously agreed that it had been a successful weekend and thanks were given to the Coronation Committee, the Afternoon Tea Committee, to residents who provided equipment, All Saints for the loan of the equipment and the Navigator for decoration and for providing the bar at the Memorial Hall. The PC voiced thanks to Cllr Jones for organising the Committee and for his input into all events.
d) Update on village survey. The Village Survey had been circulated and amended to reflect the views of the PC. It was proposed by Cllr Evans, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed that it can be circulated via the Village Newsletter next week. Action Cllr Skinner
e) East West Rail Update. The next official update is due before the end of May and will be circulated. Action Cllr Hawthorn
16) Clerks correspondence – The Council has been asked to support a grant application to improve
the pitch. A pitch report has been circulated. It was agreed to circulate a draft letter of support
for a grant application. Action Cllr Jones.
17) Any business for next agenda- nomination of villager of the year.
The meeting was closed at 10.15pm
Ongoing items to be carried forward
Proposal for a set of Recreation Ground Rules
The Terrace lighting update – Cllr Penn
River path erosion
Next Parish Council Meeting: 17th July 23
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Deborah Hunt, David Jones, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Robin Skinner.
Parish Clerk: Beckie Whitehouse
To receive apologies for absence - there were no apologies for absence
To resolve that the minutes of the meetings held on 16th January 2023 (circulated), to be signed as a correct record. Cllr Skinner proposed that these are a true record of the meeting this was seconded by Cllr Jones, agreed by all and were signed by the Chair.
Matters arising – there were no matters arising
To receive any declarations of interest – Cllr Jones is Chair of SSYI and Little Shelford Cricket Club and will take no part in the discussion regarding the grant applications (Item 8)
Public Session: there were no members of the public present.
To receive South Cambs District Councillor’s (SCDC) Report & Cambridgeshire County Councillor’s (CCC) report A SC District Report was received and circulated the main points of which were
Business Plan The revised business plan was approved in principle at full Council on 21st February.
There are plans to support the Council’s Zero Carbon and Doubling Nature Strategies.
Medium term financial strategy. A revised forecast shows the estimated funding gap between expected resources and expenditure in the period 2023/2024 to 2027/2028 stands at just under £4 million. £2 million in possible savings have been identified to date in the first two years of the period.
The Chancellor's Autumn Statement means that the Council Tax referendum limit will rise from 2% to 3% in 2023/2024 or increases of up to £5 on a Band D property.
Council Tax 2023/24: it was agreed in late February that the Council Tax Requirement for 2023/2024 be set at £11,130,440; and that there should be an increase in the District element of the Council Tax of £5 per annum, giving an average Band D Council Tax of £165.31.
New build council housing target: The target for the next two years is to be slightly revised to 75 homes per year. SCDC met its target of doubling the number of new homes delivered from 35 to 70 in 2021-22.
Four-day working week trial: The three-month trial is at an early stage once completed in March analysis will be carried out by Bennett Institute for Public Policy at Cambridge University.
Debate not Hate campaign: Leaders of the two political parties represented at SCDC jointly proposed a motion about implementing the Debate Not Hate campaign.
Review of councillors responsibilities to be an Agenda Item at the May meeting. Action All Cllrs and Clerk
Planning Report
Recent applications
Notification of a Planning Appeal for Land Adjacent to 26 Church Street Little Shelford Cambridge
Reference: 21/03829/FUL
Proposal: Erection of 1 No. dwelling with associated highway access. Appellant:Mrs Webb
Inspectorate Ref:APP/W0530/W/22/3311695 Appeal Start Date:24th January 2023
No further comments will be made.
Reference: 23/00341/S73 and 23/00342/S19LB for 93 High Street
Proposal: S73 application to vary condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 22/02147/HFUL (Replacement garage) 1. Side-hung timber garage doors added for security purposes. 2. Addition of a rooflight to improve natural light levels and 3. Door and window positions on south-east elevation amended to improve internal layout of workshop / studio. Council have already objected to this application as there is a listed building on the site. SCDCllr Fane is has also be corresponding with planning on this issue.
Reference: 23/00647/HFUL for 80 High Street Little Shelford
Proposal: Two storey extension to front and rear.
This property is within the Green Belt and therefore is subject to national policy and Council has no reason to object.
Update for information only
The wall at 26 Church Street has been taken down without planning permission and has been reported to enforcement. As it is in the conservation area it now cannot be rebuilt without planning permission.
Accounts: (documents attached for information)
Consider donations/grant requests as below:
Shelford and Stapleford Youth Initiative (SSYI)
Towards Youth Worker Costs for the year to continue work with young people within the village
Little Shelford Wildlife Group
Towards pollarding around Bradmere pond and hedge trimming around the bowling green on the Wale recreation ground
Little Shelford Cricket Club
Towards the new Junior Section
Shelford Primary School
In previous years the PC has made a donation
£150 suggested
All Saints Church
In previous years the PC has made a donation
£150 suggested
It was proposed by Cllr Skinner, seconded by Cllr Penn with all in favour to make these donations.
To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report. It was proposed to approve the payments listed below by Cllr Skinner, seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed with all in favour.
Payments to be presented for approval
Morgan Barrett
Clerk Salary
Clerk reimbursement
litter Picking
Expenditure made prior to approval
Grant Anderson
P Tanner
R Whitehouse
Little Shelford Services
SEE - street light
SEE - phone box
PWLB - hall loan repayment
c) Unity Trust forms to be signed - the forms were signed.
d) To consider and approve the annual risk assessment. This was discussed and it was agreed with all in favour to accept the risk assessment with amendments discussed made. Action the Clerk.
Roads, Traffic and Police Report
Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St. There was no further update.
The police are focussing on 4 main areas anti-social behaviour, drug dealing, anti-social driving and knife possession linked to violent offences
Allotments & SCOWP update:
SCOWP report - request to graze rams on the SCOWP paddock. The draft grazing license has been reviewed and requires a statement adding stating signage will be provided. Action the Clerk.
Allotments update – Minutes of the meeting held on 21st Feb 2023 are attached for info.
The main points of discussion were fencing the area on 3 sides. Council agreed that the allotment holders should investigate the costs and organisation of this.
The bonfire area – the contract will be checked for instruction on waste management.
Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
Creation of a Wale working party update – volunteers are still being sought. This will be included ‘Around Little Shelford’ and on the Facebook Page.
Scheduled tree works update – works have been carried out
Additionally – a contract is being drawn up for SASS (Shelford and Stapleford Strikers) Football Club to use the Wale. Action – All Cllrs and Clerk
Village matters
Councillors’ village walk report – some further potholes have been reported. The areas walked by Cllrs will be added to the responsibilities for review in May. Action The Clerk
Solar light for phone box including agreement to cancel the electricity provision contract. There was no update on the solar light and it was agreed to cancel the electricity contract. Action Cllr Skinner and the Clerk.
Coronation events – Cllr Jones gave a brief update.
EWR – to consider the formation of a Parish Councils EWR working group and to parish council meeting to nominate one person to be LSPC representative on this committee once this has been done a chairperson will be appointed to represent the group. It was agreed that Cllr Hawthorn should attend these meetings but that any comments or decisions will be discussed by Council. Action Cllr Hawthorn and the Clerk.
Clerks correspondence
Insurance requirement for a weekly visual inspection of playground equipment a check list is attached for information. It was resolved that the Clerk carry out these inspections. Action the Clerk
Consideration of taking old Minutes and Documents to the county archives it was agreed to take documents to the archives. Action the Clerk.
Any other business for next agenda
Ongoing items to be carried forward
Proposal for a set of Recreation Ground Rules
The Terrace lighting update – Cllr Penn
River path erosion
Jubilee flagpole
Next Parish Council Meeting: Thursday 20th April 2023 (Annual Village Meeting)
The meeting was closed at 9.35pm
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meetings
Minutes of the Parish Council meetings from Jan 2016 to July 2021 can be found here.
Annual Village Meeting Chair's report
When I read the report that Sarah kindly delivered on my behalf this time last year, I’m tempted to think that little has changed. The reality is that, around us, so much is different.
The conflict in Ukraine was already under way and OASISS had built up a good head of steam. Their efforts have resulted in an astonishing number of refugees being homed in the Shelfords and Stapleford. Their presence in our communities enriches us. I would like to congratulate and thank all those involved with OASISS for their achievement.
A year ago we were in the throes of planning for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second’s platinum jubilee. All those present will treasure memories from that weekend. We acknowledge the cooperation of the Met Office in our sunny street party, which featured on several newspapers’ websites. We remember the eclectic sing-along in the Nav led by David Adams; the service of thanksgiving and quarter-peal of bells at All Saints; the efforts so many went to in decorating their homes; the opening of the community orchard by Caroline Bewes and the generosity of the Beatons in hosting a drinks party for the village. Many people gave their time to make this weekend such a success and I would like to thank the organising team led by David Jones.
Of course, we are now faced with a celebration of the other end of a monarch’s reign. In just under three week’s time you will be able to watch the coronation here; participate in another singalong; reflect on its significance at All Saints and join a family picnic. For more details pick up a flyer or look on the website.
There are no council elections this year. Although the turmoil at Westminster last year has somewhat abated, and a general election does not appear imminent, I would like to remind you of a change in voting requirements. Anyone who wishes to vote at a polling station must now present proof of identity. If you know someone who has no passport or photo driving licence please urge them to check the requirements. If they have nothing valid they will be able to get a photo id through South Cambs. I note in passing that, come a general election, we will have a new MP of some stripe, as Anthony Browne has been selected to contest a different constituency following boundary changes.
Turning to parochial matters, a year ago we were on a bit of a cliff edge as to when the county council would re-lay the High Street and how much of it. Fortunately, they found a stash of tarmac so the answers were a) quite soon and b) about two thirds of one side. The results are good. Unfortunately, the winter weather has contributed to the worst decline in road quality I can remember, with dangerous potholes appearing in unprecedented numbers. This appears to be a county-wide phenomenon. The most effective way to get action on this is for you to report it on the Cambs County Council website – you can find a link on the village website.
The county council has also announced a programme for parishes who wish to implement 20 mph speed limits (known as “20 is plenty”). The parish council want to get villagers’ opinions on whether we invest in this in Little Shelford and Robin will be talking about that shortly.
Having gone quiet for 18 months (but unfortunately not gone away), EWR is now very much back on our radar. They have publicised that there will be a route announcement next month. We don’t know yet whether they are sticking with the southern route (impacting the Hauxton Road level crossing). Despite the government commitment, no business plan has been published that justifies the investment. In 2020 the parish council agreed to support Cambridge Approaches’ leadership in challenging EWR to look again at the route alternatives. We will continue to work to mitigate any local impact.
I’m sorry to say that four homes on Hauxton Road were burgled within a short period over the winter. All residents are urged to think about their own homes’ security. There are useful links about what you can do on the village website and Sally Evans from the parish council has picked up responsibility for Neighbourhood Watch in the village.
I’m delighted to say that the community orchard goes from strength to strength. The area has now been expanded to include most of the paddock on the left hand side of Blennie’s patch. There will even be rams grazing there later in the spring! My thanks for all the energy and enthusiasm of SCOWP.
We count the Wale recreation ground amongst our blessings. I think it is used more with each passing year and we are dependent on volunteers to keep it in tip-top condition. I would highlight Neil Orpwood’s contribution, and not just on the cricket square. The wildlife group reach the parts that our contractors can’t. The Parish Council recognise that the Rec will evolve and has started talking to users to hear about wishes and priorities.
Anyone who thought that the adoption of the village design guide would make planning applications more straightforward will have been disappointed. The planning brief is as challenging as ever and I am extremely grateful for Brie and Sarah’s continued thorough engagement.
I would like to thank my fellow councillors for their involvement and support. We’re lucky to have been joined by Deborah Hunt so there is only one seat left. Don’t feel shy about coming forward!
Of course, the big change for the parish council is Penny Tanna’s decision to step down as clerk after nine years. We miss her intimate knowledge of the parish and its idiosyncrasies and are very grateful for the commitment she demonstrated. We have been very lucky to be able to recruit Beckie Whitehouse in Penny’s stead. Beckie is a very experienced clerk who was most recently at Barrington so I think we are in safe hands.
Present: Andrew Hawthorn, Brie Lury, Sally Evans, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner,
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna . Members of the public: 0
1. Apologies for absence
Sarah Penn, David Jones, Deborah Hunt – approved by members
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2022
(circulated to members) to be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Declaration of interests
None received
4. Appointment of new clerk
The Chair reported a single suitable candidate applied for the role. The CV and letter was circulated prior to the meeting. Following an interview with AH &RS, the post has been offered to Beckie Whitehouse, subject to approval of the members. The Chair noted that the salary will be increased commensurate with qualifications & experience. This will be accounted for within the budget to be approved in January.
The approval of the appointment was proposed by RP & seconded by BL. Agreed by all.
Minute: Members approved the appointment of Beckie Whitehouse as the new clerk. Post to begin on the 9th January.
5. Planning Report
22/05163/FUL – Hauxton Rd Level Crossing – Change of use from farmland to operational railway land. Installation of Smart IO Housing Equipment and associated landscaping (removal of some trees) and fencing. Comments required by 28th December.
Cllrs discussed some concerns regarding screening, possible loss of trees and visibility from the highway. No comment to be submitted.
6. Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive & approve invoices for payment in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval
Deepdale – 12 trees (UTCF)
S.Bennett – tree planting services
Resolved: payment of invoices approved.
The meeting ended 6:20 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 16th January 2023
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Cllrs Sally Evans, Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Deborah Hunt, David Jones, Brie Lury, Sarah Penn, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner.
Parish Clerk: Beckie Whitehouse
Cambridge County Councillor( CCCllr): Brian Milne
Members of the public: 8
Apologies -
were received and accepted from South Cambs District Councillor (SCDCllr) Peter Fane.
To resolve the minutes of the Extra Ordinary meeting held on 9th December.
Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
Matters arising:
none. -
To receive declarations of interest
Cllr Jones is the Chair of the Cricket Club and SSYI (Shelford and Stapleford Youth Initiative)
Public Session: Cllr Hawthorn gave a brief update on the situation that a homeless man has been sleeping in an unlocked shed on the allotments. Members of the public were present to discuss this further. It was concluded that Environmental Health would be contacted, all sheds will be locked in the future and that an allotment holders meeting will be organised.
It was agreed to amend the agenda and take item 10 b) next.
To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report
CCCllr Milne gave a verbal report the main points of which were:
Highways is reviewing the operating procedure of the team working out on the roads filling potholes.
A further set of data has been released for the Local Plan as the area has already reached the level of jobs predicted for 2031.
Biomedical Campus – further encroachment into the Green Belt will be discussed
Cllr Lury asked whether any of the properties in the new housing areas is ringfenced for staff of the Biomedical Campus. CCCllr Milne responded that a trial housing scheme is being used at the Genome Campus and this could be a model for other areas.
He added that more data on where people live, and work will be available with the census.
The LHI (Local Highways Initiative) has been extended and from March there will be an application process for 20mph schemes
6) Review of councillors responsibilities
– all councillors to consider what they would like to be involved with and a poll will be circulated.
7) Planning Report
a) Recent applications
i) 22/05150/FUL – Land Adjacent To 26 Church Street – Construction of new highway access for site maintenance
LSPC has submitted objection owing to it’s location on PVAA designated land & the related outstanding decision regarding the construction of a dwelling on the site.
ii) 22/05400/HFUL – 31 Church St - Demolition of lean to and erection of single storey side and rear extension, new fenestration and alterations and associated works. Comment deadline 16.1.23. It was resolved to make no comment.
For information only
iii) 22/1458/TTCA – 2 Newton Rd – Mature apple tree – Prune, removing any damaged/ diseased limbs, reduce by 1 metre both in height and width. It was agreed to support this application.
iv) 22/01156/FUL - Land Adj 73 High Street – appeal in progress
v) 22/03296/FUL – 9A Hauxton Rd - Demolition of existing buildings, replaced with a two storey detached dwelling – Decision: Granted permission
vi)22/03445/HFUL – 38 High St – Extensions, new front boundary wall etc – Decision: Refused permission.
8) Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) 2023/24 budget and setting of precept – it was proposed by Cllr Skinner, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed by all that the budget be accepted and a precept of £35,500 requested.
b) Consider donations/grant requests – this will be reviewed at the next meeting the Clerk will remind previous applicants.
c) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report.
It was proposed to approve the payments listed by Cllr Patteson, seconded by Cllr Lury and agreed with all in favour.
9) Roads, Traffic and Police Report
Forthcoming Police community meetings for 2023 – Cllr Evans will circulate the list of dates. It was noted that there have been a series of burglaries on Hauxton Road, and Council wishes to remind all residents to be vigilant.
Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St – there was no update. Cllr Skinner to review.
Allotments & SCOWP update:
Rough sleeper on the allotments
Rough sleeper on the allotments it appears he has moved on, but an update will be sent by the Clerk to all allotment holders requesting that all sheds are locked.
Cllr Lury will contact Environmental Health to report and ask for advice on clearing up human waste.
An allotment holders meeting will be held on 20th February at 8pm by zoom. The clerk will set up and circulate.
The allotment agreement will be reviewed and amended for this meeting.
SCOWP report
A request has been received to graze 8 rams, for 2-3 weeks on the area at the rear of the paddock after the end of March. This was agreed unanimously subject to seeing insurance documents and License.
The famer is also a hedge layer and could look lay the permitter hedge on the left boundary.
Allotments update – there was no further update.
Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
Minuting of 24 hour closure of Courtyards access - In 2022 the access gate from Courtyards was be locked from midnight on Thursday 29th December 2022 until midnight on Friday 30th December 2022.
b) Creation of a Wale working party update – there was no update
c) Scheduled tree works update – the Clerk will confirm the dates for the work to be
carried out to the 4 limes as agreed.
Village matters
Councillors village walk report – Cllr Skinner has reported pot holes on Hauxton Road.
Footpaths have deteriorated due to the recent cold weather.
Cllr Hawthorn reported a property with shrubs overgrowing the footpath. -
Solar light for phone box – the Clerk will check when the SSE contract ends.
C) Coronation events – the History Society are organising an event
Cllr Jones reminded council of the village litter pick on Sunday 26th Feb. The Clerk will book the village hall and organise the borrowing of equipment from SCDC.
Clerks’ correspondence
Pension autorenewal reminder
Approval of May meeting date change to 22nd May – the Clerk to confirm booking with the village hall.
Little Gransden PC invitation to a public meeting on Aircraft noise from Luton Approach Thursday 23 February at 7.30 am
GSCP Joint Planning Compliance Policy consultation – closes 20.1.23
The clerk informed Council she had started the Unity Trust application and that 4 signatories would be sufficient.
Any other business for next agenda
The meeting was closed at 21.55pm.
Next Parish Council Meeting: 13th March 23
Signed ………………………………...... Date……………………………………..
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Andrew Hawthorn, Sarah Penn, Brie Lury, Sally Evans, David Jones, Robin Skinner, Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr), Brian Milne (CCC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna . Members of the public: 2
1. Apologies for absence
Deborah Hunt, Richard Patterson – approved by members
SCDC councillor William Jackson-Wood
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2022
(circulated to members) to be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising
– The Wale bollard replacements are not complete yet. Clerk to chase
- Advice on solar lighting for phone box incomplete – Action: RS to research
4. Declaration of interests
None received
5. Election of new Vice-Chair
Cllr Sarah Penn is stepping down from Vice Chair but remaining a councillor. The Chair thanked Sarah for her support during her tenure. Robin Skinner was nominated as VC by SP & seconded by BL. Agreed by all.
Minute: Robin Skinner accepted the Vice Chair role & signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Public Session:
2 members of the public came to voice their objections to the amended planning application submitted for 9A Hauxton Rd. Several objections were outlined in detail, including the distance from neighbouring property, loss of privacy and closeness of cars to bedroom windows. They were concerned about a back-fill precedent being set. They requested the support of the Parish Council.
6. To receive District Councillor’s report & County Councillor’s report:
(reports circulated prior to meeting)
SCDC Cllr PF presented his report which covered the latest Cost of Living support available via the District Council and an update on the Cambridge City Football club stadium planned in Sawston.
CCC Cllr BM. His report covered: Bus service update; the Public Transport & City Access consultation; the Household support Fund and the Local Highways Improvements process with it’s new timetable. Proposals for the process to award funding for applications for 20MPH schemes will be reported to the December meeting of the Highways & Transport Committee.
7. Planning Report
Recent applications: Report submitted by BL
i) 22/01156/FUL - Land Adj 73 High St - Erection of a single storey bungalow – Appeal submitted to Secretary of State
The PC’s previous comment has been submitted to the Secretary of State.
ii) 22/03445/HFUL amendment – 38 High St – single & 2 storey extensions, construction of 2 detached garages.
The PC has not submitted any comments but are working with the applicant on the fencing impact on the village scene, this includes the old bus stop, a bin and memorial bench. The bench is in poor repair. The bus stop is redundant, but the shelter structure remains. The applicant has offered to upgrade the shelter. Action: Clerk to ascertain ownership of the bus shelter.
iii) 22/003296/FUL amendment – 9A Hauxton Rd – Demolition of existing buildings & replace with 2 storey dwelling.
The objections raised during the public session were discussed in detail. Privacy issues had mostly been addressed by the amendments. Proximity issues were not felt to be enforceable being treated rather as guidance by LPA. It was felt the objections should be raised by individuals concerned. The Parish Council resolved to take a neutral stance and submit no comment in support or objecting.
iv) 22/04624/HFUL – 80 High St – Part single & double storey extension & 2 storey front extension.
BL noted that the application consists of drawings in the main, with no design or heritage statements submitted. The entire site and existing buildings are located within the established Green Belt. It is next to a grade II listed building and there is no reference to the Village Design Guide. BL has requested a site visit & queried the increase in size given that it is in green belt. PF suggested referring it to the Planning Committee depending on response of case officer.
v) 22/1226/TCCA – 11 Church St – Fell mature cherry tree – no comment submitted
For information only
vi) 22/02148/LBC 22/02147/HFUL – 93 High St – Submission of materials & ecology enhancement details (Conditions 3 &4)
8. Recruitment of new clerk
One applicant is to be interviewed by RS & AH. An Extraordinary PC meeting would be called to approve appointment of the clerk if the candidate proves suitable.
9. Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive & approve invoices for payment in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
Trumpington Estate - paddock cut 480.00
SSE phone box 9.99
SSE Street lights 11.77
Cambridge Acre (if approved at meeting) 57.00
MM - village maintenance 378.99
Total £937.75
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
Cambridge Water 39.03
SSE phone box 10.88
SSE Street lights 12.08
Green Acres - grass cutting 636.00
PT - Scowp bench & fixings 296.10
Total £994.09
Resolved: payment of invoices approved.
b) Proposed renewal of Cambridge Acre membership @ £57
Cost has remained the same. Acre benefits outlined.
Minute: Members approved membership renewal at £57
c) John Huntingdon Charity hardship fund review
Funds held by JHC for Lt Shelford residents remain unused. Action: SE to publicise the fund in the Village news, website & noticeboards.
d) Propose disbursement of further grants for 22-23 subject to applications & budget
£500 grants have been distributed but a further £1000 remains in the 22-23 budget.
Action: Clerk to publicise the grant & seek applications for January meeting.
e) Preliminary discussion of items to include in 2023-24 budget
Project options for the following year were discussed, which included riverbank repairs and coronation celebrations. Cllrs to contact AH with any further prior to budget approval at January meeting.
f) Adoption of the new LGA pay scale for 2022-23
Minute: Members resolved to adopt the new LGA pay scale for 2022-23
10. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St
RS reported Npower refused use of power station land, citing access issues. Action: RS to request a site visit
b) The Terrace update -
SP had nothing to report
c) Police presentation summary (circulated) SP/SE
The presentation included an outline of the police input required for 20mph schemes. They issued clarification on the law regarding private e-scooter usage. Use on private e-scooters is illegal on the public highway. It was noted that illegal e-scooters are regularly ridden in the village.
d) DJ report re: EWR Local Representatives Group 3rd meeting
DJ noted the results for the informal consultation are still not available and that it is not clear if the new Government will support the EWR Bedford to Cambridge section. The ‘NO to EWR’ signs in the village are broken. Replacements will be discussed if and when required.
e) Sawston Greenway public engagement – survey closes 9.12.22
After some discussion of the route it was decided to publicise the consultation.
f) Making Connections 2022 Consultation – survey closes 14.12.22
The impact of the congestion charge and the area it would apply to were discussed. RS to attend the Parish briefing. He will formulate a comment for submission circulating it for approval of cllrs via email.
g) 23/24 Local Highway Improvement Process open until 6.1.23
It was decided it would not be possible to submit a bid for any improvements as there was insufficient time to form a proposal or consult residents.
11. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report
The new paddock was mown. The stables and shed at the rear of the new paddock are now managed by SCOWP. 7 trees will be planted in early December as 2nd phase of UTCF grant
SCOWP request approval of £707 expenditure for planting of 7 trees including stakes, deer guards etc. Funds to be recouped from UTCF grant claim in March
Minute: Members approve expenditure. Clerk to action purchase.
Proposal to apply for SCDC ‘6 Free Trees Scheme’
Scowp note they have room for trees in the paddock. Members approve application. Clerk to apply to SCDC
Proposed treatment of central path.
AH met with MD on site. It was agreed that SCOWP would retain the path down to the ditch.
b) Allotments update
Clerk reported all plots are now taken. The water is due to be turned off for winter & the taps covered to protect from frost. BL volunteered to cover the taps.
The clerk circulated costings for installation of an additional tap and for the removal of the bonfire earth mound. Costs were for information only for discussion at the next allotment meeting and for budget planning.
12. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Proposal to approve tree works on the Wale rec.
Clerk circulated quotes on tree works recommended in the survey report. Four trees, with dead wood and close to paths, were prioritised over a single large tree on a boundary which is well away from play & walking areas.
Minute: Members approved £800 expenditure on tree works as discussed.
b) UTCF tree scheme – approval of £505 expenditure
Approval of £505 planting costs for the 5 trees to be planted in December under the UTCF 2nd year of scheme. Costs including stakes, deer guards, bonemeal. Funds to be recouped from UTCF grant claim in March.
Minute: Members approved £505 expenditure plus an additional amount up to £200 for hydration bags.
c) Update on creation of Wale working group
Matter was discussed. Terms of reference for the group need to be formulated. Clerk advised looking at whether a sub-committee or working group would be more appropriate beforehand.
Action: BL will call meeting of interested parties.
d) Concerns regarding Ash tree leaning over the Bowls Club
The very large Ash tree is on neighbouring property. Action: Clerk to write to owner.
It was also noted the river path is showing signs or erosion and may need work soon.
13. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
The village pump area has been weeded but needs repainting.
The Phone box light bulb needs replacing. RS will research solar lighting option.
SP expressed thanks to the villager who has been trimming back the brambles.
b) Parish/Cabinet Liaison Meeting on 12th December.
DH to attend.
c) SCDC Electric vehicle charger grant scheme
To be eligible for funding, EV chargers must be publicly accessible, and projects should demonstrate that there is likely demand for an EV charger at the chosen location ideally at community buildings. Village hall and Pavilion to be sent information
14. Clerks correspondence
a) Proposed meeting dates for 2023
The dates are subject to confirmation of availability of the North Building.
Monday 16th January 2023
Monday 13th March 2023
Thursday 20th April 2023 (Annual Village Meeting)
Monday 15th May 2023 (Parish Council AGM)
Monday 17th July 2023
Monday 18th September 2023
Monday 20th November 2023
b) Inconsiderate Parking awareness campaign
SCDC have circulated promotional material for display on different media platforms highlighting inconsiderate and illegal parking. Discussion of the parking problems in the village followed. Action: Clerk to circulate to all for personal use & to display on noticeboard.
c) Alternative Fuels Strategy (AFS) consultation
Survey is open to the public and closes 21.12.22
15. Any other business for next agenda - none
The meeting ended 10:15 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 16th January 2023 – to be confirmed
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Present: Andrew Hawthorn, Sarah Penn, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner, Brie Lury, Sally Evans, Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna . Members of the public: 2
1. Apologies for absence
SCDC councillor William Jackson-Wood
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2022
DJ requested clearer wording for minute 16b indicating the approved Jubilee funding is additional to that agreed in 12d.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record. Minutes to be signed & dated by the Chair at the following meeting.
3. Matters arising
Clerk reported
- the Annual return has been submitted to PKF within deadline
- the picnic table has been purchased & installed by bowls club
- SP checked the broken stepper on the playground. Damage was minimal & of no risk.
- Replacement of Bollard lighting completed.
- DJ noted the Pavillion Committee has approved the installation of a Jubilee flagpole with a combined budget of £1200. The Jubilee committee will be asked if they can action this. PT to check if planning approval is required.
4. Co-option of new councillor
There were 2 vacancies following the election. As a result of advertising since last meeting, one member of the public has volunteered to be a councillor.
Minute: The members welcomed Deborah Hunt to the council. She duly signed the Acceptance of Office form. The Chair noted there is still one vacancy to be filled, he asked that members to look for suitable candidates for co-option.
5. To receive declarations of interest - none
Public Session: none
6. To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report:
South Cambs. District Council Report
PF reported that The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service has published its report on the outcome of the consultation on the First Proposals call for sites. Developers have submitted 41 new proposals for small sites around the Shelford villages and for larger sites in SCDC. Views on these additions will be sought from Parish Councils.
SCDC is committed to tackling energy efficiency and bio-diversity. Grant schemes are available for local communities and businesses. Energy efficiency measures are available free of charge to residents on low income. He encouraged public to contact SCDC for help if struggling with the cost of living & energy crisis. The PC would like to publicise the initiatives and requested clear detailed information.
County Council Report – received & circulated
7. Parish/Cabinet Liaison meeting
AH was unable to attend but watched the recorded meeting. It included a presentation on the Ukraine Support programme. Bridget Smith chaired questions on the CSET route through Stapleford, the Local Plan and EWR. The link is available for cllrs to watch.
8. Decision on proposal to extend Gt Shelford Warden to include Lt Shelford
The PC are indebted to Caroline Kingdon for undertaking the survey to ascertain potential demand for the service. The summary of her findings is that currently there is no demand for the type of service provided by the warden scheme. Those people whose needs are covered by it felt that they are already adequately supported. It may be that an ageing population will generate some demand at a later stage.
Minute: Members thanked Jenny David for her proposal but declined the offer at this point in time.
9. Planning Report
Concerns were raised regarding clearance of 9A Hauxton Road without any planning application
a) Recent applications:
i) 22/02686/HFUL & 22/01222/NMA1 – 8 Courtyards – Amendment to increase depth of front extension, widen rear extension and alterations access gate – no comment
ii) 22/02147/HFUL & 22/02148/LBC– 93 High St - Replacement garage – comment submitted. BL was disappointed the case officer did not visit the site when invited.
iii) 22/02784/FUL – 26 & 26A Church St - Demolition of existing attached single storey garage to be replaced with a two storey car port/garage and workshop above.
NR highlighted some discrepancies in the application documents. He also suggested improvements in keeping with the rural site on a key corner of the village and urged the PC to work with the applicant to improve the design. Cllrs thanked NR for his input.
Action: Cllrs to discuss this application in detail at a separate meeting
For information only
iv) 22/01156/FUL - Land Adj 73 High St - Erection of a single storey bungalow – refused permission
v) CCC/20/040/FUL - Land to N/NW of Hauxton Rd (A10) Proposed Travel Hub – status update – approved at Committee meeting in June, now referred to the Secretary of State
10. Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To approve the Bank Reconciliation as at 30.6.2022
Minute: Resolved to approve the bank reconciliation
b) To receive & approve invoices for payment in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
MM - village maintenance 360.00
NBB - picnic table 547.20
N.Orpwood - table construction 60.00
Engraving of VoY plaque 12.50
Green Acres - grass cutting 1092.00
Dog sign (scowp) 10.45
HMRC - paye 22-23 Q1 169.60
SSE - phonebox & lampposts 22.20
Total £2,273.95
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
Jubilee expenses treasure hunt prizes 27.09
Jubilee expenses bird seed 25.98
SCDC - Election cost 135.00
Minuteman - scowp info. Boards 195.60
Total £383.67
Resolved: payment of invoices approved.
c) Approval of SCDC grass cutting allowance of £570.60
Minute: Members approved acceptance of the grass cutting allowance.
d) To consider banking with Unity Trust Bank to facilitate dual authorised online payments.
There was discussion of the advantages of the new account allowing online dual authorised payments. It would cost £72 pa. It was noted it may still be necessary to get a separate payment card for online ordering. A Paypal account was suggested as a solution
Minute: Members approved the opening of an account with Unity Trust Bank at a cost of £72pa. Action: Chair & clerk to complete application and agree mandate for approval via email.
11. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St
The Memorial Hall Committee have responded to the proposal. A projection into the highway would cause problems with deliveries from tradesman. Road safety would need to be professionally assessed. However they support the idea of bicycle parking and suggest approaching electricity supply organisation to open up the route to the adjacent substation so that there could be a combined passageway allowing better provision for cycles. Action: RS to contact the power company.
b) The Terrace update - SP
SP is still in discussions with the land owner regarding possible solar lights on the fencing
c) Police & Crime Commissioner virtual round table meeting
SE reported they are seeking Community Service projects for low level offenders. They would be supervised & provide the equipment.
d) EWR Local Representatives Group 2nd meeting
DJ attended meeting but nothing new to report.
e) CCC Transport Strategy Stakeholders Engagement Survey 2022
AH completed the survey & suggested a link between Gt & Lt Shelford
f) Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) consultation
A joint response with other PCs has not been possible. PC to encourage individual responses with link on website LTCP survey by 4th August.
12. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report
- proposal to extend woodland area into a section of the horse paddock – update
Minute: The PC approve the proposal in principal subject to plans.
Action: Request a separate proposal from Scowp to include a site plan, access arrangements and budget.
It was agreed the reduced size paddock rent would be £100.00 pa. Action: Clerk to inform tenant & amend lease.
- Proposal to install a bench on site.
Minute: The PC approved installation of a bench subject to approval of the design & site.
- Scowp have suggested re-naming the area to reflect the fact that it was opened as part of the Jubilee celebrations and the trees are part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. The overall area including the allotments still to be called Blennie’s Patch but the planted woodland / meadow could to be renamed either
“The Jubilee Orchard” to align with the initial rationale for the project and the orchard theme used on the majority of our grant applications
Or “The Jubilee Meadow” to better describe the overall area of wildflower meadow and tree planting including the fruit trees in the orchard.
Minute: After discussion members agreed to call it the Jubilee Orchard on Blennie’s Patch
b) Allotments
PT reported 2 LS resident on the waiting list. DJ reported the untended plot has been released by the tenant. Action: PT to contact the first on the waiting list.
13. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Update on UTCF tree maintenance.
SP reported the hose storage has improve. She requested further volunteers to meet the need to water 14 times in the season. The tree near the playground has some infestation. Clerk to seek advice.
b) Update on creation of Wale working group – postponed
c) Review of grass cutting contractors progress.
Contract discussed. Possibly cuts of the verges could have been spread out over the season.
d) Need for tree works.
Some dead branches in Chestnut trees on the Wale. Action: PT to seek quotes
14. Village matters
Minute: The PC offered a huge vote of thanks to the Jubilee committee and all involved for a fantastic successful Jubilee celebration.
a) Councillors village walk
Pavement obstructed between Hall Farm & no 72 High St by large hedge. Hedges are becoming overgrown throughout the village, particularly on The Terrace. Some low hanging branches in Bradmere Lane. The Courtyards has uneven pavement – Clerk has requested repair as agreed with Cllr Milne.
A tent is on a private field next to Bradmere Lane. Cllrs queried if there was a resident there and if a licence or planning needed for it. Action: AH to contact the owner for information
Public have been seen riding illegal electric scooters in the village.
It was noted the village gates in Whittlesford Rd need attention & possibly painting. Action: Clerk to ascertain if it is PC responsibility
b) Suggestion for PC information boards for events.
Gt Shelford has information boards and will share. Action: PT to request the word files from clerk.
c) Open Arms in Shelfords/Stapleford (OASISS) request for support
They seek support in writing for grant applications to fund language lessons. Discussion followed regarding possible future requests for grants from LSPC. As it is not a budgeted item it would be using s137 monies and therefore must benefit the community rather than individuals.
Minute: Members support OASISS in their endeavours.
15. Clerks correspondence
Shelford School sent a thank you letter to the PC for recent donation
Capalc offering free Carbon Literacy training in July
Green Energy Switch LEAP scheme open giving free energy support to residents struggling with fuel poverty
16. Any other business for next agenda - none
The meeting ended 9:45 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 19th Sept 2022
Present: Andrew Hawthorn, Sarah Penn, Brie Lury, Sally Evans, Deborah Hunt, Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna . Members of the public: 1
1. Apologies for absence
David Jones, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner – approved by members
SCDC councillor William Jackson-Wood
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 18th July 2022
(circulated to members)to be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising
- The Chair stated the agenda has been shortened to essentials following the Queen’s funeral.
- The Jubilee flagpole is unlikely to require planning permission. PF suggested applying retrospectively if necessary.
– The Wale bollard replacements not complete yet. Clerk to chase & to request advice on solar lighting for phone box.
- Transfer to new bank paused while new clerk recruited.
- County Council Report – received & circulated
4. To receive declarations of interest - none
Public Session: none
5. Recruitment of a new clerk
The clerk, Penny Tanna, has regretfully handed in her notice. AH & SP have advertised the vacancy with Capalc, Slcc, village website and noticeboards. Applications to be received by 14th October with interviews the following week. A volunteer cllr is requested to be part of the recruitment process. PT is willing to stay longer if a handover period is necessary.
- Purchase approval for MS Office 365 license for new clerk
It was noted that additional software for the PC laptop may be required for the new clerk. MS Office monthly subscription is up to £9.50/month depending on package. A single perpetual licence is up to £208 (ex vat).
Minute: Members approved expenditure on software subject to IT specification/proposal
6. Planning Report
a) Transport and Works Act Order - 22/03628/TWA
The Network Rail (Cambridge Re-Signalling) Order. Application to the Secretary of State under Section 6 of the Transport and Works Act Order 1992 related to the Cambridge Re-signalling Relock & Recontrol Project. Shepreth, Little Shelford, Six Mile Bottom, Milton, Waterbeach.
PT noted there were inaccuracies within the report as to the spelling of Hauxton & it being listed as located within East Cambridgeshire DC. PF to check this.
b) Recent applications:
i) 22/03018/HFUL – 31 Church St - Refurbishment & construction of a single storey extension to the Coach House – no objections
ii) 22/03016/HFUL – 31 Church St - Single storey side/rear extension to main house – no objections
iii) 22/03296/FUL – 9A Hauxton Rd - : Demolition of existing buildings, replaced with a two storey detached dwelling. - SP & BL visited the site with the owner. No objection to application.
PF stated he personally supports the build as it is on a brownfield site, a self build project & a passive house, all of which are encouraged by SCDC.
iv) 22/03445/HFUL – 38 High St - Single storey rear extension & two storey side extension, demolition of two existing garages & construction of two detached garages. Demolition and construction of a new front boundary wall, alterations to the existing vehicular access and landscaping including creation of a lawn tennis court and pavilion.
Cllrs discussed the boundary treatment and whether choice of iron railings was appropriate.
Action: BL requested cllrs visit the street scene & feedback to her prior to any comment.
For information only
22/02147/HFUL – 93 High St - Replacement garage – permission granted. It was noted this was approved despite no plan submitted for the whole site.
22/02784/FUL – 26 & 26A Church St - Demolition of single storey garage to be replaced with a two storey car port/garage – application withdrawn. PC objected as it on a PVAA site
7. Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive & approve invoices for payment in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
MD - Scowp - locks/concrete/pitchfork 70.23
BL - Jubilee expenses 64.21
J.Cook - Return of allotment deposit 70.00
Clerk expenses - broom for MM 11.94
Forestry Commission refund duplicate payment 1622.76
Total £1,839.14
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
MM - village maintenance 360.00
Capalc - Cllr training 75.00
PKF - AGAR/audit 240.00
Total £675.00
Resolved: payment of invoices approved.
b) Decision on renewal of PC General insurance/Pavilion building insurance policy
Current insurance provider has increased the premium from £872 to £890 & increased the building sum insured. Other insurers quoted £1200. Insurance is underwritten by Aviva.
Minute: Members approved renewal of policy at £890.
8. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) CCC Community Gritting Scheme
Highways have a volunteers programme to get the community to grit local footpaths & monitor grit bins. Registration for training by 30.10.22. No volunteers available.
SP noted a Police & Crime Commissioner virtual round table meeting would be held remotely 27th September. SP & SE to attend.
9. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report
i) Decision on proposal to extend the orchard in to a section of the paddock
A detailed SCOWP proposal with site plan was circulated prior to meeting. A number of issues were raised: Access via the privately rented paddock and the loss of the central path leading to the ditch. Action: Clrs AH & DJ to liaise with Scowp regarding the treatment of the path.
Minute: Cllrs approved the extension of the woodland area and the expenditure, from LSPC reserves, of up to £460 to cut the area. The future of the path to be decided separately.
ii) UTCF – approval of purchase of 7 trees @ £1720 for 2nd year of scheme
7 trees have been chosen and are to be planted in Autumn using the UTCF grant.
Minute: The PC approve the purchase of the trees @ £1720 Clerk to action.
b) Allotments
An allotment tenant meeting was held. An additional standpipe was requested at the entrance to the area but few tenants supported this. A man has been sleeping rough in the area & in sheds. The bonfire has been suspended owing to it’s size and the drought conditions.
One plot is vacant and 2 residents are on the waiting list. Action: Clerk to seek new tenant. Clerk to send rent renewal invoices to all tenants.
10. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) UTCF tree scheme – approve purchase of 5 trees for 2nd year of scheme
5 species of trees has been chosen in accordance with the grant conditions, to be planted in Autumn. Siting of the trees is to be decided. Questions as to the length of time the hydration bags need to be in place & if they can be reused for the new trees. Clerk to research.
Minute: Members approved the purchase of 5 trees at cost of £1320, covered by UTCF grant along with ancillary costs such as stakes and hydration bags. Clerk to action.
11. Village matters
Minute: The members thanked Andrew Hawthorn for carrying out the proclamation following the Queens death. They also thanked The Navigator for screening the funeral in their marquee.
a) Councillors village walk - postponed
SE reported broken water access cover in Bridge Lane pavement
b) Phone box
Clerk reported removal of most of books by unknown person. A call for more books to be placed on website & a request to not leave bric-a-brac & toys in the box.
15. Clerks correspondence
a) Cambridge Acre Warm Hubs in Winter project
Acre are offering support and advice to parish councils and other groups wanting to open community Warm Hubs. It can be part of existing initiatives such as the Good Neighbour Afternoon Teas in the Pavilion.
16. Any other business for next agenda - none
The meeting ended 8:45 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 21st November 2022
Present: Andrew Hawthorn, Sarah Penn, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner, Brie Lury, Sally Evans, Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna attended remotely . Members of the public: 4
1. Election of Chair & Vice-Chair for 2022/23 and Declaration of Acceptance of Office
AH in the Chair invited the members to propose a new Chairman. It was proposed by DJ and seconded by RP that Andrew Hawthorn should be Chairman. Agreed by all.
RP proposed Sarah Penn to be Vice-chairman, seconded by BL and agreed by all.
Minute: Andrew Hawthorn accepted the Chair & signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Sarah Penn accepted the Vice Chair & signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Minute: All councillors present signed the acceptance of office of councillor in the presence of the clerk.
2. Apologies – none
3. Allocation of Councillors’ responsibilities:
Agreed: that all Councillors would assume the following responsibilities:
Role Council member
Chairman Andrew Hawthorn
Vice Chairman Sarah Penn
Finance Andrew Hawthorn
Planning Brie Lury / Sarah Penn
Trees/Tree applications David Jones & Sally Evans
Pavilion trustees David Jones & Sarah Penn
Wale Recreation Ground David Jones & Sarah Penn
Transport Richard Patterson, David Jones
& transport development & Andrew Hawthorn
Police liaison & NHW Sally Evans
Village Hall Robin Skinner
Phone box Clerk
Allotments David Jones
Church David Jones
East West Rail Andrew Hawthorn & Brie Lury
Entertainments Committee David Jones, Brie Lury
Good Neighbour Project Richard Patterson
Communications & Website Brie Lury & Clerk
SCOWP liaison Andrew Hawthorn
The inclusion of a ‘Green’ role was considered. Clerk to report at the next meeting.
4. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st March 2022
(circulated to members)to be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
5. Matters arising:
Phonebox lighting – BL has sent a solar solution. Suggest full proposal at Nov meeting as
SSE contract ends 31.3.23. Other matters covered within the agenda.
6. To receive declarations of interest
Cllr DJ & BL declared a pecuniary interest in LSEC.
Public Session: none
7. Proposal to extend Gt Shelford Warden Scheme to include Little Shelford
Jenny David & Beth Foster described how the Great Shelford Warden Scheme operated. It employs 2 part time wardens & has a pool of volunteers to give holiday cover. They provide members with visits, phone calls & run errands. Members pay £25 /month for full membership & £30 per annum for associate membership. Funding from grants covers the shortfall.
It was suggested that Lt Shelford would need 1 part time warden at 10 hours/week plus volunteers to support 5 members. The advantages of a joint scheme would be a shared website & administration resources. Discussion followed as to cost commitments and funding required. It was estimated the approximate cost could be £5000 /year with a third supplied by members & the balance by grants and the parish council.
The Chair thanked them for the presentation. It was felt it could be a positive benefit to the community. It would be necessary to look at the level of need within the village as well as the necessary volunteers.
Action: RP & BL to carry out research as to demand within the village, if volunteers available & possible fund streams with a view to make a decision at the July meeting
8. To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report:
The Chair congratulated Cllr PF on his re-election.
PF reported that SCDC hope to represent the area in a cross party manner & represent all. He discussed the Council Tax Energy Rebate scheme emphasising that those eligible for the rebate, that do not pay rates via direct debit, need to complete an application form to receive the rebate.
County Council Report - none
9. Planning Report
a) Local Listing Project - The Shelfords
Cambridge Past Present & Future have been working with the Planning Listing Project Officer to identify ways to increase the number of locally listed buildings and places to protect the heritage of Cambridge and surrounding villages. Local volunteers were requested. AH reported that Neil Ruffles has kindly volunteered to represent Lt Shelford. Others interested should contact the clerk.
b) Meeting with owner of 26 Church St
The PC was invited to meet with the owners to discuss their plans for the site. Three cllrs met with owners and were shown the drawings. Cllrs appreciated the opportunity to discuss the plans prior to a formal application. They referred the owners to the Village Design Guide and the pre-planning service.
c) Pavement damage caused by 29 Church St building
A complaint from a resident was received regarding damage to the pavement opposite 29 Church St. The PC referred them to the Planning Enforcement Officer.
d) Recent applications:
i) 22/01156/FUL - Land Adj 73 High St - Erection of a single storey bungalow
Following a site visit with the case officer, the PC will submit an objection to the application. The planning dept has enquired whether the PC would wish to refer this application to the Planning Committee if the application was approved.
Minute: LSPC will not refer to the Planning Committee. BL to respond.
ii) 22/0462/TTCA – 19 High St – reduce crown & spread on row of Beech trees. – no comment
iii) 22/0509/TTCA – 29 High St – Remove large hazard beam of Horse Chestnut & 1.25m reduction of Robinia – no comment
iv) 22/0517/TTCA – 6 Bridge Lane – Reduce height of two Lime trees – no comment
v) 21/05343/FUL & 21/05344/LBC – 63 High St (Navigator) – Retention of upgraded kitchen extract and roof over storage area (retrospective) and installation of new screening – no comment – consultation period closed
vi) 22/01222/HFUL – 8 Courtyards – Single storey front extension – no comment – application approved
Cllr BL reported villagers had raised concerns about works going on a particular site not visible from the highway. It was noted that members of the public should raise concerns directly with the Planning Enforcement Dept . Action: Cllr PF will contact Michael Sexton about the site.
10. To review the independent auditors report
The audit took place on 4th May and the report was circulated prior to meeting. The auditor raised 2 points; the need to record salary amounts in a separate cashbook and for bank arrangements to facilitate online banking
Minute: Councillors have reviewed the Auditors report.
11. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2021/22
The clerk circulated the Annual Return prior to meeting.
Minute: Resolved: to approve the specific answers given in Section 1 – The Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2022. Signed by the Clerk and the Chair.
12. Accounts: (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To review Finance statement for 2021-22
Minute: Resolved to approve the Financial Statements.
b) To consider and approve the AGAR Accounting statements 21/22
Figures were provided by the RFO and confirmed by Cllr AH. The bank reconciliation, explanation of variances & cashbooks were circulated prior to meeting.
Minute: Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements. Annual return Section 2 signed and dated by the Chair
c) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments presented for approval Amount
SLCC membership 134.00
LGS - Internal audit 114.00
Playsafety - Rospa report 126.00
MM - village maintenance & Litter picker 337.99
SSE phonebox M1 10.88
SSE St lamps M1 12.08
PT expenses - stamps/Mileage 43.86
PT/ RBLI - Tree plaque 154.99
PT/ Paramount - Lime Tree for Jubilee 278.97
PT / Gates - two 50m hose & cart 149.98
Total £1,362.75
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
d) To consider financial support request (£350) for the Platinum Jubilee weekend activities
The jubilee committee requested support to cover cost of printing brochure for delivery to all houses plus bunting, paper table covers and napkins for the street party.
Minute: Members approved expenditure up to £350 for Jubilee celebrations.
e) To sign new bank mandate as agreed at March meeting
Clerk reported advice was still being sort regarding payment methods. The mandate decision is postponed.
13. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Update on bicycle parking proposal in Church St
RS has approached the Memorial Hall Committee. They will consider the proposal at their next meeting. Action: RS to provide update at July meeting.
b) The Terrace update - SP
SP is in discussions with the land owner regarding lighting solutions.
The Clerk is awaiting an update from the LHO regarding repairs to surface & sign.
c) Police & Crime Commissioner virtual round table meeting
To be held online on 13th June. Action: SE & SP to attend.
d) CCC Transport Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Survey
The draft Active Travel Strategy for Cambridgeshire survey provides an opportunity to suggest possible walking routes to reduce car journeys. Action: AH to view the survey.
e) Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) consultation
The consultation is open to the public. It provides an opportunity to include views on busway and EWR. AH noted other PC’s had suggested a combined response to the survey. Action: AH to liaise with other PCs. A response to be formulated for approval at the July meeting. Clerk to forward the survey to all cllrs & publicise on noticeboard.
14. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP proposal to extend woodland area into a section of the horse paddock.
AH, DJ, MD & the tenant of the paddock met onsite to discuss a proposal to annexe the rear of the paddock including the outbuildings. It would provide storage for equipment and space for additional tree planting in Autumn. The existing fence could be relocated to divide the paddock with the provision of an additional gate to provide access. The tenant supported the proposal. It was noted there would be a reduction in rental income from the paddock and a new lease would be required. Clerk also noted the additional costs involved in clearing the rough grass prior to adoption of the area, upkeep & security of the outbuildings along with insurance.
Action: AH/DJ to calculate what the new paddock rental amount would be. Costings for cutting of area to be obtained.
b) Allotments
PT reported 1 LS resident on the waiting list.
15. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Review of Rospa playground inspection report
The Rospa safety inspection of the children’s playground was carried out on April 27th. The report, circulated to all members, indicates no high risks. It notes broken fence sections, the pinch risk of the gate and uneven grass surface. There is a broken rubber stepper on the Multiplay unit. Rospa reports this presents a low risk. The item is not covered by warranty. Replacement cost is £325 ex vat. Action: SP will inspect the damaged item prior to a decision
Minute: Council have read the Rospa report and noted the advice outlined within.
b) Bollard lighting repairs update.
AH reported the bollards can be replaced under manufacturers warranty but installation would cost £120. This compares favourably with the quote of £617 for repair of the existing units.
Minute: Cllr approved the expenditure of £120 for installation of replacement bollards. Clerk to action
c) Update on UTCF tree maintenance - SP
SP reported difficulties with access to watering equipment in the shed. MM has agreed to weed the areas around the trees. More volunteers are needed for the watering rota.
Action: DJ to contact the Cricket Club to regarding the storage issues
d) Update on creation of Wale working group – postponed
e) Approval of new picnic table
PT reported the cost of a replacement table, matching the existing one, is £456 inc. fixings & delivery, excluding vat. Mr Haines has offered to contribute towards the cost.
Minute: Members approve purchase of the picnic table and thank Mr Haines for his generosity. Clerk to action.
16. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
Overgrown road sign on Whittlesford Rd. EWR sign is broken. Abandoned Road closure sign. Sections of High Street hedging is overgrown & pavement is obstructed. Clerk to action as appropriate.
It was agreed to split the walk into small sections and share between all the cllrs to spread the load. Action: AH to allocate areas to cllrs.
b) PC & SCOWP Platinum Jubilee Celebration plans
DJ outlined events being held over the weekend. Authority to close Church Street has been obtained. Minute: Members would like to thank to Steve Henry of the John Henry Group for assistance with road closure application & signage.
A jubilee grant application has been submitted to SCDC Road to part fund the jubilee tree, plaque and a flag pole. DJ thanked the Jubilee committee and other volunteers for all their efforts.
GSPC have asked if the LSPC will contribute £164 toward the cost of giving commemorative coins to all the Shelford primary school children. This would cover those that live in Lt Shelford.
Minute: members approved the expenditure as part of the Jubilee celebrations in addition to the £350 approved in 12d
c) Wild flowers on verges
PT reported owing to time constraints only Bridge Lane verge would be addressed this season. Sections of verge have been cleared of nettles & seeds sown. Signs have been posted. The verge contractor has been instructed not to mow any verges during May.
d) Review of the Annual Village Meeting.
24 members of the public attended. As the declaration of DC Cllr candidates was only 2 days earlier, there were not enough candidates for a hustings event. The First Responder who attended was greatly appreciated. The Villager of the Year went to David Martin. Action: BL to arrange engraving of plaque.
17. Clerks correspondence
Capalc are offering online training for new cllrs @ £75. Clerk recommended SE & RS attend if possible. Minute: members approve expenditure of £150
Letter received from SSYI thanking the PC for the donation
CCC Highway Maintenance Service Review - Local Highway Officers - Online Survey – emailed to AH for completion
Clerk reminds everyone to complete Declaration of expenses form within the deadline.
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) consultation for the Cambourne to Cambridge (C2C) Public Transport and Active Travel route open to public via
The consultation ends 16th July. Lt Shelford is not on the projected route. Action: Clerk to forward to all cllrs.
18. Any other business for next agenda - none
The meeting ended 9:50 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 18th July 2022
Present: Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), David Jones, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner, Brie Lury, Peter Fane (DC Cllr), Nick Sample (DC Cllr). Brian Milne (CC Cllr) Sarah Penn attended remotely
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna attended remotely . Members of the public: 1
1. Apologies
Ken Turner, Maria King, Jenny Forbes
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 17th January 2022
(circulated to members)to be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising:
25 copies of bound Village Design Guides have been printed. To be presented at the Annual Village Meeting & available for purchase at £10 each.
4. To receive declarations of interest
Cllr DJ declared a pecuniary interest in the SSYI & LS Cricket Club
Public Session: none
5. Warden Scheme for Little Shelford
Jenny Forbes is unable to attend. Postponed to next meeting.
6. To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report:
District Council Report circulated. Cllr PF reported
Business grants for Covid are now closed. Bin collections have been affected by staff shortages owing to illness & forced holiday uptake. The DC has approved it’s budget for the next year with a raise of Council tax of £5 per year for Band D property.
SCDC & CCC have been working together to introduce civil parking enforcement. If the application is approved, it may be introduced in Autumn. Details of how it would be implemented and how it would impact villages are not known as yet but problem areas are likely to be targeted first. PF would like fines for cars idling outside schools.
County Council Report circulated. Cllr BM reported
The level of Covid infections are sharply increasing. He detailed CCC actions regarding Cambridge Water quality. Highways Dept has received less Central Government funding. CCC has created Highways Improvement Board to examine priorities and determine best use of funds.
7. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) 20 is plenty report – RS/RP
Public support for the 20mph speed limit is unknown. The County Council support this initiative and are introducing a new system & costings for future applications. Cllrs discussed canvassing the public after the system is in place. BM noted that long term effectiveness of decreased speed limits is minimal.
Cllrs discussed the suggestion, by a member of the public, of introducing bicycle parking in Church St with road space dedicated to bike racks. This would result in road narrowing which could slow traffic. It would encourage cycling to the village hall. It could include planters. A Highways officer would have to assess the site before any action.
Action: RS to speak to the Memorial Hall committee.
Action: Speed limit to be raised at the Annual Village Meeting.
b) Update on High St repairs
Only partial repairs to the High St were carried out owing to lack of materials. AH has liaised with Highways but no completion date is known.
c) The Terrace
SP is in discussions with the land owner regarding lighting solutions.
The Clerk reported County Council are making a site visit to examine the uneven surface and broken signage. She thanked Roger Payne & Brian Milne for their help.
d) EWR Local Representatives Group meeting – DJ
DJ attended the meeting but found it ineffective and has nothing new to report
Following an email vote of approval of all PC cllrs, the PC added its signature to a letter from Cambridge Approaches to Grant Shapps demanding EWR publish their Business Case study
e) Fires in phone box & bin
Both fires were reported to the Police & crime numbers obtained. The Phone box has been emptied, cleaned and will be restocked.
8. Planning Report
a) Local Green Space (LGS) status for Camping Close update - BL
The previous site assessment of Camping Close shows it did not meet several criteria for LGS status. It is unlikely that the addition of a permissive path would fulfil all requirements. Clerk circulated information regarding creation of permissive paths.
Action: BL & DJ to speak to landowner permissive path significance and process.
b) Recent applications:
22/00165/HFUL & 22/00166/LBC – 93 High St – Demolition of existing outbuilding and erection of new outbuilding of a similar size in the same position. – Comment submitted
22/00175/HFUL & 22/00176/LBC – 11 High St – Partial demolition of modern extension, erection of part two storey, part single storey rear/side extension and incorporation of existing outbuilding into main dwelling – no comment submitted
22/0315/TTCA – 29 Church St – Fell 10 Cedar & 1 Spruce. Not visible from the Highway. DJ will bring the application to the attention of the neighbours.
For information only
22/0238/TTPO – 12 Manor Rd – 5 day notice for removal of Oak tree dangerous branch
It was noted owners of 26 Church St have invited the PC to a site visit to discuss plans prior to an application being submitted. Cllrs noted that no PC support of any application is implied by acceptance of the invitation. Action: DJ/BL to respond to invitation.
Neil Ruffles has brought to the PCs attention that two buildings in the village are deteriorating. Discussion followed as to their listed status. The PC can apply to list them. Action: AH to respond to email.
9. Accounts (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive account balances & authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments presented for approval Amount
STS - work on Wale tree 1200.00
SP - tree hydration bags for Wale trees 144.99
Minuteman Press - AVM leaflet 105.00
N.O. - Phonebox repair 72.50
PT expenses - domain/Hosepipe /chalkboard 193.09
Morgan Barrett - 21-22 Payroll services 60.00
Capalc membership (on approval) 388.22
Total £2,163.80
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
CK - tarmac for Bradmere lane pot hole 177.19
SSE - Pbox/streetlamp Jan/Feb bills 83.33
Total £260.52
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
b) Approve 21-22 donations up to £500
AH noted £500 unallocated from 21-22 budget. He proposed £150 to All Saints Church to support the village magazine, £200 to Gt Shelford Primary School and £150 to SSYI.
Minute: Members unanimously approved the proposed grants. Clerk to action
c) To consider renewal of Capalc membership & DPO scheme at £388
Minute: Members unanimously approved renewal of Capalc membership
d) To consider and approve the annual Risk Assessment.
A draft of the risk assessment, circulated prior to meeting, was discussed.
Minute: Parish council approve the Risk Assessment.
e) To consider and approve electricity contract
PT circulated pricing for new 1 and 3 year contracts with existing supplier SSE. Owing to fluctuating supplies no other suppliers were prepared to quote. The PC is on the variable rate tariff with very high standing charges. The clerk recommends proceed with SSE. She highlighted the Phone box energy usage was high.
Minute: Cllrs approved a 3 year contract for the street lamps.
Minute: Cllrs approved a 1 year contract for the phone box. Action: Clerk to investigate more energy efficient methods of lighting the phone box.
f) Proposal to change bank mandate signatories
AH reported the bank now allows multi signature online payments which would be in keeping with the financial regulations safeguarding expenditure & reduce use of physical cheques. He proposes increasing the number of signatories on the account by making the clerk a signatory.
Minute Cllrs unanimously approved the clerk become a bank signatory. Action: New bank mandate to be signed at the May meeting.
Following changes to the Financial Regulations and approval at the November meeting, AH will apply for a debit/credit card. The card will have a spending limit and all expenditure will require approval from the PC in the same way as existing payments.
Minute Cllrs unanimously approved application for a credit card for the Chair with an agreed limit and with all expenditure requiring approved by the PC
g) Approve increase in clerks salary to National Joint Council 21-22 payscale ie £10.21/hr
Minute Cllrs unanimously approved an increase in the clerks salary in line with the new NJC payscale.
10. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report
The claim for 1st year of UTCF grant has been submitted by PT. A fun evening was held last week at the orchard with the Shelford Beavers group.
b) Allotments
PT reported 1 LS resident on the waiting list. One plot uncultivated. Action: DJ to contact the tenant. The bonfire area is being used by non-tenants. A sign has been posted to say the bonfire is for use of tenants only. No fly tipping
A meeting was held the previous week. Actions agreed - Costings to be obtained for earth removal on the bonfire plot for information only at this stage
11. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) To approve grass cutting contract.
PT noted the lack of quotes was owing to small size of contract & general staff shortages in the industry. Two quotes were circulated and discussed. It was agreed to accept the quote from a local contractor based in Whittlesford.
Minute: Cllr approved the contract with Green Acres Ltd. Clerk to action
b) Bollard lighting repairs
AH reported the suppliers had examined the bollards & contacted the manufacturers regarding possible repair under warranty.
c) Cricket club request to share cost of rolling Wale grounds, approx. £180
Minute: Cllrs approved expenditure of up to £180 on rolling of Wale grounds.
d) Update on UTCF tree maintenance - SP
SP reported hydration bags had been installed on all 5 trees. A hosepipe has been purchased. The need for weeding was discussed. Volunteers are needed for watering rota.
Action Woodchips to be spread round trees and PT to ask MM if he can weed.
Action: SP to ask Guy Belcher for tree suggestion for next years planting
e) Courtyards R.A. proposal for gate & path improvements
Improvements to the gate & path have been requested by Courtyards Residents Association. The PC thanked them for the suggestions. They will be considered by the Wale Rec. sub part of the Wale improvement plans.
An incidence of wild camping on the Wale has been reported. No harm done.
12. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
Nothing new or of note to report.
b) PC & SCOWP Platinum Jubilee Celebration plans
SCOWP plans a formal opening ceremony and planting of the platinum jubilee tree with plaque on June 2nd. An SCDC Jubilee grant will be applied for fund the tree & plaque.
DJ reported there is a Jubilee committee of 9 members of the community and that other volunteers would be needed at the events. He has applied for the closure of Church Street for a party. Details of all the Jubilee celebrations will be announced at the Annual Village Meeting.
c) Wild flowers on verges
Plans for introducing wild flowers on sections of 3 verges were circulated. Guy Belcher has visited the verges & given constructive feedback. It was proposed that grass & weeds be cut in April and seeds sown over a few weeks. Areas to be left uncut and raked in January. The PC support the initiative.
Action: Clerk to liaise with DM and ensure appropriate risk assessment carried out and hi-viz jackets are provided for volunteers.
d) Arrangements for Annual Village Meeting, 7th April
SP to chair the meeting. Hustings to be arranged prior to meeting. Neil Ruffles to be guest speaker CK to speak regarding Ukrainian refugees. Action: Clerk to invite candidates, circulate agenda and arrange refreshments.
13. Clerks correspondence
a) Parish Council elections – arrangements for hand delivery of nomination forms
b) Trumpington Residents Association report regarding the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and the Local Plan.
c) Proposal for bicycle rack on Church St – see item 7a
d) SCDC Lines & signs audit – RS to address
14. Any other business for next agenda
Cllr DJ reported the SSYI Big Breakfast has been cancelled.
The meeting ended 10:10 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 16th May 2022
Present: Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Sarah Penn, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner, Ken Turner, Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr), Brian Milne (CCC Cllr). Brie Lury attended remotely
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna . Members of the public: 0
1. Apologies
Cllr Nick Sample. Maria King
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 21
(circulated to members)to be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising: none
4. To receive declarations of interest
Cllr DJ declared a pecuniary interest in the Cricket Club grant application
Public Session: none
5. To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report:
District Council Report circulated.
Cllr PF congratulated all involved in producing the Village Design Guide (VDG). The VDG is to be adopted by South Cambs. It will become a Supplementary Planning Document, The adoption of the Guide is subject to the Council’s usual decision call-in processes.
He gave an update as to the grants available to councils and community groups, There are two new grants available to businesses through the OHLGS (Omicron Hospitality & Leisure Grant Scheme) and from new ARG (Additional restrictions Grant) money. Application forms will be available shortly and must be submitted by 28th February.
County Council Report circulated.
It highlighted the Cambridgeshire flood risk management strategy consultation; The Household Support Fund with the criteria and a simple application form available on their website.
Cllr BM discussed road repairs and plans to make the process more efficient. He was unable to update the PC as to when the repairs to the High Street will take place.
6. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) Report on Church St speed data – RS/RP
The report concluded there were significant numbers of incidents of speeding only on the route coming in to High Street from Whittlesford Road, with 24% going above 35mph. Newton Rd did not show the same pattern of speeding as in previous data. There was just 1 day of data collected for Church St but this showed only 1 car out of a total of 917 going over 35mph. More data is to be collected for a fuller picture. It was agreed that further consultation with the public would be required before proceeding with the ’20 is plenty’ or other measures to address speed issues.
Action: RP to collect further data & prepare a proposal for March meeting.
b) Update on High St repairs
AH expressed his disappointment at the continued postponement of the repairs, stating delays of over a year are unacceptable. Cllr BM apologised and will look in to the matter again.
c) Lack of light on the Terrace
SP contacted the owner and solutions are being considered. The clerk was unable to report the uneven pavement online. Action: Clerk to investigate who is responsible for the pavement & for replacement of the ‘no cyclist’ sign.
7. Planning Report
a) Parish Liaison meeting report & update on seeking LGS status for Camping Close.
BL & PT attended the 4th quarterly Parish meeting with Greater Cambridge Shared Planning and asked a question about the level of protection afforded to the PVAA status of land next to 26 Church Street. There is a planning application for this site currently under review. The case officer Karen Pell-Coggins said she believed the application will be rejected but there has been no formal response yet.
Applications for new Local Green Spaces form part of the Local Plan Consultation but the consultation has closed. Action: BL to speak to the Consultation team & check if public access via a permissive path would be advantageous. Clerk to report on Permissive path process.
b) Recent applications:
21/05600/HFUL – 12 Hauxton Rd – resubmission for single storey side & rear extensions & 2 storey rear extension – BL reported no new elevations have been uploaded, addressing the previous objection. If unchanged she recommends resubmitting the objection regarding the windows.
21/05585 – 46 Hauxton Rd – single storey front extension for garage & carport, single storey rear extension – no comment
21/05343 & 05344/FUL – 63 High St – Retrospective application – retention of upgraded kitchen extract & roof. Installation of new screening around kitchen extract plant – no objection
22/0017/TTCA – 9 Newton Rd – Fell Maple & Eucalyptus. Prune Apple, Plum & Hazel tree
21/1734/TTCA – 19 High St – Reduce height & spread of 4 Cypress by 2m & 3m. Reduce crown of Sycamore. Remove stem from Poplar.
21/1675/TTCA – 4A Church St – Fell Elm tree, Reduce crown on 2 Robinia, reduce height of Leylendii, Hazel & Thuja trees
For information only
21/1550/TTCA – 13 High St – emergency felling of dead Willow
21/00899/HFUL & 21/00900/LBC – 93 High St- application refused
8. Village Design Guide adoption update
The Village Design Guide has been adopted effective from 1st January. It is available to download in pdf format from the Planning website.
AH suggested a presentation to the public at the Annual Village Meeting to present the guide and discuss future plans for the village. Action: AH to discuss with NR
DJ proposed printing a number of bound copies (20-30) for reference and to sell.
Minute: Members approved expenditure up to £200. Quotes to be circulated via email. Clerk & DJ to action.
Minute: Councillors thanked all the team involved in creating the guide including Neil Ruffles, Collette Patterson as well as the kind volunteer from Gt Shelford who typeset the final document for free. They congratulated them on a superb document. Cllrs agreed a token of appreciation should be given to each. They also thanked S.Cambs DC Planning Dept and Cllr Tumi Hawkins for all their help.
9. Accounts (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) 2022/23 budget and setting of precept
AH reported the council have no projects with planned expenditure in the coming financial year. The normal running costs are expected to be covered without an increase in the precept. The general reserves are lower than the set target and will be addressed over a few years with some restructuring. Grants can be sought if new projects arise. AH recommended maintaining the precept at £30600. DJ proposed adopting the budget, RP seconded
Minute: Members unanimously approved the budget and setting the precept at £30600
b) Consider donations/grant requests
AH noted £500 unallocated from 21-22 budget. Decision to be postponed to March meeting
c) To receive account balances & authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
MM - village maintenance & Litter picker 337.99
SCOWP - magnetic blackboard for sign 35.00
S.Sparrow - Scowp sign 1308.00
Shelford Tree Service - tree planting 780.00
S.Bennet Landscapes - tree planting sundries 154.30
SCDC - VDG screening 1299.60
MD - tree stakes 183.42
SSE - Pbox/streetlamp Jan bills 73.49
PT/Ashridge Nurseries -UTCF tree orders 857.03
HMRC Paye Q3 164.40
Total £5,193.23
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
PT / Cambridge Water - allotments 40.21
Deepdale Trees - UTFC Scowp tree purchase 467.48
NO - allotment clearance with power scythe 120.00
SSE - Pbox/streetlamp Dec bills 11.44
Total £639.13
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
d) Clerks request to pay ICO Data Protection fee by direct debit.
Minute: Cllrs approve direct debit payment for ICO. AH & DJ sign the mandate form at the meeting.
10. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP report
The new information sign has been erected. Action: Clerk to purchase £35 Chalkboard with Scowp funds. All 12 UTCF and some of the ZC trees were planted before Christmas. A rota of watering has been set up and maintained.
SCOWP proposed an opening ceremony sometime in the Spring to coincide with the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. Action: SCOWP to coordinate event date & details with PC.
b) Allotments update
Some plots were cleared with the power scythe. Both have now been rented. There are no LS residents on the waiting list. DJ to arrange next allotment Zoom meeting in March.
11. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Update on grass cutting contractor - Clerk still awaiting quotes.
b) Playground surface report - Clerk awaiting quote from contractor.
c) 24 hour closure of Courtyards access
Minute: In order to preserve and protect the Parish Councils rights over the Wale Recreation ground, foot access from Courtyards must be prevented for one day each year. Cllr DJ confirmed this was complied with. He locked the access gate from Courtyards from midnight on 24th December 2021 until midnight on 25th December 2021.
d) Approval of tree works as per tree survey
PT conducted a visual inspection of Wale trees using OMC 2021 survey & list of recommended works on 15.1.22. A large Western Balsam Poplar tree close to the river path & playground was of concern with deadwood & some decay at pollarding points. Two smaller trees close by have dead branches overhanging the path. A contractor quoted £1000. Clerk recommends carrying work out soon while leaf cover is minimal and there are fewer members of public.
Minute: Cllrs approve tree works be carried out at cost of £1000
Clerk notes a number of trees along the river bank need attention. Action clerk to seek 2 quotes for work detailed in report.
Five new trees on the Wale need hydration bags & regularly watering according to the UTCF grant stipulations. Action: SP & PT to arrange schedule of volunteers & purchase bags, watering equipment.
12. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
Cllrs RP & BL presented report. Potholes have been noted & reported online. The Phone box door is not closing properly & books are getting wet. Action: Clerk to report Moor Close overgrown verge to Housing associating. To get signage cleared and replaced where relevant. Clerk & chair to instigate repair of phone box.
Concern was raised regarding cars parking on the pavement on Newton Rd causing obstruction to pedestrians, pushchairs and those with mobility scooters.
Minute: Council to raise awareness of problem and request cars to park considerately.
b) Digital Champion
SCDC have request this to allow rapid spread of urgent information. Clerk to refer them to David Martin.
AH reported the domain previously held by DM is to expire. The website contains historic files that need to be publicly available to meet the Transparency rules. Time is needed to transfer files to new website or for alternative arrangements to be made.
Minute: Members approved retention of domain for one year at cost of up to £60.
c) Wild flowers on verges
- A resident would like to increase wildflowers in verges
He suggests sewing a small verge in Spring. He is looking for fellow volunteers to take initiative forward. Persons interested in helping please contact the clerk.
Councillors are supportive of the proposal but require full details such as location and method. Clerk reports the SCDC Ecology officer is happy to give advice & has offered a Zoom meeting.
- Proposes the PC adopt ‘No Mow May’ for verges.
Councillors support this proposal. Action: Clerk to check if any negative impact before instigating.
d) Arrangements for 5th February Spring clean of Bradmere Lane
Village residents are forming a work party to clear Bradmere Lane area. Volunteers should contact DJ for details. A resident, CK, has requested a contribution towards the cost of materials needed for fixing a large pot hole at the entrance.
Minute: Councillors approve contribution of up to £180.
Bradmere Lane is a widely used village amenity, as such the PC supports village residents who put a working party together to maintain it, including filling potholes. However this this does not constitute in any way a claim of ownership or responsibility for the land and therefore the Parish Council would not accept any liability for either the cleaning up or repair activities and any subsequent issues arising.
e) Ideas for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations from 2nd to 5th June
Ideas discussed such as flag pole, street party. A marquee on Wale may be available. It was noted that 12 weeks notice is required when closing roads for Street parties. Action: DJ to liaise with Entertainments Committee & Scowp.
e) Other
The Annual village clean up is scheduled for Sunday 6th March at 2pm.
A 'Meet the Councillors' event is to be held on Sunday 6th March at 5pm in the Village Hall
Action: DJ/Clerk to publicise events, book hall and litter picking equipment. Refreshments to be provided as in previous years.
13. Clerks correspondence
a) Parish Council elections scheduled for 5th May.
Clerk outlined dates & nomination process for councillors. The council is short of 2 councillor and needs to recruit new ones. She suggested raising awareness of the councillor’s role at the Meet the Councillor event.
b) Cambridgeshire flood risk management strategy consultation
The consultation is officially due to end on 23rd January.
Other correspondence
- Cambridgeshire County Day nomination
- Planning invitation – on Feb 10th 6pm Zoom overview of how it considers drainage matters, as part of the planning decision making process.
- Two free online Volunteer Fairs held by CCVS – from 1-2pm on both 25 January and 1 February.
- SCDC ‘Keep Well in Winter’ booklets available for distribution
14. Any other business for next agenda
Cllr AH requested councillors consider initiatives for the coming year so an action plan can be formed in conjunction with public feedback at the Annual Village Meeting. .
The meeting ended 9:35 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 21st March 2022
Present: Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Sarah Penn, Brie Lury, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Robin Skinner. Nick Sample (SCDC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna Members of the public: 1
1. Apologies
Ken Turner – apology received and accepted. SCDC Cllr Peter Fane.
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 20th September
(circulated to members) be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising: none
4. To receive declarations of interest
Cllrs DJ & BL have non-pecuniary interest in planning application 21/1506/TTCA
Public Session:
A resident, representing the Bowls club, thanked the Parish Council for their support with their application for a Community Chest grant. The club’s application was successful and has since levelled 4 rinks with the funds. A recent bequest has also allowed them to replace the gate.
5. To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report:
District Council Report circulated. Cllr Sample covered the following points:
The consultation period on the ‘first proposals’ stage in the development of the Local Plan began on November 1st and runs until 5pm on December 13th. A drop-in event is being held on 27th November at Great Shelford Farmers Market.
Criteria for Community Chest grants are to be relaxed for Parish Councils for certain purposes such as Neighbourhood Plans and Biodiversity.
County Council Report circulated.
It detailed measures being taken to tackle Covid now Cambridgeshire is an Enhanced Response Area; Applications for 20mph speed limits are to be made more straightforward; The opening of the new SSYI venue was highlighted.
6. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
Clerk noted Police Commissioners virtual roundtable invitation for 14th Dec. received & circulated.
a) Report on Church St speed data.
Data is being collected from 4 streets. RP will report at the January meeting
b) Update on High St repairs
The date for resurfacing of the High St has not been confirmed but should be at some point after 13.12.2021. Action: AH to check if residents will be informed prior to works
c) Network Rail level crossing report request
No update. Action: DJ to request report.
d) Lack of light on the Terrace
A resident has raised concerns about the darkness of the Terrace where the street lamp has been removed. This is a hazard as the pavement is very uneven. The PC agreed it is a hazard and will seek a solution with the landowner.
Minute: SP to approach the land owner. Clerk to report the uneven path to Highways Dept.
e) Courtyards pavement complaint
A resident of Courtyards has tripped on the rough pavement. The Residents Association has reported this several times over the last 3 years but no action has been taken by the Highways Dept. Cllrs suggested they approach Cllr Brian Milne directly with their concerns.
Clerk reported that approval has been given for a dropped kerb at the Countyards junction but will not be installed until the Highways Dept budget allows.
7. Planning Report
a) Update on seeking LGS status for Camping Close
BL outlined the background of the current designation as a Protected Village Amenity Area (PVAA). It had been proposed as a Local Green Space (LGS) in 2018 but was reduced to a PVAA by the Planning inspectors as it did not meet the criteria for an LGS. Lack of public access may have been a factor. After discussion it was agreed the timeline and landowner is needed before any further action. Actions: Clerk to seek guidance on the process and timeline.
b) Infrastructure workshop report.
RS attended the workshop. The workshop listed the many diverse projects in the region linked with planning applications and consultations. The number was too great for a small council to respond to all, therefore it would be best to concentrate on those affecting South Cambridgeshire and the local area. It was noted the public should be encouraged to respond aswell.
Minute: The Parish Council will concentrate on responding to relevant projects. The public should be encouraged to take part in the consultation process.
c) Great Cambridge Local Plan First Proposals consultation
Response is required by 13th December. Discussion followed regarding schools and green belt implications.
Minute; Members support the District Councillors view regarding the Mingle Lane site in Gt Shelford and protection of green belt. Action: RS to respond to consultation on behalf of the council
d) Recent applications:
21/04548/HFUL - 12 Hauxton Rd - Single storey side extension, two storey side/rear extensions.
Objection submitted on basis of neighbours loss of privacy.
21/1464/TTCA - Cintra Lodge14 Church St – Fell Cedar; Gleditsia reduce 1.5m & shorten laterals; Liquidamber reduce 2m & shorten laterals. Tree officer to visit. – no comment
21/1256/TTCA – 30 High St – Cherry Tree - Reduce crown 2.5m – no comment
For information only
21/04104/HFUL – 38 Hauxton Rd - Single storey front extension - approved
S/2315/17/CONDA - 95 High St – Submission of drawings of all windows & doors
S/2314/17/CONDA – 95 High St – Submission of details of exterior materials
21/1506/TTCA – 73 High St - Tree of Heaven – Remove deadwood & 3 branches over hanging next door - minor/ information only
21/03204/CONDA - Annexe 42 Hauxton Rd – submission of Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection Strategy.
8. Village Design Guide adoption update
The final consultation period has ended. The District Council will now consider the key issues raised and any changes needed to the draft SPD where appropriate prior to adoption.
9. Accounts (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive account balances & authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
MM - village maintenance 360.00
NPH - scythe hire 242.00
ACRE membership renewal (if approved) 57.00
Ashridge Nurseries - order trees/hedging 475.46
HMRC Paye Q3 164.20
Total £1,298.66
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
HMRC Paye Q2 164.20
SSE - Streetlamps (2 months) 13.22
SSE - phone box (2 months) 9.82
HCGM - Wale cut 120.00
SGS - Secure storage chest 323.99
NO - Tap/Orchard cut 58.20
Total £1,156.91
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
b) Preliminary discussion of items for 2022-23 budget.
Discussion regarding possible projects that need to be accounted for in the budget for the coming year eg Local Highway bids, email provision, Queen’s celebrations. Cllrs to email suggestions with costings to the clerk. Each year the PC budgets an amount to be awarded as grants to local community groups. Budget allocation for 2022-23 will be decided at the January meeting. Action: Clerk to invite applications for grants via emails, notice board and website. Applications to be received by 7th January
c) Review and adoption of updated Financial Regulations (FR)
PT presented the FR which are based on model regulations provided by NALC. It encompasses online banking payments and the clerks use of a debit card. PT noted with the increased use of online suppliers who do not accept cheque payments, a card is now becoming essential.
Resolved: Council approved adoption of the new Financial Regulations. Members approved the provision of a debit card or similar with £500 limit for the clerks use. Transactions would require email confirmation from 2 cllrs and be reported in the same way as other payments at meetings.
d) Consideration of the need for online banking
Research still ongoing.
e) Proposed renewal of Cambridge Acre membership @ £57
The fee has not increased. The village hall still advertised on the Acre website.
Resolved: Members approved the renewal of ACRE membership.
f) Expiry of energy contract
Electricity now charged at Variable Business Rate. Action: Clerk to seek new quotes
10. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP update
Urban Tree Challenge Fund grant application has been successful.
- Approval of purchase of 12 trees & hire of power scythe for UTCF project
7 trees for Blennies Patch & 5 trees for the Wale are needed for 1st year of project at projected cost of £1622. The scythe is for volunteers to clear the ground. A risk assessment for the ground clearance is to be done. AH visited the Wale to approve tree type (3 Hornbeam & 2 Wild Service) and suitable sites.
Minute: Members approve the purchase of trees. Clerk to proceed with purchases in co-ordination with AH & MD. Trees to be purchased without going to tender as the assigned contractor has given his expertise to Scowp since it’s inception and assisted with the application process without charge.
- Approval of information sign @ cost of £1090
SCOWP have proposed erection of large information sign with eaves and no seating similar to ones at Wandlebury. Concerns were raised as to the dimensions.
Minute: Members approved the sign in principal. Action the design & dimensions are to be provided prior to consent being granted.
b) Allotments update
The large corner plot is to be viewed by 2 potential tenants. There are concerns about junk on paddock & vacant plots. DJ suggested including clearance within the February Spring clean.
- Report on Allotment holders meeting
The new bin & tap are appreciated. Clearance of some plots is needed. It was suggested that the scythe could be used by tenants or a handyman for this. Clerk to contact tenants & liaise with NO.
11. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Update on grass cutting contractor
Clerk has requested quotes from 3 contractors based on the specification agreed at previous meeting. Quotes will be presented in January.
b) Playground surface report
PT reported the ground in front & behind the tunnel has no grass & exposed grass matting. The grass on the mound is worn. The mound near the slide is slipping. Reseeding has not been effective. HAGS representative inspected the site. He recommended using the same type of rubber mulch already there and extending it over the mound and in the bare area in front. He will quote for this and a second quote for a larger area which will include up to the boat which is very uneven/unsightly.
Whilst the he noted the large multi-unit has one crack in an upper timber on the screw line. It does not pose a risk but may be replaceable under warranty. Also the lacquer is being eaten by wasps and will need recoating in 2 years time.
Chicken wire has been found semi-buried along the gravel track fence line. It has been removed in places. The track will be monitored for further wire.
12. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
Postponed. Cllrs RP & BL to conduct one before the next meeting
Blue green algae in the Bradmere pond has been reported to Environment Agency & a sign posted warning of the risk to people and pets
b) Nomination of the Navigator as an Asset of Community Value (ACV)
BL circulated the draft application form for approval.
Minute: Members approve the application. Clerk to submit the application
13. Clerks correspondence
a) Proposed meeting dates for 2022
Dates were circulated & approved subject to acceptance by All Saints Church
b) Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations
CCC has emailed details of celebration schemes including Queens Canopy & Beacons.
Action: Suggestions to be brought to the next meeting.
c) Parish/Cabinet Liaison Meeting 29th Nov. – AH to attend
d) Consultations circulated
Making Connections consultation closes on 20 December – Action: RS to respond
Cambridge Eastern Access consultation closes on 22 December
Greater Cambridge Partnership Community Forum meetings
Stansted Future Airspace informal consultation
Fulbourn Neighbourhood Plan public consultation
All available for public comment.
14. Any other business for next agenda
DJ – A small bag of small badges has been found on the High St. Please contact the PC if you are the owner.
The meeting ended 9:36 pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: 17th January 2022 – To be confirmed
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council minutes
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Sarah Penn, Brie Lury, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Ken Turner, Robin Skinner. Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr) Brian Milne (CCC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna Members of the public: 3
1. Apologies
Maria King, Nick Sample.
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 19th July
(circulated to members) be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising: none
4. To receive declarations of interest - none
Public Session:
A resident, representing the Bowls club, requested that the Parish Council support their application for a community chest grant with a letter to SCDC. It is needed to improve the bowls green. The PC and Cllr Fane are happy to support the application.
Two members of the public raised concerns regarding planning application 21/03829/FUL on land adjacent to 26 Church St.
5. To receive District Councillor’s Report & County Councillor’s report:
District Council Report circulated. Cllr Fane covered the following points:
The Local Plan preferred options stage has been published by the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service (GCSPS). Public consultation will run from 1.11.21 to 31.12.21.
Discussion followed on the protection offered by Protected Village Amenity Areas (PVAA) and specifically to Camping Close. The PC could apply for it to be upgraded to a Local Green Space but should clarify why this status was previously refused prior to applying. Cllr Fane would support the PC if they wished to do this. Action: BL & Clerk to check records & report to cllrs
County Council Report circulated. Cllr Milne covered the following points:
Access to drop-in vaccinations & rapid testing centres. CO2 monitors are to be installed in schools to ensure appropriate ventilation levels.
As part of its Community Flood Action Programme, CCC is updating its riparian guidance document. It will be sending surveys to all those living next to a watercourse.
6. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
No police report.
a) Traffic calming/Speed limit survey at the Fun Weekend
An informal survey was held at the weekend asking for feedback on the ’20 is plenty’ scheme suggesting 20mph limit on Church Street. There were 11 responses all of which were in support but 3 said it would need enforcement. Discussion of benefits and drawbacks of lower speed limits and chicanes followed with no consensus reached. More current data is needed as Covid measures have changed traffic patterns.
Minute: Speed issue to be on the November meeting agenda. Action: RP/RS to move the Mobile Speed Sign to Church St. and it’s data to be presented at the meeting.
b) M11 noise actions update
AH reported one landowner had refused to have trees planted on their land. Highways England have visited the site but no report has been received as yet.
c) Update on High St repairs
No dates for the work have been received. Action: Cllr BM to chase.
d) Network Rail level crossing report request – report not updated yet.
Action: DJ to request report.
e) Request for dropped kerbs for mobility scooter access
LHO John O’Brien is looking at the sites requested by Courtyards Residents. Sites are - across Whittlesford Rd near the entrance of Courtyards. - Within the Courtyards estate - Possibly one on Church St.
f) GSPC request to jointly investigate opening a path to link Gt & Lt Shelford
Cllrs AH & BL will act as liaison. Action: Clerk to forward details to all parties.
7. Planning Report
a) Cllr Bridget Smith invitation to an Infrastructure workshop
to assist with understanding transport & large development consultations (4th & 11th Oct)
Action: Cllr RS to attend the workshop & report at November meeting
b) Great Cambridge Local Plan – draft First Proposals published
Four sites on green belt will be put forward for the new Local Plan – Cambridge Biomedical Campus and Babraham. The other two are housing allocations in Oakington & 100 homes in Great Shelford behind MIngle Lane.
c) Recent applications:
21/03829/FUL - Land Adjacent to 26 Church St - Erection of a dwelling with associated highway access – consultation ends 1.10.21.
The Site is on a PVAA, it forms part of the setting of church and is the last view of Camping Close on Church St. Action: LSPC to submit an objection.
21/01166/CONDA – 3 Church St – Submission of Arboricultural statement as per conditions of application – for information only
21/03565/CL2PD – 52 Whittlesford Rd - Certificate of lawfulness under Section 192 for a proposed single storey rear extension – for information only
21/03204/HFUL - Annexe 42 Hauxton Rd - Extension to annexe to form garage & 1st floor storage area – Granted permission
21/1050/TTCA – 42 High St – Trim low hanging branches of Walnut & Maple trees – no objection
21/1005/TTCA – Cintra Lodge 14 Church St – Remove 5 trees for cart lodge build – for information only
8. Village Design Guide adoption update
The draft Little Shelford Village Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document will be published on 27th September for public consultation (Regulation13 public consultation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012).
A four-week statutory consultation period will run until 5pm, 25th October 2021.
The draft SPD and other relevant supporting documents will able to be viewed online via the South Cambridgeshire District Council website.
Minute: Consultation to be publicised on the village website, noticeboards & the library.
9. Accounts (documents circulated prior to meeting)
John Huntingdon Charity hardship fund review - In April 2020 the PC donated £2000 for the establishment of a hardship fund for Little Shelford residents, to be administered by John Huntingdon Charity. It was widely advertised at the time and in excess of £1500 of private funds was also donated. To date, only £676 has been allocated and none for over a year. Discussion followed as to what to do with the remainder of the fund.
Minute: Members agreed to leave the hardship fund as is and re-advertise the availability of the fund locally and to reassess next September.
a) To receive account balances and authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
MM - village maintenance 360.00
PKF Littlejohn - annual return audit 240.00
SCOWP - mower repair 138.00
Wildlife Group donation- approved Jan21 500.00
SSYI donation - approved Jan21 500.00
Minuteman Press - allotment signs 114.00
Menor - VDG display for Fun weekend 393.60
Menor - Scowp display for fun weekend 192.00
Total £2,904.88
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
HCGM -grass cutting verges/rec 516.00
PT/Scowp - Tree bags/fruit trees 110.80
NM - Allotment deposit refund 70.00
Total £696.80
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
b) Bank reconciliation to 30th June and budget update presented for approval
PT reported that spending was mostly within budget. Donations have exceeded the budget of £2500 by £1000 owing to a contribution to Cambridge Approaches.
Resolved: Council approved the bank reconciliation & budget update.
c) Decision on renewal of PC General insurance policy and Pavilion building insurance policy
PT reported the current insurance brokers renewal cost is £892.48, an increase of £40.
3 alternative quotes were sort but only Zurich responded with a quote of £1233. The clerk recommends renewing with the current insurer as they have been proactive with useful advice, information & webinars during the pandemic.
Resolved: Council approved renewal of insurance with current provider
d) Consideration of the need for online banking
Action: Clerk/AH to report options at the November meeting along with proposal for updated Financial Regulations.
10. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) SCOWP update
A metal storage box to securely store watering equipment is to be purchased at cost of £270. Action: Clerk to purchase chest using SCOWP reserves.
- Urban Tree Challenge Fund grant
The application has been submitted, awaiting outcome.
- SCDC - Six free Trees scheme
SCOWP have requested that LSPC apply for the scheme with the choice of a single larger tree rather than 6 small trees. Action: Clerk to submit application
b) Allotments update
The dual bin has been installed at the agreed site. PT reports one small plot has been relinquished and the tenant of an untended plot is to be contacted.
- Tenancy rent invoices to be sent – Clerk to action.
Minute: Members agree rents should be reviewed prior to renewal in October 2022
- Legal advice regarding private gates with direct access to allotments / paddocks
PT has legal advice from Capalc. It recommends writing to acknowledge the tenant has access by continuing permission of the PC only, thereby preventing them from acquiring any legal right. Action: Clerk/DJ to write to relevant tenants.
- Decision required regarding amount of rent to charge for paddock.
After some discussion of the size alteration, the rent amount was reduced to £200 pa. Action: Clerk to inform the tenant.
- Complaint regarding the public moving chairs from an allotment by the orchard.
Complaint was noted.
11. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
A member of the public reported dog waste is being left on the Wale & requested more signage & possibly a bin at the Courtyards entrance. Action: Clerk to check if SCDC would service a bin at the Courtyards entrance & report at the next meeting.
a) Vehicle access safety update – SP
The Road Safety officer & Highways Officer visited the Wale entrance. They made the following observations:
- There are advanced playground signs on both approaches to the recreation ground entrance.
- "SLOW" is painted on the road on both approaches to the recreation ground entrance.
- Vegetation growing against the wall impedes visibility of vehicles approaching from Gt Shelford.
- The visibility of vehicles approaching from Little Shelford is good.
PT reported the vegetation has now been cut back.
b) Need for a new ground works contractor
The new contract requirements were discussed with Cllrs requesting nettle areas be specified for regular strimming. Action: Clerk to update cutting needs & circulate before seeking quotes.
c) Picnic table – no report
DJ noted a license agreement for the Strikers Football club is being drafted to formalise usage of the Wale pitches.
12. Village matters
Cllrs gave thanks to Ian Beaton and the Lt Shelford Entertainments Committee for a very successful and enjoyable Fun Weekend
BL noted The Terrace was very dark as a street lamp has been removed. SP noted the lamp was removed at the request of the landowner & the PC was unable to prevent this. It was hoped a security lamp would be installed to assist pedestrians. Low lighting bollards were suggested as an alternative option. Action: SP to discuss possible solutions with the land owner.
a) Councillors village walk (AH& RS)
The verges in Moor Close are very overgrown. Action: Clerk to contact Housing Association.
The mound in the playground is bare of grass as it much of the surface matting owing to high usage. Action: Clerk to consult with contractor for possible solutions.
b) Consideration whether to nominate the Navigator an Asset of Community Value (ACV)
Minute: Members agree to nominate the Navigator. Action: BL & DJ to consult with the Navigator and submit the application.
c) Consideration of the need for a Flood Plan
After discussion it was agreed the clerk & KT would attempt a plan based on the templates provided by SCDC.
d) Applying for Protected Village Amenity Area or LGS status
for Blennies Patch and possibly Camping Close. – see Agenda item 5. BL & DJ to action.
e) Consideration of a village ground source heat pump.
Action: BL & Clerk to research feasibility.
13. Clerks correspondence
a) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan has been adopted
b) Clerk undertaking a Cilca qualification
Clerk requested support with an extra hour /week for study starting in April 22 Cllrs suggested paying the qualification costs instead. Action: Arrangements to be discussed at annual appraisal.
c) Bowls club request for support on Grant application - Agreed
14. Any other business for next agenda
DJ – The SSYI Big Breakfast will be held on 2nd October
DJ – Proposal for a Meet the Parish Council event
The meeting ended 10:20pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 22nd November 2021
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Sarah Penn (Vice chair), Brie Lury, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Ken Turner. Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr) Brian Milne (CCC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna Members of the public: 2
1. Apologies
Andrew Hawthorn (approved by members), Nick Sample.
2. To resolve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th May
(circulated to members) be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, signed & dated by the Chair.
3. Matters arising: none
4. Co-option of new councillor
SP reported Jenny Moon has retired from the Parish Council owing to family commitments. The Chair thanked Jenny for her input and the contribution she has made. The clerk notified the monitoring officer and carried out casual vacancy procedures. Following the vacancy notice posted in May the PC received one applicant, Robin Skinner. Cllr DJ nominated Robin as new councillor. All members unanimously agree to his co-option.
Minute: Robin Skinner has been co-opted. The members welcomed him to the council. Action: Clerk to arrange for his signing of the declaration of acceptance of office within 7 days and notify the monitoring officer.
5. To receive declarations of interest
Non-material interest - Cllrs DJ & BL, members of LS Entertainments Committee.
Public Session:
A resident strongly objected to what he saw as the politicisation of the Fun Weekend by inviting the local MP, Anthony Brown, to open the event. He felt it was inappropriate for a family event and portrayed Lt Shelford as endorsing the Conservative party. He asked for an undertaking that it would not happen at future events.
The Chair noted this was a matter for Lt Shelford Entertainments Committee (LSEC). DJ spoke on behalf of LSEC, stating that the two District cllrs, both Liberal Democrats, had been invited for balance. He reported that the objections had been taken on board and there would be careful discussion before any similar decisions at future events.
6. To receive District Councillor’s report:
Report circulated. Cllr Fane covered the following points:
The Cambridge Biomedical Campus Vision for 2050 makes it clear they will need to use green belt for the size of community planned.
The LS Village Design Guide is due to be considered by Cabinet on 1st Sept with a view to taking it through the necessary processes to become a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
A Community Safety Partnership Toolkit is available. It provides guidance, training and other tools to support residents’ activities, building on the work that volunteer groups did during the pandemic. The issues covered in the toolkit include connecting people, tackling speeding, preventing antisocial behaviour and helping vulnerable neighbours to avoid scams.
Discussion followed on protection of local green spaces. Action: LSPC to look at applying for Protected Village Amenity Area or LGS status for Blennies Patch and again possibly for Campkin Close.
7. To receive County Councillor’s report:
Written report to follow. SP welcomed C.Cllr Brian Milne.
BM spoke of problems with inefficient & poor road repair practises in the past. The Highways Improvement Board is now set up and they are seeking to improve responsiveness. Cllrs asked if this would further delay the road repairs that were planned for the village. It may do, but BM is happy to intervene if necessary. Action: Background information to be provided to BM by Clerk/AH.
8. Planning Report
a) CCC/20/040/FUL – Proposed Travel Hub
on land to N/NW of Hauxton Rd/M11 – to be considered at Planning Committee on 29th July. PC invited as consultee. No comment was submitted.
b) Dernford Farm Reservoir proposal from Russell Smith Farms.
This was discussed but as no formal application has been made no comment was made.
c) Recent applications:
21/02504/S73 – 29 Church St – application to vary condition 1 of 20/02221/FUL erection of new dwelling to allow additional 1st floor side extension
Objection to be submitted based on scale and density and the setting of the property within the conservation area.
21/01116/HFUL – 95 High St – Erection of a 2m fence to rear boundary & a 1m fence/gate to the front boundary. LSPC submitted an objection & application has been withdrawn.
21/01216/HFUL Amendment – 14 Church St – Erection of new cart lodge, removal of wall and associated works – dwarf wall moved off Highway land. It was noted a tree would be removed but is not shown on the application form.
21/0850/TTCA – 16A Whittlesford Rd - Fell dying Silver Birch – no comment
21/0851/TTCA – 10 Whittlesford Rd – Fell overgrown Elder – no comment
21/01594/HFUL – 20 Beech Close – Single rear extension – Permission granted
Cllr BL reported concerns had been raised regarding a plot of land at 26 Church St. Land has been cleared & utilities installed. The new owner wished to demolish a wall. No planning application has been made to date. Action: Site to be monitored. Cllr Fane to be given information & will liaise with Planning Area manager and enforcement officers, reporting back to Cllr BL. He suggested inviting the developer to a PC meeting to present his plans.
9. Village Design Guide adoption as supplementation planning document
a) Proposal to proceed with adoption by booking the required Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment
at a cost of £1083. PT noted the expenditure would be covered by VDG earmarked reserves.
Minute: Members approved the proposal. Clerk to notify SCDC Planning Dept.
b) Production of a Consultation Statement & Equality Impact Assessment
AH & Planning dept to product the necessary documentation.
10. Accounts (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To receive account balances & authorise payments in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
MM - village maintenance 320.00
HCGM - Rec & Riverpath cut/springer repair 204.00
Clerks expenses - stamps/L.pouches 32.51
DJ - stakes for signs 16.38
SSE - phonebox & lampposts 24.82
Total £1,065.19
Expenditure made prior to approval Amount
LGS - audit 114.00
HCGM -grass cutting verges/rec 516.00
MD/Scowp - grass cuts & watering kit 108.45
PT/Scowp - Tree stakes/ties & hosepipes 491.44
HMRC - Paye Q1 164.20
Total £1,891.37
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
11. Roads, Traffic and Police Report
a) LS traffic reduction proposal – RP update
Letter not submitted to Highways awaiting GSPC input. RP noted Local Highways Improvement fund is open for bids but consultation or survey with village is needed prior to application. This would also be needed if the village is to adopt ‘20 is plenty’ measures. It was noted traffic patterns have changed since the pandemic.
Action: RP to compose a survey for use online and at the Fun Weekend.
b) Action regarding M11 noise – letter sent to Highways England.
Awaiting response
c) Update on High St repairs
Cllr BM to advise.
d) Network Rail level crossing report request
Action: DJ to request report.
12. Allotments & SCOWP update:
a) Proposal to apply for an Urban Tree Challenge Fund grant
Presented by Mike Darsley, SCOWP work group. The grant of 10K for 24 larger trees to be planted over 2 years - 10 trees on the Wale and 14 on Blennies Patch. The grant has to be matched by equal funds or volunteer equivalent for maintenance of the trees following 3 years. Cost of trees is estimated to be 7K-8K. The grant would be paid in annual tranches but SCOWP has funds to meet the initial outlay. With the use of volunteers the trees would cost nothing at the end of the 4 year period. DJ proposed & KT seconded that the PC apply for the grant as outlined by MD. Members approved
Minute: Members agreed to support the proposal to apply for the UTCF grant. DJ & MD to complete the application process. Cllr DJ is authorised signatory on the application. Volunteers to be sort for maintaining the trees on the Wale.
b) Report of Allotments meeting held on 13th July
Meeting was well attended. One tenant has offered a petrol lawnmower for communal use.
- Site survey for dog waste/litter bin
A site away from housing was agreed.
- Proposal to make dogs on leads mandatory on allotments & Blennies patch
It was decided to make leads mandatory - to control dog waste - to prevent dogs disturbing wildlife including ground nesting birds – prevent straying outside the orchard area into the horse paddock & farmland.
Minute: Parish Council agreed to make dogs on leads mandatory on allotments and Blennies Patch. Signage to be erected to reflect this.
- Update on signage to prevent public walking over allotments to orchard
DJ has posted signs at the allotment entrance and strategic points
c) Decision on request to fence an adjoining area of paddock for an allotment.
Cllrs objected to trees being planted on the proposed allotment. A fenced area would be permitted but it would require a unique agreement to ensure no easement issues or difficulties when the paddock is relinquished. Action: Clerk to seek advice from Capalc.
13. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
SP reported the Pavilion is preparing to open. Trustees will take all necessary measures beforehand. Discussion followed on the need for a mirror on the highway to make the Wale entrance safer. Clerk reported that Highways have a strict no mirror policy. Action: SP to seek other solutions from the Highways Safety officer.
a) Report of Hemlock near playground
Hemlock has been removed by hand. Contractor asked to cut back nettles.
b) Request for a picnic table – no report
c) Action re broken springer
The supplier HAGS has not responded to any calls or emails. Clerk had the springer repaired at a cost of £70 as it was a hazard. Action: Complaint to be made to HAGS
14. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
The Terrace name plates are both broken. Action: Clerk to report broken signs to SCDC.
b) Arrangements for Fun Weekend stall
PC is to man a stall with traffic calming / speed consultation theme. Also using EWR display board. Actions RP to produce survey, SP arrange slots for councillors. Clerk to look at badges for cllrs.
15. Clerks correspondence
Clerk attended Community Flood Plan initial training. Further training available. The need for a Flood Plan to be added to next meeting agenda.
16. Any other business for next agenda
BL - Scheme for a village ground source heat pump.
SP – Village path between Gt & Lt Shelford
SP – Is the Navigator a listed Asset of Community Value?
The meeting ended 10:10pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 20th September 2021
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
Little Shelford Parish Council
Present: Andrew Hawthorn (Chair), Sarah Penn, Brie Lury, David Jones, Richard Patterson, Jenny Moon, Ken Turner. Peter Fane (SCDC Cllr)
Parish Clerk: Penny Tanna Members of the public: 0
1. Election of Chair & Vice-Chair for 21/22 and Acceptance of Office
Andrew Hawthorn in the Chair invited the members to propose a new Chairman. It was proposed by SP and seconded by KT that Andrew Hawthorn should be Chairman. Agreed by all.
It was proposed by BL and seconded by BS that Sarah Penn should be Vice-Chairman. Agreed by all.
Minute: AH and SP to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the clerk in due course
2. Apologies
Nick Sample.
3. Allocation of Councillors’ responsibilities:
Agreed: that all Councillors would assume the following responsibilities:
Role Council member
Chairman Andrew Hawthorn
Vice Chairman Sarah Penn
Finance Andrew Hawthorn
Planning Brie Lury / Sarah Penn
Strategic applications Ken Turner + RP for transport development
Village Design Guide Andrew Hawthorn
Trees/Tree applications David Jones
Pavilion trustees Ken Turner, Sarah Penn
Wale Recreation Ground David Jones & Brie Lury
Transport (Roads/buses) Richard Patterson, David Jones, Andrew Hawthorn
Police liaison Sarah Penn
Village Hall Ken Turner
Phone box Clerk
Allotments David Jones
Church David Jones
East West Rail Andrew Hawthorn & Ken Turner
Entertainments Committee David Jones, Brie Lury
Good Neighbour Project Richard Patterson
4. To resolve the minutes of the meeting
held on 22nd March (circulated to members) be signed as a correct record.
Minute: Agreed by all as a correct record, to be signed & dated by the Chair.
5. Matters arising: none
6. To receive declarations of interest
Cllr Patterson – Employed by potential contractor with EWR (item 12)
Public Session: no public present
7. To receive District Councillor’s report:
Report circulated. Cllr Fane covered the following points:
a. Applications can be made for Zero Carbon grants from 10th May. These are available for community buildings, tree planting and other carbon reduction schemes. Cllrs asked if SCOWP could apply again. PF will check. Action KT will bring it to the Village Hall Committee’s attention
b. PF was extremely disappointed that senior management have decided not to put the draft VDS through the processes required for adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document owing to lack of resources. This is disappointing given the time & effort that has gone into production of the guide. The planning team suggested that if the draft VDG is published on the parish council’s webpages, they would gladly link to it and draw attention to it for planning officers to consider when they look at applications in the village. However, the document would have little planning weight.
He noted resources will be reviewed annually but as Planning is now a shared service, it has affected funding priorities.
8. To receive County Councillor’s report:
No report provided.
9. To review the independent auditors report
The audit took place on 4th May. The auditor raised 2 issues: Cllrs should withdraw from meetings when items of pecuniary interest are discussed and this should be reflected in the minutes. He also recommended the PC adopt online banking procedures as clerks & cllrs making payments was not best practice.
Action: Clerk to research bank accounts that provide dual authorisation
10. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21
The clerk circulated the Annual Return prior to meeting.
Minute: Resolved: to approve the specific answers given in Section 1 – The Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2021. Signed by the Chair and Clerk.
11. Accounts (documents circulated prior to meeting)
a) To consider and approve the LSPC Financial statements for 2020-21
AH noted reserves included the allotment deposit funds and the agreed £1000 had been added to LHI bid earmarked reserves.
Minute: Resolved to approve the Financial Statements.
b) To consider & approve the AGAR Accounting Statements 2020-21
Figures were provided by the RFO and confirmed by Cllr AH. The bank reconciliation, explanation of variances & cashbooks were circulated prior to meeting.
Minute: Resolved to approve the Accounting Statements. Annual return Section 2 to be signed and dated by the Chair
c) To receive account balances and authorise payments
in accordance with the RFOs report
Payments to be presented for approval Amount
DJ - AVM flyers 60.00
Playsafety - Rospa report 124.20
Capalc renewal 383.75
HCGM - Rec & Riverpath cut 120.00
AH - Cambridge Approaches (s137) 2500.00
NO - Playground fence repair 160.00
SLCC - membership renewal 130.00
Cambridge Water - allotment supply 36.01
Total £3,981.44
Resolved: the account balances were receive & payments list duly authorised.
d) To consider Zoom license renewal
After some discussion it was agreed to renew the license in case of further lock downs.
Minute: Members agreed to renew Zoom license for 12 months. AH to be reimbursed for last year and current year licenses at a cost of £120 p.a.
12. East West Rail Project
a) Confirmation of approved £2500 pledge payment to Cambridge Approaches (CA)
On announcement of EWR consultation, CA requested the balance of the previously agreed pledge. Owing to the urgency of the request, using delegated power, minuted at the March meeting, the clerk, after consultation with all cllrs, barring Cllr RP, actioned the payment.
Minute: Members confirmed approval of payment to Cambridge Approaches of the final £2500 portion of the pledge approved at February meeting. It was noted that as CA only have online banking, payment was made via the Chair who is to be refunded.
b) Proposed response to consultation.
The EWR consultation closes on 9th June. Two cllrs are to attend the EWR local representatives meeting on 27th May. It was decided the deadline should be publicised to ensure full participation of the community.
Action: Banners indicating the deadline to be posted around the village. Posters to be displayed on the noticeboard. Cllrs to hand out paper copies of the relevant section of the EWR consultation form on polling day (following covid guidelines).
Cllrs discussed compiling the PC’s formal consultation response. It was noted that only Questions 1, 40 & 41 relate to the Northern route issue and the Shelfords and Hauxton route alignment. Action: AH to formulate a draft response to Qs 40 & 41 highlighting loss of green belt, environmental concerns, the closure of the Hauxton Rd level crossing. DJ to respond to Q1 supporting the Northern route. Initial drafts to be shared via email with cllrs for input, feedback and final approval before submission.
13. Roads, Traffic & Police Report
a) Traffic reduction proposal update
Cllr RP is still waiting for feedback from Gt Shelford cllrs with regard to the draft a letter to Cambridgeshire Highways Division. He & SP are meeting the Highways Officer to discuss possible improvements to trouble spots in the village.
He brought the 20’s Plenty campaign to the attention of the cllrs. They are asking councils to table the following motion “This Parish supports 20’s Plenty for Cambridgeshire’s aim for wide-area, default signed 20mph limits with public engagement for this Parish and across Cambridgeshire’s urban and village settlements.” It was noted consultation with the village would be needed before any changes in speed limits could be approved. Action: 20s Plenty to be on the September agenda to see if it can aid the village in achieving it’s road safety goals.
14. Village Parish Plan proposal update – SP
SP put an article in the village magazine. There were no responses or requests for a new survey. Action: Engagement planned with the public at the Fun Weekend stall.
15. Review of communication methods
AH met with David Martin. He has plans to upgrade his website platform which will improve it’s accessibility rating. He is open to working with the PC and delegating management of PC content to a cllr or clerk. AH & PT to meet with DM.
16. Shelford Community Orchard & Woodland Project (SCOWP) update
No new planting is planned until Autumn. The clerk has been asked to purchase the watering equipment specified on the Zero Carbon grant application totalling approximately £750. She has also been asked to pre-order the trees ready for Autumn delivery.
Minute: Cllrs approved purchases. Clerk to action in consultation with the chair & SCOWP.
17. Allotments:
a) Report of meeting held 28th April.
The meeting was well attended. The proposed amendments to tenancy agreement were accepted. Tenants have requested a new tap. PT to get costings.
Concerns were raised regarding members of the public walking over the allotments to access the orchard. Action: Temporary signs to be posted indicating route for public access & no trespassing. The gap in fence to be augmented with more wire. A budget of £250 was approved.
Dog waste bags have been left on site. Discussion followed over possible dog waste/litter bin for the site. There are significant costs if the bin is not on the main road or is on the main road but considered unnecessary by SCDC. Bins that are on private roads cost £365 each and cost £3 to empty each time, ie £520 if emptied once a week. Bins will not be installed until a site survey is made. It was noted residents would not want bins outside their house. Action: Clerk to ask for a site survey so all the possible options are known before a decision is made.
Minute: Cllrs agreed a budget of £885 in principal. Clerk to proceed with the installation provided the site survey approval is obtained and a suitable site is agreed. DJ & AH to approve prior to purchase.
18. Matters relating to the Pavilion & Wale Recreation Ground
a) Review of Rospa playground inspection report
The Rospa safety inspection of the children’s playground was carried out on April 17th. The report, circulated to all members, indicates some low and one medium risk elements but no urgent issues requiring immediate action. One element requires a replacement bolt. The gate hinge, fencing and turf surface require maintenance. Action: Clerk to contact HAGS regarding repair of spring stool & will attach a do not use sign on it.
Minute: Council have read the Rospa report and noted the advice outlined within.
b) Uneven ground near playground has been reported.
Some rabbit holes near the playground fencing need filling.
c) Wale pedestrian access – complaint received.
A complaint has been received regarding pedestrian access into the Wale, particularly for those with prams. On inspection the paths were deemed adequate. The cost of wide paved paths would be prohibitive.
d) Request for new picnic table on the Wale ground.
A villager has requested another table on the Wale & kindly offered to fund half the cost. Clerk circulated a quote. DJ proposed purchasing a table similar to the existing one.
Minute: Cllrs agreed to purchase a second table at a cost of £385 plus installation and thanked the resident for their generosity. Clerk to action.
e) Proposal for a set of Recreation Ground Rules
Postponed to September meeting
19. Village Design Guide update
The guide is having a final edit in Desktop publishing. On completion it will be posted on the village website. The Planning Dept will direct applicants to the document but it will carry no legal weight.
20. Village matters
a) Councillors village walk
Some graffiti around the village. The Terrace sign and the Hauxton Rd signs are broken. Action: Clerk to report broken signs to SCDC.
b) Review of Annual Village Meeting
The meeting was well attended with 60-80 joining. DJ thanked all the candidates who spoke at the hustings and all those who attended.
21. Planning report
Recent applications :
21/00899/FHUL & 21/00900/LBC - 93 High St – 2 storey rear extension & alterations to listed building. Demolition & replacement of outbuilding – comment submitted
BL thanked PF for assisting in bringing issues to the attention of the Planning officer. The Enforcement Officer has attended the site.
21/01166/HFUL – 3 Church St – single storey rear extension & raise height of link roof.
21/01216/HFUL – 14 Church St – Erection of new cartlodge, removal of wall and associated works. Some concerns were raised as the cartlodge will be visible from the highway. Comment to be submitted.
21/00417/TTCA – 25 Church St - Fell decayed Prunus; Raise crown on Ash; reduce crown on Cotoneaster
21/0414/TTCA – 6 Newton Rd – Reduce height of Ash by 1.5m & 2 Prunus by 2m & .5m
21/0487/TTCA – 8 High St – Fell 7 Leylandii in poor condition
22. Clerks correspondence
A resident has complained about the noise from the motorway. The tree screening is no longer adequate. Action: RP to discuss situation with Highways Dept.
Net Zero Now training program available - circulated
Camcycle – School Streets initiative – circulated
23. Any other business for next agenda
DJ invited the PC to the opening of the Youth Centre on 17th July.
The SSYI garden party will be held on 26th June
The meeting ended 10:25pm
Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 19th July 2021
Signed _______________________________ Date _________________________
Chair, Little Shelford Parish Council
011 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting on July 19 2021
012 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting on May 5 2021
013 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting March 22 2021
014 Minutes of the extraordinary Little Shelford Parish Council meeting on Feb 9 2021
015 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting Jan 18 2021
016 Minutes of the Nov 23 Little Shelford Parish Council meeting
020 Little Shelford Parish Council March 16 2020 meeting minutes
022 Minutes of Little Shelford Parish Council meeting Nov 18 2019
023 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting on September 16 2019
025 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting May 20 2019
026 Minutes of the March 18 2019 Little Shelford Parish Council meeting
027 Minutes of Little Shelford Parish Council meeting on 21 01 2019
029 Minutes Little Shelford Parish Council meeting Sept 17 2018
031 Little Shelford Parish Council minutes for the meeting on May 21 2018
033 Little Shelford Parish Council meeting minutes Jan 16 2017
035 Little Shelford Parish Council meeting minutes Sept 19 2016
037 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting May 9 2016
039 Minutes of the Little Shelford Parish Council meeting Jan 18 2016